New SEARCH Feature

Did a bunch of blog maintenence this weekend.

The blog has been growing enough that it now needs a search feature to help folks find what they’re looking for.

So I got one.

Now you can search for past entries (e.g., the great tattoo controversy, the great Friday penance controversy) by using the search feature up top the right hand column.

Still need to play with the way the Search feature works, but it’s up and functional.

Also changed the blog’s logo and page header to make its address easier to remember.

Incidentally, this weekend I also moved around some elements in the side bars–e.g., I moved the site syndication link up near the top of the left bar so it’s more prominent. (I’d been searching for other folks’ syndication links in vain this weekend, dismayed at how buried they tended to be–if they were there at all–and decided to take the log out of my own eye by making mine more prominent.)


Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

9 thoughts on “New SEARCH Feature”

  1. How ’bout adding a feature to the “Post a comment” section that will let readers press a button to choose italics or boldface fonts when they post. I’ve seen other sites have this.
    I’ve already seen other readers on this site post in italics, I wonder how they did that…they must know some secret code or something.
    Otherwise, I really like the layout of this site.

  2. Billy, usually italics and bold are possible with the correct tags. For bold enclose the words you want to make bold with b and /b in arrow brackets (< >). It looks like this (with the periods removed):
    <.b.>Bold words<./b.>
    For italics do the same thing but substitute the letter “i.” For underline use the letter “u.”

  3. Actually, it looks like the underline command isn’t being recognized. But at least you have bold and italics.
    Thanks for the search engine, Jimmy.

  4. Billy: Unfortunately, the service I am using does not presently offer pushbutton access to the features you mention.
    It is, however, possible to include them by using a couple of simple codes.
    When you want to use boldface, type <b> before what you want to boldface and </b> after it, like this: <b>example 1</b>
    When you want to use italics, type <i> before what you want to italicize and </i> after it, like this: <i>example 2</i>
    Here’s the results of doing that:
    example 1
    example 2

  5. Mia: Thanks for the info! Looks like you were writing it up at the same time I was. 🙂
    You’re right that underline can’t be used (at least with the usual codes), though I don’t recommend it anyway because it looks like a hyperlink.
    BTW, I can never read your comments without thinking of you as related to Sue Storm and Johnny Storm (a.k.a. Invisible Girl and the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four). Consequently, love it when you comment.

  6. Is there a way to post a URL so that you can just click on it and it will take you to the page?

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