More Gummi Roadkill

Over yonder, Fr. Bryce Sibley makes a good point about the roadkill candy and those protesting it:

But what really gets me is that the activists aren’t complaining that any sort of food whatsoever is made in the shape of animals! C’mon what kid does not take pleasure in eating the heads then legs of his chocolate Easter Bunny? Or smiles as he performs a "head transplant" on his gummy bears? Or delights in ripping the limbs off of his animal crackers? How come this does not promote cruelty to animals?

So, I called the NJSCPA and brought up this point and suggested they start a campaign to stop the production of chocolate Easter Bunnies. The guy I spoke with did not think it was the same thing. I told him that I thought this type of thing encouraged much more cruelty to animals than road-kill candy. He said I was entitled to my opinion then said good-bye.

(Cowboy hat tip: Small But Disorganized.)

Indeed, it’s true. Kids love savagely biting the heads off chocolate Easter bunnies. I sure did, and I wasn’t alone. In fact, on MST3K the Mads once invited a chocolate bunny guillotine to facilitate the process.

I notice several comments made similar points in the comments box down yonder.

(No plagiarism of Fr. Sibley, a’course. JimmyAkin.Org readers are all to ethical for that. 😉

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

5 thoughts on “More Gummi Roadkill”

  1. I, to this day, have a ritual I perform whenever I have the opportunity to eat animal cookies of any kind. I reach my hand into the box/bag, pull out a cookie & say the same thing I’ve said most of my life: “Oh, look, a lion (or whatever)! I eat his haid!” I then procede to do so. And it’s not just for pure comic effect; I do this when alone for my own enjoyment!
    Yes. Moochie realizes he must get out more.

  2. My son likes eating a sweet called ‘Bursting Bugs’. Jellies that are shaped like spiders and that ooze with a ‘blood-like’ sugary substance when bitten into…(I sometimes sneak one when he isn’t looking)…and I know that it therefore makes no sense, but I still wouldn’t be happy about buying him roadkill jellies for a treat.
    God Bless.

  3. Actually, in Britian they do (or did) have gummis called “Jelly Babies.” Dr. Who used to eat them all the time, though I’ve had them in real life, and they are indeed gummi babies that people eat.
    The horror! The horror!

  4. I like Jelly Babies, but not the green and yellow ones, and i confess that the first thing I do when I eat them is to bite of their little baby heads..someone call the social worker, i’m a threat to my children!
    I used to love the old Dr. Who series…Tom Baker, i think was the one that I liked the best…he used to have curly dark hair and wore a long scarf…i’ve heard that a new series of Dr. Who is on the cards for Saturday night viewing, i wait with baited breath..what an exciting life I lead.
    FWIW, Jelly Babies aren’t the same texture as the road kill jellies and the gummi bears that I have eaten…i could eat far more gummi bears and bursting bugs than Jelly Babies which tend to be covered in icing sugar and are much too sickly.
    …i’m the girl who ate all the pies!
    God Bless

  5. when eating the chocolate bunny, one must always bite off the ears first.
    Do any of y’all remember one Easter where a confectioner sold a chocolate that was just theears?

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