Pope's New Book Ticks Off Many

John Paul II’s new book, Memory and Identity, has been ticking off people and it ain’t even released yet!

It’ll come out on Tuesday, but based on word of what’s in it, several groups are already criticizing it.

In particular, certain German Jews are complaining about the pope’s reference to abortion as legalized extermination comparable to the Holocaust.

The pope also refers to homosexual "marriage" as a possible expression of an "ideology of evil" aimed against the family.

He also states his belief that the 1981 assassination attempt on his life by Mehmet Ali Agca was plotted by someone else and suggests that it was Communists (in fulfillment of the Fatima prophecy).


(Cowboy hat tip to the reader who e-mailed this.)

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

13 thoughts on “Pope's New Book Ticks Off Many”

  1. Hi Jimmy!

    I’m afraid I’ve never understood why it is that people get especially ticked off about what the Pope says in one instance or another. At least the he conforms to a standard of intellectual consistency that is somewhat lacking in other world leaders. Even in cases where I disagree with him I fail to get especially emotional about it. I wonder if part of the reason that people do get so upset over some of the things that the Pope says do so because they’re afraid that he might be right.

  2. Pope’s New Book Ticks Off Many


    I’m afraid I’ve never understood why it is that people get especially ticked off about what the Pope says in one instance or another.

    It’s because they know that when he says something, it matters.

  3. That’s not just “a cardinal”, that’s Cardinal Ratzinger, head of the most prominent (I think) Vatican Congregation.

  4. Nonetheless,many parallels exist netween the two.

    The elimination of a certain group of people percieved as a threat to the status quo.

    Said group is determined to be less that human, considered a disease in the body of humanity that must be surgically eliminated.

    Inconvienient people whose only crime is to desire living. Parasites that are seen as the source of poverty, ignorance and crime.

  5. That’s not just “a cardinal”, that’s Cardinal Ratzinger, head of the most prominent (I think) Vatican Congregation.

    Card. Ratzinger may be more prominent, but Card. Sodano is more powerful because of the changes to the Curia made by Pope Paul VI.

    Nonetheless,many parallels exist netween the two.

    Yes — Fr. James Tunstead Burtchaell enumerated them in his book Rachel Weeping.

  6. As sirach points out, there are eery parallels between the Nazi extermination of Jews and abortion. There is a distinction, though. The nazis were a government that actively sought to destroy Jews from the face of the earth, whereas abortion involves governments permitting people to kill their children if they deem it convenient. There is no government seeking to destroy unborn babies from the face of the earth. In the end, however, murder is murder. While the collective method of murder may not be equivalent to the holocaust, the end result is.

    >>>”Card. Ratzinger may be more prominent, but Card. Sodano is more powerful because of the changes to the Curia made by Pope Paul VI.”

    I disagree. Cardinal Ratzinger is official defender of the Catholic faith. Sodano is not. Sodano may have more temporal power, but it pales in comparison with the power Ratzinger possess in the supernatural realm.

  7. The detractors from the Pope’s statements (if the reports are correct) may be somewhat correct. Wayyy more babies have been killed in these few decades of legalized infanticide than were the Jewish people during WWII. Also those who advance the killing of babies as a good thing are much more dastardly and sneaky than what the Third Reich came up with. It is possible that the two events aren’t comparable.

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