Yeah, and the Garden of Eden was located just outside Moscow, too. It must have made Adam and Eve very sorry to leave it.
Don’t hold your breath on this one, Ivan.
I see that the accuracy rate of Pravda hasn’t become sterling since the time it was a Communist propaganda paper.
Still, it’s probably more accurate than CBS.
Here’s the story:
Russian scientists create perpetual space motion machine |
11/15/2004 17:38 |
The machine can be used to adjust the orbits of space stations The Russian research institute of space systems develops a perpetual motion machine, which could be used both on Earth and in space. "Specialists of the institute have been working on the so-called engine without reactive mass emissions," Valery Menshikov, the director of the institute said. The scientists have already created a test model of the unconventional engine, he added. "The model moves owing to a liquid or a solid body that moves inside the machine. The body moves on a certain trajectory, reminiscent to the one of tornado. As a result, we can probably witness an unknown phenomenon, when the body interacts with the fields, the nature of which has been studied insufficiently, the gravitation field, for example," Valery Menshikov said. "We have already registered the traction of up to 28g, but it can so far exist for several minutes only. It may seem that the index is really low. However, if this traction is used for 20 minutes with a 100-kg satellite, it will be able to lift its orbit for more than two kilometers," scientist of the research institute, Yuri Danshov said. The new engine will last for 15 years; it will be able to perform about 300,000 operations. The machine is powered with solar batteries. Specialists believe that it will be possible to achieve better results, if the machine is tested in space, or if it is dropped down in a deep shaft, where the fall creates the effect of weightlessness. "Traditional science compares the research in this field with attempts to develop a perpetual motion machine. However, largest Western companies are very serious about the problem, investing considerable funds in the work," the director of the Russian institute for space systems, Valery Menshikov said. Russian scientists believe that it will be possible to use the machine to control and correct the orbits of spacecrafts and space stations. This ecologically pure engine will probably be used with air and ground transport, Itar-Tass reports. |
I’m not sure what it means for a perpetual motion machine to be solar powered…
“I’m not sure what it means for a perpetual motion machine to be solar powered…”
my thoughts exactly
Haven’t you ever heard the prayer, “May perpetual light shine upon you”?
What a riot: “…but it can so far exist for several minutes only.” Well, a few minutes is kindof “perpetual”, no?
If a machine is something that does “work” and “work” is “overcoming friction”, then every machine “works” at the cost of some system energy (spent overcoming friction). But no machine has infinite energy, so eventually, every machine must eventually meet its match in friction (unless it operates in an environment free of friction, in which case –guess what?– it is not doing “work.”)
I think a number of attempted perpetual motion machine designs have involved magnetism, which [i]seems[/i] like a potentially perpetual source of energy, although maybe not — maybe magnets slowly revert to being nonmagnetic. In any case, AFAIK, no one has come up with a successful system to actually get some kind of constant or oscillating movement from a magnet, although there are some interesting designs that almost look as if they could work.
Steve: the ones I’ve seen use magnets to suspend objects in a nearly friction-free environment. Sort of like deep space objects that could rotate friction-free for eternity (or until nuclear decomposition, whichever comes first) but in the mean time, they do no “work” as classically understood. Of course, they are pretty to look at.
Pravda seems to be the Weekly World News of Russia, these days.
Even then, the headline does not represent the story, which is about some sort of reactionless drive (or more correctly, one that does not require taking reaction mass with you).
From the bizarre description the reporter gave it, I wonder if it isn’t something like M2P2? A magnetic plasma sail.
Clean energy.
The entire world is looking for a source of clean energy. I have discovered a certain paradox basing on which a machine called METOZ can be built which by harnessing the gravitation of our EARTH can produce clean energy.
The energy producing process is demonstrated in:
and can be very easily confirmed by an experiment.
I am also in possession of a set of calculations which prove that the METOZ machine:
1/ does not consume water / 39 A5-pictures /;
2/ does not consume compressed air / 39 A5-pictures /;
3/ produces energy to the outside = 4 839 kGm during a „ deflection cycle”
39 A5-pictures /;
/ this is a „weight cycle” = the centre of gravity of the water in the METOZ machine sinks ( downward movement ) /
4/ energy is produced / released to the outside = 44 600 kGm during the „straightening cycle” / 39 A5-pictures /.
/ this is a “pressure cycle” = the water mass centre of gravity inside the METOZ machine travels upwards (upward movement) /
Features: 1/; 2/; 3/; 4/, of the machine owing to appropriate dimensions of individual elements of the lever mechanism.
