The Weekly Francis – 13 September 2022

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week, from 15 August 2022 to 13 September 2022.


General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “God works through unplanned events, as well as through setbacks. Let us ask the Lord to send us His Spirit so that He might help us to discern and to recognize His presence even in the unforeseen and painful situations in our lives. #Discernment” @Pontifex, 7 September 2022
  • “In the face of all the scenes of war in our time, I ask all of you to be peace builders. Let us #PrayTogether for reconciliation and harmony. Let us entrust the victims of every war to the Virgin Mary, especially the dear people of Ukraine.” @Pontifex, 7 September 2022
  • “Feast of the #NativityOfMary Image@Pontifex, 8 September 2022
  • “The Gospel calls us to “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near!” (Mt 3:2) It summons us to a new relationship with God and also entails a different relationship with others and with creation. Safeguarding God’s work is an essential part of the Christian life. #SeasonOfCreation” @Pontifex, 9 September 2022
  • “The Lord does not cut us out of his love. He does not lose heart or tire of tenderly offering us his trust again. God believes in us! God trusts us and accompanies us patiently. He does not get discouraged, but always instils his hope in us.” @Pontifex, 10 September 2022
  • “Let us #PrayTogether for the Ukrainian people, that the Lord may give them comfort and hope. During these days, Cardinal Krajewski is in Ukraine to bear concrete witness to the closeness of the Pope and the Church.” @Pontifex, 11 September 2022
  • “I address a special greeting to the dear people of Ethiopia, who today celebrate their traditional New Year: I assure you of my prayer and wish every family and the entire nation the gift of peace and reconciliation.” @Pontifex, 11 September 2022
  • “In this moment of prayer, I remember Sister Maria de Coppi, Combonian missionary, killed in Chipene, Mozambique, where she served lovingly for almost 60 years. May her witness give strength and courage to Christians and all the people of Mozambique.” @Pontifex, 11 September 2022
  • “Jesus, by welcoming sinners and eating with them, reveals to us that God is just like that: he excludes no one, he wants everyone at his banquet, because he loves everyone as his children. #GospelOfTheDay (Lk 15: 4–32)” @Pontifex, 11 September 2022
  • “One who loves is concerned about the one who is missing, longs for who is absent, seeks who is lost, await who has gone astray. For he wants no-one to be lost. #GospelOfTheDay (Lk 15: 4–32)” @Pontifex, 11 September 2022
  • “My message for you, dear young people, the great message entrusted to the Church, is Jesus! Yes, Jesus himself, in his infinite love for each of us, his salvation and the new life he has bestowed upon us. #WYD #Lisboa2023  Message@Pontifex, 12 September 2022
  • “Dear young people, once more, I invite you to take part in the great pilgrimage of young people that will culminate in World Youth Day in Lisbon, August 2023. In preparation, on 20 November we will celebrate World Youth Day in local Churches throughout the world. #laityfamilylife” @Pontifex, 12 September 2022
  • “Tomorrow, I will leave for a three-day journey in #Kazakhstan, where I will take part in the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. I ask you all to accompany me with prayer on this pilgrimage of dialogue and peace. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex, 12 September 2022
  • “In this land, may the memory of the sufferings and trials you endured be an indispensable part of your journey towards the future, inspiring you to give absolute priority to the dignity of every person, and every ethnic, social and religious group. #ApostolicJourney #Kazakhstan” @Pontifex, 13 September 2022
  • “I am visiting you in the course of the senseless and tragic war in Ukraine, as other conflicts continue to imperil our times. I have come to echo the plea of all those who cry out for #peace, the essential path to development for our world. #Kazakhstan” @Pontifex, 13 September 2022
  • “We need leaders who enable peoples to grow in mutual understanding and dialogue, thus giving birth to the determination to build a more stable and peaceful world, with an eye to future generations. This will take understanding, patience and dialogue with all. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex, 13 September 2022

Papal Instagram

Mining the Mind’s Mine (LD) – The Secrets of Star Trek

When you think you’ve got a bad reputation, but it’s the opposite! Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the latest Easter eggs and self-referential nods in Lower Decks, including what the crew thinks is a reputation for being screw-ups.

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Spring-Heeled Jack (Victorian Mystery!) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

In 19th century London, residents reported a ghostly figure in outrageous costumes would accost them, sometimes bellowing blue flame in their faces, and then vanish in the night. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask who was Spring-Heeled Jack and did he really exist.

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Mysterious Headlines

This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida.

Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Fiorvento Law, PLLC, specializing in adult guardianships and conservatorships, probate and estate planning matters. Accepting clients throughout Michigan. Taking into account your individual, healthcare, financial and religious needs. Visit

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Did God Have a Wife?

