I'm A Flappy Bird!

flappybirdNo, really. I am!

Don’t worry, I’m not crazy. Don’t call the nice young men in their clean white coats. I’ll explain. . . .

Y’see: There’s this blog-ranking system called the TTLB Eco-System (TTLB = “The Truth Laid Bear”). I first encountered it on Jeff Miller’s {Monty Burns voice}EX-cellent{/Monty Burns voice} blog, The Curt Jester, who is a Large Mammal in the eco-system.

TTLB, y’see, is a nature-themed blog ranking system based on how many other people in the eco-system are linking you. People start off (with nobody linking their blogs) as Insignificant Microbes. Then they evolve up to being Multicellular Microorganisms, then Wiggly Worms, then Crunchy Crustaceans, then Lowly Insects, then Slimy Molluscs, then Flippery Fish, then Crawly Amphibians, then Slithering Reptiles, and then to the level where I’m at right now: Flappy Birds.

It sounds funny, I know, but it really is so: I’m a Flappy Bird. (I’m also my own granpa, but that’s another story.)

It turns out that if people in the eco-system are linking to you, you are automatically included in it–whether you know it or not–so check to see if your own blog is there. (Here’s my page in the eco-system. You can search for your own blog here.) Shortly after I first moved my blog to its current location, I discovered that I was already a Flippery Fish without me even knowing it since folks in the eco-system had been linking me.

Over time, I evolved my way up to being a Flappy Bird, at which point I decided that that the humor value of the system outweighed my low-ranking, and I decided to put the code needed into my left margin to auto-display my ranking. (Scroll down to see it.)

Hopefully, in the future, more people will link me, at which point I will graduate to being an Adorable Rodent, then a Marauding Marsupial, then a Large Mammal, a Playful Primate, a Mortal Human, and finally a Higher Being. (As if! That’s the level where Matt Drudge and Andrew Sullivan are at!)

Well, maybe I’ll just settle for being Large Mammal. That sounds nice and cuddly.

{Sigh.} Maybe . . . someday . . . {Sniff.}

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

12 thoughts on “I'm A Flappy Bird!”

  1. As Inspector Clouseau would say:”Not any meauyh.”

    Added you to the blog list, and since I’m in the system you should be bumped up to–oh, at least wiggly worm once TTLB picks it up.

    C’mon, fellow bloggists! Let’s help Jamie evolve!

    Visit his blog Ad Limina Apostolorum

  2. I am not even a microbe 🙂

    But thats ok. I am much too humble for this sort of thing



    ok i will behave now 🙂

  3. True, though I’m still toward the smallish end of the large mammal scale. I’m thinking maybe a capybara rather than a kodiak.

  4. Actually, I went and looked him up. He’s a Large Mammal now.

    Being a Flappy Bird yourself, you can look forward to the possbility.

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