U.K. YAHOOS: St. Mary Magdalene School Should Take "Saint" Out Of Its Name

Might offend non-Christians, y’see.

There a bit in Star Trek VI where, after having just saved the world, the gang is told to bring the Enterprise in for decommissioning.

Spock replies:

If I were human, I believe my response would be . . . "Go To Hell." . . . If I were human.

Well St. Mary Magdalene was kind of close to someone who did saved the world and who made her a saint by his grace.

And I am human.

So, apparently, are a lot of the parents of St. Mary Magdalene School children.


Note, especially, the response of the local Jewish folks.

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

9 thoughts on “U.K. YAHOOS: St. Mary Magdalene School Should Take "Saint" Out Of Its Name”

  1. Next someone will say they were offended by the words mosque or church or synagogue on a building … or by crosses or Stars of David, or menorahs on the outside Even if the perpetrators of these hairbrained ideas don’t realize it yet, they are creating an Orwellian world.

  2. Atually there is a guy in the US who is suing to have all religous symbols taken down in his city. He says they offend him and he shouldn’t have to look at them. This was a while back so I am hoping it was thrown out of court.

  3. What did the C of E expect when they allowed the school to become secularized? Government $$$ leads to government control (which is one reason that I am completely opposed to vouchers. It would be one thing if the State were committed to defending the Catholic Faith — instead, the State is committed to destroying it).

  4. Picture issue taken care of.

    That was *weeeird.*

    There was no picture in this entry, and since I use a browser other than IE, I didn’t see one. But upon checking I found that for some reason IE was showing a misplaced picture from a post several days ago, from way down the page.

    One more reason to switch to something other than IE, I guess.

  5. dcs: Curiously, most church schools here in England are partially funded by the government while retaining their religious character. I was educated in very good Catholic schools which were partially funded by the state and partially by the local diocese.

    Jimmy: speaking of browser problems, I had trouble posting this comment with IE because part of the form has disappeared. No such problem with Mozilla. Weird.

  6. In the lilly-white, “white bread on mayonaise” world of Enlgand, it is hard to imagine a force striving to make life even more bland and devoid of culture. I am going to start an international charity organization dedicated to sending boxes of crayons to those unfortunate people.

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