Various social media sites have claimed that—in the Old Testament—God originally had a wife that the Israelites worshipped.

This goddess was named Asherah, and she is mentioned at various places in the Hebrew scriptures.

The claim is made that we have no biblical texts that can be confidently dated prior to the reign of King Josiah (640-609 B.C.) that condemn the worship of this goddess.

Before that time, it was allegedly normative for Israelites to worship Asherah alongside God.

How accurate are these claims?

Not very.

It’s true that there was a goddess named Asherah that was worshipped in the Ancient Near East, and it’s true that some Israelites worshipped her.

But it is false to claim that this was a normative practice among Israelites—and that we have no texts from before the time of Josiah condemning the practice.

To understand the situation, we need to understand how the Israelite religion developed.

As a nation, Israel was descended from the patriarch Abraham, who came from “Ur of the Chaldees” (Gen. 12:28)—meaning he was from Mesopotamia, or modern Iraq.

As a native of Mesopotamia, Abraham was raised in the religion of the area, which centered on various eastern deities.

But the Bible records that eventually the true God—the Creator of the universe—called Abraham to leave Mesopotamia and come to the Promised Land of Canaan.

This is discussed in the book of Joshua, which states:

Joshua said to all the people, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Your fathers lived of old beyond the Euphrates, Terah, the father of Abraham and of Nahor; and they served other gods.

“Then I took your father Abraham from beyond the River and led him through all the land of Canaan, and made his offspring many” (Josh. 24:2-3).

The Bible thus acknowledges that—before God appeared to him—Abraham worshipped other gods, which was the normal practice of people in the Ancient Near East.

When Abraham came to Canaan it was filled with its own people, who also worshipped a variety of gods.

Later, when Abraham’s descendants spent time in Egypt, they also lived among a polytheistic people.

Being surrounded by polytheistic people meant that the Israelites were tempted to join their neighbors in worshipping other gods, and they sometimes did so.

They even did so during the Exodus, as Moses was leading them out of Egypt and back to the Promised Land.

This is illustrated by the golden calf incident (Exod. 32) and by Moses’ instruction to offer their sacrifices to God, saying, “they may no longer sacrifice their sacrifices to the goat-idols after which they were prostituting” (Lev. 17:7, LEB).

While people did engage in these practices, they were not acceptable. Thus, after the golden calf incident:

Moses’ anger burned hot, and he threw the tables out of his hands and broke them at the foot of the mountain.

And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it with fire, and ground it to powder, and scattered it upon the water, and made the sons of Israel drink it.

And Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people do to you that you have brought a great sin upon them?” (Exod. 32:19-21).

It was similarly recognized that, upon returning to Canaan, the polytheistic inhabitants could tempt the Israelites into being unfaithful to God. Concerning the Canaanites, God says:

You shall make no covenant with them or with their gods.

They shall not dwell in your land, lest they make you sin against me; for if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you” (Exod. 23:32-33).

Also, God made a covenant with the Israelites that they would worship only him. This requirement is explicit in the Ten Commandments:

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

“You shall have no other gods before me.

You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth” (Exod. 20:2-4).

The Bible thus depicts orthodox Israelite religion as involving the worship of God alone. However, it frankly acknowledges that unorthodox Israelites could and did worship other deities.

The struggle against this is a major theme in the Bible, and the prophets regularly condemn Israelites for worshipping other gods. You cannot read the Old Testament without repeatedly encountering this theme.

So what about Asherah? She was a goddess that was worshipped by the Canaanites—as well as other people in the Ancient Near East—and she was often regarded as the wife of the high god.

In the Canaanite pantheon, the high god—the head of the pantheon of gods—was named El, which is the Hebrew word for “God.”

El was also named Yahweh, and some Canaanites regarded Asherah as the wife of Yahweh.

Under the influence of their Canaanite neighbors, some Israelites did worship her—just as they worshipped other gods, like Ba’al and Milcom.

But according to the Old Testament, by doing this, they departed from the normative, orthodox Israelite religion and did things they were not supposed to.

What about the claim that this was normative before the time of King Josiah? Two points need to be made.

First, the theory depends on a very late dating of the biblical texts. There is good evidence that the books of Exodus and Leviticus were written around the time of David and Solomon (c. 1000 B.C.)—long before Josiah.

Furthermore, we have other texts before Josiah condemning the worship of Asherah.

For example, Isaiah 17:8 prophesies that a time is coming when the Israelites “will not have regard for the altars, the work of their hands, and they will not look to what their own fingers have made, either the Asherim or the altars of incense” to pagan gods.

The Asherim were pole-like religious objects used to worship Asherah, and even liberal scholars acknowledge that Isaiah 17 was written during the time of the prophet Isaiah (8th century B.C.), well before Josiah (7th century B.C.).

