EVIL AUTHORS: Da Vinci Code Is Plagiarism

There seems to be no honor among thieves, or evil people, at least.

Evil authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, who wrote Holy Blood, Holy Grail (a hack-journalism “investigation” purporing to show that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and gave rise to a prominent European royal bloodline that is at the center of a gigantic, centuries-long conspiracy) have now filed suit against evil author Dan Brown, claiming he committed plagiarism by ripping off their “non-fiction” work for his novel.


Leigh told the Telegraph after issuing the writ: “It’s not that Dan Brown has lifted certain ideas because a number of people have done that before. It’s rather that he’s lifted the whole architecture – the whole jigsaw puzzle – and hung it on to the peg of a fictional thriller.”


The authors argue that Brown lifted their all-important list of the Grand Masters, who supposedly guarded the secret documents pertaining to Christ’s bloodline, without acknowledgement.

The only mention of their book is when the villain of The Da Vinci Code, an eccentric English historian called Sir Leigh Teabing, lifts a copy off his bookshelf and says: “To my taste, the authors made some dubious leaps of faith in their analysis, but their fundamental premise is sound.”

The name Leigh Teabing is an anagram of Leigh and Baigent, the authors point out, while his physical description – he walks with the aid of crutches – is allegedly based on the third author, Henry Lincoln, who walks with a limp.

Lincoln has decided not to be part of the copyright action because of ill health, but is said to support it.


Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

3 thoughts on “EVIL AUTHORS: Da Vinci Code Is Plagiarism”

  1. Maybe this is just a coordinated effort by Dan Brown to create more controversy about the book and make it seem more real.
    ‘He plagiarized real historical documents…it must be true!’

  2. Yes, someone called in to comment on The DaVinci Code Hoax book, and said why did you write it? It just give more people cause to buy TDVC and give Dan Brown more money. Its too bad people are so gullible that this is such a big deal.

  3. There is another book around, though far from a best seller, that is a work of plagiarism. It is called Dressing with Dignity by Colleen Hammond, self published by Valora Media ( Dennis and Colleen Hammond ), 2nd edition about to be released by TANBOOKS owned by Tom Nelson.
    They took the work of Alice von Hildebrand Benjamin Wiker, Regina Doman, Rita Davidson, Sports Illustrated, Holland Sentinel, etc and made it their own.
    See http://www.boycotttan.com and dressingwithdignity.com for the specifics. This is a Catholic book stolen from other Catholic authors. I don’t see how the second edition could be “fixed” since Hammond wrote very little herself in the 1st ed.

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