The Nowhere Plateau

Utopia_planitiaWhere was the Enterprise-D built?

That’s right: The Utopia Planitia Shipyards on and above Mars.

I remembered that from the Next Gen series, and I figured that it was a real place on Mars (left).

What I didn’t remember was where this real place was: The location where the Viking 2 Mars lander set down in 1976.


Thinking about this got me thinking about the languages involved in the name Utopia Planitia. In violation of a common naming rule, this designation involves a mix of Greek and Latin.

The term utopia, invented by St. Thomas More, is from Greek. As you likely know, it means "nowhere" or "no place." In Greek, it’s ou ("no") + topos ("place").

But planitia is Latin-derived. Despite the sound of the word, planitia does not mean "planet."

It means "plateau."

Utopia Planitia is thus "the Nowhere Plateau."

The alternative term to planitia is planum, which means "plain." They also have those on Mars. For example, in Syria Planum (southeast of the Martian volcano Olympus Mons or "Mt. Olympus") they have a large PsiCorp facility.

But that’s another story . . .

Marathon Men

Sometimes we hear comments about the human race suggesting that, apart from our intellect, we’re nothing special. We don’t have the impressive physical attributes and abilities of other species. We can’t fly, like birds. We can’t change color, like chameleons. We don’t have shells, like turtles. We don’t have claws, horns, tusks, or even fur, like countless species. Yep, apart from our intellects, we’re nothing special.

Or are we?

In fact, we have good eyesight compared to most species (lousy sense of smell, though, and many birds have our vision beat). But even more impressive than that is our ability to run.


Mankind was born to run. And like the energizer bunny, we just keep going . . . and going . . . and going.

Other species poop out long before we do. They may be better at sprinting than we are (think: lions and cheetahs and jaguars and zebras and just about everything else that preys or is preyed upon), but we are the ultimate endurance runners among terrestrial species. We just lope along mile after mile, and other species (more famed for being runners) can’t keep up with us.

The reason is the greater concentration of slow-twitch muscle fibers we have. You want fast-twitch fibers for sprinting, but slow-twitch fibers keep you going in the long run.

GimliDwarves, for example, are natural-born sprinters, having more fast-twitch fibers than men. But men have enough slow-twitch fibers to make them good distance runners. There are marathon men, but no marathon dwarves.


Equal Rights To WMDs?

Down yonder, a commenter writes regarding going to war with Iraq because Saddam was perceived to possess WMDs:

[T]his is a red herring since Iraq is a sovereign State and has as much right to WMDs as any other State.

I strongly disagree. States no more have equal rights to weaponry than individuals do.

I don’t care how much a fan of the Second Amendment one is (and I am a big fan of it, myself), the fact is that not all people have a moral or a legal right to have deadly weapons. Homicidally insane individuals have no moral right (and, one hopes, no civil right) to possess deadly weapons. A responsible person may be able to handle a gun responsibly, and the possession of guns by such people appears to actually decrease the crime rate (actually, not just in theory) because burglars don’t want to break into homes knowing that they may be facing an armed homeowner. But the homicidally insane by definition are not responsible and not capable of possessing firearms without posing a grave danger to the community. They cannot be trusted with the power that such weapons represent because they have too great a risk of misusing it. The community has no obligation to allow such individuals to possess deadly weapons.

In the same way, the community of nations has no obligation to allow homicidally unstable nation states to possess WMDs. Prescinding from the question of whether such weapons should exist, it is clear that if they are to exist that not all nations have an equal moral right to them. If any nations are to have them then it must be those nations that have the maturity, stability, and sense of moral conscience not to use the recklessly or indiscriminately. Those nations should not possess such weapons that are unstable, immature, or evil enough that they stand a good chance of (a) proliferating such weapons to unstables states, (b) passing them to terrorists, (c) using them recklessly, or (d) collapsing into chaos.

Applying this to the present situation, regardless of what one may think of particular instances in the U.S.’s record (which is not perfect; the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were wrong), it remains the case that the U.S. is (d) a stable nation (not likely to become a "failed state" like Somalia) that (c) has a large number of citizens *today* who will not tolerate leaders who use such weapons indiscriminately (as at Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and (b) will not pass them to terrorists or (a) proliferate them to unstable states. It also has a sixty-year record of possessing WMDs, much of that period in a tense face-off with the Soviet Union, without using them.

One could fault this or that in U.S. history, but the fact remains that the U.S. has a far greater claim to being the kind of nation that can trusted to possess WMDs than Saddam Hussein’s Iraq (or any Middle Eastern country).

And The Coldest Man In Hollywood Is . . .

. . . Michael Moore.


Michael Eisner is #3 on the list.

Incidentally, I’m told that FilmThreat is definitely from the bluestate end of the spectrum but still had the perceptiveness and honesty to dishonor Mr. Moore with the most frigid slot.

Interesting analysis about Moore on the FilmThreat list.

Quorum Sensing & Quenching

Streptococcus_smallYou know how they talk about needing to be exposed to a certain amount of a disease before you’re likely to catch it?

There are several reasons why this can be the case. One of them has to do with a kind of bacteriological language called "quorum sensing." What happens is this: You get a bunch of the bacteria in your body and they send out molecules that announce their presence to each other. They’re like dogs howling, trying to hear other dogs out in the night.

If the bacteria hear enough howls coming back to them, they decide that a "quorum" is present. A quorum is like a hunting pack, and the bacteria turn aggressive. They start thrashing your body with a disease.

Streptococcus pneumoniae (the ugly critter up top) works like this.

What’s the logical response for humans to attempt?

Stop them from doing it!

This process is known as "quorum quenching." It is an attempt to distrupt the bacteria from sensing the tiny, molecular howls they send out to each other.

That’s one kind of "language" I hope our doctors get a real good handle on.

McCoy? Crusher? Pulaski? Brashir? Doctor? Phlox? Franklin? Frasier? — Y’all listening?


Racism In Europe

There have been scattered reports in the media for a while about an increase of anti-Semitism in Europe. While I’m sure they have some skinhead hooligans over there who get sick jollies by spraypainting symbols and insults on synagogues and Jewish tombstones, I’ve suspected that the real rise in European anti-Semitism isn’t due to the influx of vast numbers of illegal (and legal) Muslim immigrants from North Africa and parts east.

Now I’m starting to wonder.


Quorum Sensing & Quenching

Streptococcus_smallYou know how they talk about needing to be exposed to a certain amount of a disease before you’re likely to catch it?

There are several reasons why this can be the case. One of them has to do with a kind of bacteriological language called "quorum sensing." What happens is this: You get a bunch of the bacteria in your body and they send out molecules that announce their presence to each other. They’re like dogs howling, trying to hear other dogs out in the night.

If the bacteria hear enough howls coming back to them, they decide that a "quorum" is present. A quorum is like a hunting pack, and the bacteria turn aggressive. They start thrashing your body with a disease.

Streptococcus pneumoniae (the ugly critter up top) works like this.

What’s the logical response for humans to attempt?

Stop them from doing it!

This process is known as "quorum quenching." It is an attempt to distrupt the bacteria from sensing the tiny, molecular howls they send out to each other.

That’s one kind of "language" I hope our doctors get a real good handle on.

McCoy? Crusher? Pulaski? Brashir? Doctor? Phlox? Franklin? Frasier? — Y’all listening?