Even earlier was the event recorded in 1 Kings 15:13 that King Asa “removed Maacah his mother from being queen mother because she had an abominable image made for Asherah; and Asa cut down her image and burned it at the brook Kidron.”

Asa reigned between 912 and 870 B.C., and while 1 Kings wasn’t written until later, it records events repudiating Asherah that took place long before Josiah.

Second, the “Asherah worship was normative” view is just cherry-picking Old Testament texts.

If—at one time—it was orthodox for Israelites to worship Asherah, where are the texts praising her?

There aren’t any.

Advocates of this view must argue that any texts that were positive toward her were removed, and new, negative passages were introduced after Josiah.

That’s simply cherry-picking. You can prove anything you want—on any subject you want—if you get to pick evidence you think favors your position and ignore all evidence to the contrary.

For example, you could “prove” that the original thirteen U.S. colonies were founded by Russian immigrants by saying that—later on—all the references to Russian immigrants were mysteriously removed from our historical documents and replaced by references saying they were founded by English colonists.

The fact is, the texts we have in the Old Testament indicate that orthodox Israelites worshipped the true God, that unorthodox Israelites also worshipped other gods like Asherah, and that this practice was condemned from very early times.

Mysterious Feedback Special, September 2022 – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

Mysterious feedback! Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli answer your mysterious feedback on recent episodes, including the Green Children of Woolpit, Blue Panic Orbs, animal afterlife, Isdal Woman, How We Found the Universe, UFO/UAP Hearings, and more.

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The Weekly Francis – 6 September 2022

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week, from 21 July 2022 to 6 September 2022.


Apostolic Letter

General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “Discernment is demanding but indispensable for living. It requires a filial relationship with God. God is Father and He does not leave us alone. He is always willing to welcome us. But He never imposes His will. Why? Because He wants to be loved and not feared. #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex, 31 August 2022
  • “Let us #PrayTogether that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legally abolished in every country. #PrayerIntention TVT YouTube@Pontifex, 31 August 2022
  • “I am following with concern the violent events in Baghdad in recent days. Let us #PrayTogether for the people of Iraq. Dialogue and fraternity are the best way to face the current difficulties and reach peaceful living together.” @Pontifex, 31 August 2022
  • “God wants children, not slaves: free children. And love can only be lived in freedom. To learn to live one must learn to love, and for this it is necessary to discern. PLf Vatican@Pontifex, 31 August 2022
  • “Today, more than ever, we need a non-worldly liturgy, one that makes us raise our eyes toward Heaven to experience that the world and life are inhabited by the Mystery of Christ; and at the same time, a liturgy that is not distanced from life.” @Pontifex, 1 September 2022
  • “Let us #PrayTogether during this #SeasonOfCreation so that the UN COP27 and COP15 Summits might unite the human family in decisively confronting the double crisis of climate change and the reduction of biodiversity.” @Pontifex, 1 September 2022
  • “May this year’s theme, “Listen to the voice of creation”, foster a concrete commitment in each person to take care of our common home. Prey to our consumerist excesses, our sister, mother earth, weeps and implores us to put an end to our abuses and destruction. #SeasonOfCreation” @Pontifex, 1 September 2022
  • “Today we celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and the beginning of the #SeasonOfCreation, which will conclude on 4 October, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi.” @Pontifex, 1 September 2022
  • “This #SeasonofCreation is an opportunity to cultivate our “ecological conversion,” a conversion encouraged by Saint John Paul II as a response to the “ecological catastrophe” predicted by Saint Paul VI back in 1970. Message@Pontifex, 2 September 2022
  • “In this #SeasonofCreation, we pray once more in the great cathedral of creation, and revel in the grandiose cosmic choir made up of countless creatures singing God’s praises. #PrayTogether” @Pontifex, 3 September 2022
  • “Following Jesus means bearing, like him, one’s own burdens and those of others, making one’s life a gift. Jesus asks this of us: live the Gospel and you will live your life, not halfway but to the full.” @Pontifex, 4 September 2022
  • “Let us pray to #PopeJohnPaulI. Let us ask him to obtain for us ”the smile of the soul“. Using his own words, let us ask for what he himself used to request: ”Lord, take me as I am, with my defects, with my shortcomings, but help me become what you desire me to be.”” @Pontifex, 4 September 2022
  • “Blessed #JohnPaulI considered himself like dust in which God deigned to write. Therefore, he used to say, ”the Lord recommended this a lot: be humble. Even if you have done great things, say: ‘We are useless servants.’ “” @Pontifex, 4 September 2022
  • “In the #GospelOfTheDay (Lk 14:25–33), the Lord’s discourse isnot that appealing and is quite demanding: whoever does not love him more than his or her own dear ones, whoever does not carry the cross, whoever is not detached from earthly goods, cannot be his disciple.” @Pontifex, 4 September 2022
  • “If shared with love, a small amount never ends, but becomes a source of life and happiness. Such is the case with our alms, whether small or large, when offered with joy and simplicity. #InternationalDayofCharity” @Pontifex, 5 September 2022
  • “#MotherTeresa loved to say, “Perhaps I don’t speak their language, but I can smile”. Let us carry her smile in our hearts and give it to those whom we meet along our journey, especially those who suffer. In this way, we will open up opportunities of joy and hope.” @Pontifex, 5 September 2022
  • “The sweet song of creation invites us to practise an “ecological spirituality” attentive to God’s presence in the natural world, aware that everything was created through Christ and that ”without Him not one thing came into being” (Jn 1:3). #SeasonofCreation” @Pontifex, 6 September 2022

