The Economics Of Illness

Recently I was around a bunch of people, several of whom were sick with colds and whatnot.

After getting home, I decided to look up the incubation period for the common cold to get an idea of when I might be in the clear.

Wikipedia says it’s 1-2 days.

Wikipedia goes on to say:

Common colds interfere with school attendance and can cause lost days on the job, resulting in considerable costs to the
economy. In addition, much money is spent on over-the-counter and
home remedies.

Suppose that Wikipedia had gone on to say:

The economic stimulus of these sales helps to offset the lost productivity of days at work.

QUESTION: Who can tell me why I would have had to delete that sentence?


The Doctrine of Limbo . . . Is In Limbo

That is something that has been obvious for some time, particularly with the release of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in 1992, which says that we may hope for the salvation of infants dying without baptism.

Recently, Pope John Paul II asked the International Theological Commission (a body operating under the auspices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) to study the question of the fate of such infants in more detail.


(Cowboy hat tip: ExceptionalMarriages.Com.)

I don’t think the theologian in question explains himself as well as possible on all points, but it’s still a valuable overview.

Tuhan, Silahkan Tolong Orang Di Indonesia Dan Semua Di Situ!

QuakeThe title of the post is my (probably not entirely grammatical, Beng can correct me) prayer for the victims of the 9.0 earthquake of the coast of Sumatra, which is part of Indonesia and just next to the Malay peninsula.

Tidal waves killed thousands in Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, and surrounding areas.

The prayer is meant to say, "God, please help the people in Indonesia and all nearby!"

I invite you to join me in praying for the victims of the earthquake.

God have mercy.

University Of Late-Night Studies To Close?

Sometimes people ask me where I learned what I know about theology and apologetics.

"University of Late-Night Studies," I tell them.

But maybe that school is about to close.

For me and other sufferers of insomnia.


The problem up to now has been that insomnia treatments have either had horrible side-effects (like grogginess during the day) or been ineffective for more than a few nights at a time (because your body gets used to them).

Long-term effects of the new treatment on apologetics are unknown.

Christmas Greetings From China

Christmas_hong_kong_1Down yonder, Francis DS writes:

Hi Jimmy,

I just want to make known a wonderful display in one of the big shopping malls in secular/Buddhist Hong Kong. 

They have constructed a large lifesize Nativity scene, and another
scene showing Mary, Joseph and Jesus looking for a place to stay. And
on the ceilings, you have angels carrying a banner saying ‘Glory to God
in the highest and goodwill toward men’

In addition, performances are definitely Christian in content, especially those on the 24th and 25th.

If you look beyond the veneer, it’s still commercially driven, and
one feels the ‘true spirit of Christmas’ is also lost on them, but it’s
still good enough!

Amazing that they could get the true spirit of Christmas more right in a place that is part of China (which is officially atheist and often persecutes Christians) than malls can over here.

All Your Gifts Are Belong To Us!

Aybabtu_1 Yesterday I posted an Engrish Christmas greeting from Japan.

Down yonder, our first three commenters riffed on this by quoting and adapting different aspects of the most famous Engrish of them all:

"All your base are belong to us."

In case you missed it when this was all the rage on the Internet, FIND OUT WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT.

Funny stuff!

I can’t help chuckling at the part where guys put the saying up around town and it gets misinterpreted as an alarming threat in a post-9/11 world.

In case you don’t know what Engrish is, FIND OUT THAT, TOO and VISIT THE MAIN ENGRISH SITE.