The METOZ has an even-arm lever of a 1.72 m length. The centre of gravity of the lever lies beneath the lever suspension point. The “METOZ” is equipped with two cylinders of a 1.6 m diameter each. Piston sidewalls do not contact directly with cylinder walls. The lever swing change between and .
Figures ( 3 x 13 x 4 = 156 ) present temporary, consecutive action situations at intervals of . The middle figure presents the machine and the side figures, the position of the left and right cylinder and the mathematical description of these situations.
In the past I have made two models, which confirmed the legitimacy of my theoretical assumptions concerning the METOZ machine. I have got photographs.
I am looking for a person who would be interested in my invention. I can offer ample information. I look forward to hearing from you.
13 – 03 -2005 Gdynia, Polska Zygmunt Orlowski
P.S. The term “gravitational paradox” used in this description relates to the mathematical and physical description of the action of the METOZ-machine.
Comments concerning machine METOZ.
METOZ is able to realize the cycle “deflection and the cycle “straighening. Both cycles are in accordance wih current physic’s laws. METOZ as machine can not work and hand over the energy , because it would be inconsonat to the law of conservation of energy./For some part of people this law is quite holy./
I propose to execute the following intelectual process:
We have found ourselves in Europe of XVII century. We know the trigonometry in the scope of being occured for METOZ. We know what is the even-arm lever and moment of force too. Lot of thinkers in XVII century are sure that it is possibile to construct :Perpetual Motion Machine”. Appears Mr. Baise Pascal/ 1623-1662/ and he publishes his hydraulic law. All thinkers are sure that this law is correct and real. After publishing this law, someone invented machine METOZ.. Now turn up the following questions:
1/ why the implemantation of the cycle “deflection” would be impossible?
2/ why the implementation of the cycle “straightening” would be impossible?
Both groups: opponents and followers of building METOZ live in XVII th century in Europe and they not know that:
a/ the law of conservationn of energy will exists scarcely aftewr 1847 y.
b/ the idea of an “energy” will be introduced intro ascience scarcely in mid. of XIX century.
c/ the thermodynamic and both laws of thermodynamic will be intrdused into the science scarcely in mid. of XIX-th century.
The conception of an energy is discreate one to the same as a imbecility. No one has seen the energy and no one has seen the imbecility. We are able to observe results of the energy and imbecility. At present we have got to few energy because we have got to much imbecility.
Please open:
Only pictures and very easy and primitive experiment.
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It is something new. METOZ about. . Thanks for understanding.
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It is something new.
It is polish language.
“Consegnati 25 Motori di Schietti: attenzione è iniziata la rivoluzione”
Ribadiamo nuovamente che ognuno deve costruirsi clandestinamente il proprio modello di Motore di Schietti funzionante e crearne copie da distribuire segretamente ad amici fidati
Non fate vedere prototipi!
Se vi è stato dato un Motore di Schietti non parlatene a nessuno!
Si uscirà allo scoperto solo quando i giornali e le televisioni non parleranno di altro e in tutti i negozi sarà possibile acquistare un Motore di Schietti abbinato ad una Serpentina.
Non mettete a repentaglio la vostra vita inutilmente, stiamo combattendo contro un nemico potentissimo, che non conosciamo e che non è disposto a trattare ed ad essere aiutato.
Non sappiamo perchè i nemici dell’umanità non ci lascino dare acqua ed energia gratis, ma noi abbiamo deciso di darla lo stesso!
“Come costruirsi un Motore di Schietti ”
Il Motore di Schietti sfrutta la pressione atmsosferica attraverso il principio dell’acqua che risale nei pozzi attratta dal vuoto.
Risucchiando aria con una semplice pompa, si riesce a far risalire l’acqua fino a dieci metri.
Con lo sforzo di risucchiare aria, avete sentito bene, si può risucchiare acqua fino a dieci metri.
A quel punto basta lasciarla cadere e sfruttare con una turbina idroelettrica l’energia prodotta. Il lavoro utile è enorme.
Per confutare il funzionamento del Motore di Schietti versione a pressione atmosferica si dovrebbero addurre queste prove:
a) che l’acqua nei pozzi non risale di dieci metri attratta dal vuoto a causa del peso dell’aria che esercita la pressione di 1 bar
b) Che pompare acqua da un pozzo alto dieci metri richieda cento volte più forza che pomparla da dieci cm e non invece la stessa forza
c) che l’acqua cadendo da dieci metri eserciti la stessa forza che cadendo da dieci cm
Something new METOZ machine about:
I am inventor and owner of Metoz machine invention. Everyone can take absolutely and legitimate the METOZ invention and build the Metoz machine. I can help only. I can not build METOZ. I am moneyless. Thank you for your time and interest.