Papal Instagram

The Least Dangerous Game (LD) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Boimler is the least dangerous game. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the latest episode of Lower Decks that has Mariner trying to prove she isn’t insubordinate all the time and Boimler that he’s willing to take risks.

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We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience.

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This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida.

Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Fiorvento Law, PLLC, specializing in adult guardianships and conservatorships, probate and estate planning matters. Accepting clients throughout Michigan. Taking into account your individual, healthcare, financial and religious needs. Visit

Deliver Contacts, offering honest pricing and reliable service for all your contact lens needs. See the difference at

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Support StarQuest’s mission to explore the intersection of faith and pop culture by becoming a named sponsor of the show of your choice on the StarQuest network. Click to get started or find out more.

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The Mutants – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The 3rd Doctor is in a story that addresses the 1970s’ concerns about the end of colonization and empire. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this unique story that’s also about metamorphosis and transformation.

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The Weekly Francis – 30 August 2022

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week, from 24 August 2022 to 30 August 2022.


General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “As we approach the end of our lives, the essentials of life that we hold most dear become definitively clear to us. Our whole life appears like a seed that will have to be buried so that its flower and its fruit can be born.” @Pontifex, 24 August 2022
  • “We need #peace! #PrayTogether #Ukraine Image@Pontifex, 24 August 2022
  • “Ми потребуємо миру! #МолімосяРазом #Україна ##Мир bAGMXFlA Image@Pontifex, 24 August 2022
  • “Мы нуждаемся в мире! #МолимсяВместе #Украина #Мир QXGuRm Image@Pontifex, 24 August 2022
  • “Peace is not often achieved by famous people, but by the daily determination of ordinary men and women.” @Pontifex, 25 August 2022
  • “Prayer helps us maintain a lively faith. The oil of faith preserves it, turning our thoughts often toward the Lord. Looking at the image of the crucifix, fixing our eyes on Jesus, can help us a lot. This is a beautiful way to pray.” @Pontifex, 26 August 2022
  • “A Cardinal loves the Church, always with that same spiritual fire, whether dealing with great questions or handling everyday problems, with the powerful of this world or those ordinary people who are great in God’s eyes.” @Pontifex, 27 August 2022
  • “Today too, Jesus wants to bring this fire to the earth. He wants to light it anew on the shores of our daily lives. Jesus calls us by name; he looks us in the eye and he asks: Can I count on you? Kz Vatican@Pontifex, 27 August 2022
  • “Mercy is the experience of feeling welcomed, put back on our feet, strengthened, healed, encouraged. To be forgiven is to experience here and now that which comes closest to being resurrected.” @Pontifex, 28 August 2022
  • “et us #PrayTogether for the people of Pakistan, hit by floods of disastrous proportions. Let us pray for the numerous victims, for the wounded and those forced from their homes, and that international solidarity might be prompt and generous.” @Pontifex, 28 August 2022
  • “Let us #PrayTogether for the people of Ukraine and for all those who suffer because of war. May the God of #peace revive a human and Christian sense of pity and mercy in the hearts of the leaders of nations.” @Pontifex, 28 August 2022
  • “Celestine V was a courageous witness of the Gospel. In him, we admire a Church free from worldly logic, witnessing completely to that name of God which is Mercy.” @Pontifex, 28 August 2022
  • “The Word of God for today invites us to become humble and meek. Beginning with our misery, humility makes us take our gaze off ourselves in order to turn it toward God.” @Pontifex, 28 August 2022
  • “To renew our faith and our common mission, we are called to rediscover the core of the faith: our relationship with Jesus and the preaching of his Gospel to the whole world. This is essential!” @Pontifex, 29 August 2022
  • “Dear brothers and sisters, a minister of the Church is someone who experiences wonder before God’s plan and, in that spirit, passionately loves the Church, ready to be at the service of her mission wherever and however the Holy Spirit may choose.” @Pontifex, 30 August 2022

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