U.N. – U.S. = Leage Of Nations = 0?

That’s an equation I’m thinking about at present.

I’m wondering–seriously, not just as an act of macho posturing–whether the U.S. ought to withdraw from the U.N. and what would happen in the event of such an eventuality.

Other folks seem to be thinking the same thing (more seriously this time than when the idea has been voiced in the past).


Made more serious by the fact that he’s a former consultant to ex-U.N. topguy Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

Thanks to the Powerline guys for posting this.

Whadda y’all think?

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

14 thoughts on “U.N. – U.S. = Leage Of Nations = 0?”

  1. “Reform–yes; hope for its destruction–no.”
    That is a good sentiment, but will be the agent for reform? Surely it will not be the Europeans, China, or Africa. So who is left that has the muscle to make it happen.
    The USA should withdraw from the UN. If it reforms itself then fine, let’s rejoin. If it fails, then let’s start a new organization with members who have democratic-style governments.

  2. I think I read somewhere once that the United States and Japan contribute more than 50% of the UN’s operating costs.
    Another option could be to just refuse any contributions until the corrupt organization reforms itself.
    Of course, the EU and France and Canada and Iran and Russia and China will probably take the opportunity to quadruple their contributions.
    Creating an organization of Democracies, where the number of votes a nation had was based on population + GDP + amount of money spent on defense would make a heck of a lot more sense. But I
    The Vatican’s policy vis-a-vis the UN and the EU baffles me. I also wish that when they make these prudential judgments on foreign policy issues that they’d be more clear about the fact that yes, you can disagree with the Vatican secretary of state without becoming an apostate. Sometimes I think they intentionally permit this ambiguity in order that their statements will carry more weight.

  3. Also, the idea of any (secular) international organization gaining so much clout that it morphs into or resembles a one world government frightens me. I don’t see what useful purpose a one world government could possibly have. And the possibilities for evil purposes are practically infinite. To what nation could one find refuge if it turns into a global tyranny (as all of human history suggests that it will). Some on the Left think this is the only way to put an end to war and poverty, but I don’t see how that squares with what we Catholics understand about humanity’s fallen nature. I’m not saying that we should work to find means to reduce war and poverty but thinking that we can eliminate it entirely and create some sort of worldwide secular utopia without having Christ at the centre of all our efforts is a recipe for disaster that the Evil One is salivating for.
    I think it is God’s plan to unite the different nations of the world in the Church, not some secular UN-type institution.

  4. type correcton for my above post:
    “I’m not saying that we shouldn’t work to find means to reduce war and poverty…”

  5. Yes, we can disagree with the Pope on this point. Personally I can’t see much positive about the UN, but plenty negative. I doubt the reforms that are desperately needed will ever be enacted, so I expect it’s only a matter of time before the UN disappears.

  6. Why be so namby-pamby.
    Why not build a wall around it, and embargo the airspace as well.
    At least until the money is accounted for, and the victims in the Sudan and Rwanda are compensated.

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