A revised proposal based on where Texans-at-heart live (props to Steve Schaper, who drafted the proposal):

Might be objected to by some non-Texans-at-heart, but would be a useful staring point for negotiations. (No war this time, remember?)
Author: Jimmy Akin
Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."
View all posts by Jimmy Akin
And we get to have Ogopogo, too? What. A. Deal!
As a Democrat I suppose it’s only fair to let you have your day.
But I would remind you that federal revenue from the blue counties you’ve highlighted essentially subsidizes most of your USofT. Those USofT areas receive more in federal support than they pay in taxes. As I understand it, they also have a higher divorce and out-of-wedlock childbirth rate.
Be careful what you ask for.
I read something similar to this last night (“The Corner” perhaps). Break up the country into three areas:
1) Northeastistan
2) Pacificistan
3) Redstateistan
Vincent, that may just mean that Red County people still bother to get married, and don’t murder as many of their babies.
Since we wouldn’t have a socialist government, we wouldn’t need your steenkeen debt paper.
Also, Esquire. We’d be able to charge 4000 times as much as we do now for the food we produce for the blue areas. I foresee a rather large bump in our income thank you very much.
“Vincent, that may just mean that Red County people still bother to get married, and don’t murder as many of their babies.”
That’s like saying that the Netherlands has no sick people and they never get old! They just kill ’em before they get that way!
Also, remember where the food you eat is grown. All it would take is a 60 day boycott and the blue states would be scratching at the gates of Texlandia begging for entry.
Not only food, but most of the oil, natural gas, energy, natural resources and water. San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York pipe their water in from red states and red counties.
In short, the blue states are primarily a “welfare state” subsidized by the work and materials of the red states.
Jimmy, if you think for one single cotten-pickin minute think that TEXAS is gonna stand for no Pacific Ocean access south of Juneau, you got another major think comin. I personally suggest a friendly take over around Orange County (since there are so many good conservatives there anyway.)
Actually, look close and you’ll see that the United State of Texas extends to include San Diego County (which was a red county), down at the bottom of California.
Yee-Haw! I’d get to live in my home state again!
Does the Klamath Valley area extend to the Sea? I reckon we can divert the water from SoCal to the Klamath, and keep the government’s word to the veterans.
You know, this -would- solve the Western water shortages. . .
Yes, it is called mercantilism. The Blue Counties use the Red Counties as colonies for production, which they exchange for goods from serf-factories overseas. What do they produce again? Bad TV? VD?
There is a potential downside, though. German troops occupying Boston.
The Puget Sound area is actually a sovereign state called “The People’s Republic of Seattle” with it’s own peculiar brand of secular humanism where the majority of the people suffer from cranial disassociative syndrome.
Vancouver would join in with the People’s Republic of Seattle. Alberta is Texas North anyway, so no problem there. But the Peoples Republic of Saskatchewan will not hear of it.