Ancient Human Aliens? (Pre-Adamites & More Patrons’ Questions!) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience. We cover topics such as cryptoterrestrials, crop circles, demoniacs in the Gospels, and more.

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The Weekly Francis – 1 March 2023

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week, from 9 February 2023 to 26 February 2023.



Papal Tweets

  • “#Lent is the “favourable time” to return to what is essential, to divest ourselves of all that weighs us down, to be reconciled with God, and to rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit hidden beneath the ashes of our frail humanity.” @Pontifex, 23 February 2023
  • “One year ago the absurd war against Ukraine began. Let us remain close to the tormented Ukrainian people, who continue to suffer, and let us ask ourselves: has everything possible been done to stop the war? Peace built on rubble will never be a true victory.” @Pontifex, 24 February 2023
  • “During #Lent we are called to respond to God’s gift by accepting his word, which is “living and active” (Heb 4:12). Regular listening to the #WordOfGod makes us open and docile to his working and bears fruit in our lives.” @Pontifex, 25 February 2023
  • “I renew my appeal to make dialogue prevail over hatred and vengeance in the Holy Land, and I pray to God for Palestinians and Israelis, that they may find the path to fraternity and peace, with the help of the international community.” @Pontifex, 26 February 2023
  • “Let’s #PrayTogether for the people of Burkina Faso, so that the violence they have suffered does not make them lose faith in the path of democracy, justice and peace.” @Pontifex, 26 February 2023
  • “Jesus teaches us to repel the attacks of the devil who, as his name says, wants to sow division in us, between us and God, between us and others. How do we repel him? Not by negotiating with him, but by opposing him in faith with the divine word. #GospelOfToday (Mt 4:1–11)” @Pontifex, 26 February 2023
  • “Let’s #PrayTogether also for the victims of the shipwreck this morning, off the Calabrian coast, including many children, and for the other surviving migrants. I thank those who have brought relief and are providing shelter.” @Pontifex, 26 February 2023

Papal Instagram

Disengage (PIC) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Is it just a reboot of Wrath of Khan? Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the second episode of Picard, season 3, including the similarities to a certain movie, scene-chewing villains, and the bigger than life return of another TNG favorite.

Conspiracy Bugs Are Finally Back in Star Trek Picard Season 3 – YouTube

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Dowsing, Faith, and Reason (Divining Rods, Pendulums, Radiasthesia, Rhabdomancy, Water Witching) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

After discussing the history and concept of dowsing with Dr. Paul Smith, Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Dr. Smith talk about what the Christian faith has to say about it, what science studies have shown, and what we should make of it.

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This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida.

Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Fiorvento Law, PLLC, specializing in adult guardianships and conservatorships, probate and estate planning matters. Accepting clients throughout Michigan. Taking into account your individual, healthcare, financial and religious needs. Visit

Deliver Contacts, offering honest pricing and reliable service for all your contact lens needs. See the difference at

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The Weekly Francis – 22 February 2023

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week, from 25 January 2023 to 22 February 2023.


Apostolic Letter

General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “Let us not forget those suffering from the earthquake in #Turkey and #Syria. Let us continue to pray for the victims and their loved ones and make a concrete commitment to help the survivors. May the Lord give consolation to the people affected by this terrible tragedy.” @Pontifex, 15 February 2023
  • “The proclamation of the Gospel does not begin from us, but from the beauty of what we have freely received: meeting Jesus, knowing Him, and discovering that we are loved and saved. It is such a great gift that we cannot keep it to ourselves, we feel the need to spread it.” @Pontifex, 15 February 2023
  • “The #WordOfGod, which is addressed to all, calls us to conversion. When we are filled with the Word, it transforms our hearts and minds; it changes us and helps us direct our lives to the Lord.” @Pontifex, 16 February 2023
  • “#Lent is a time of grace to the extent that we listen to Jesus. He speaks to us in the Word of God and through our brothers and sisters, especially in the faces and stories of those who are in need. @VaticanIHD
    VUYft Message@Pontifex, 17 February 2023
  • “God never leaves us on our own. God waits for us to ask Him to give us a hand. We need to learn how to distinguish God’s voice through silent #Prayer and intimate dialogue with Him, treasuring in our hearts that which does us good and gives us peace.” @Pontifex, 18 February 2023
  • “In the #GospelOfToday (Mt 5:38–48), the Lord invites us not to respond to evil with evil, but to dare to do good, even if we receive little or nothing in return. For it is this love that slowly transforms conflicts, overcomes enmities and heals the wounds of hatred.” @Pontifex, 19 February 2023
  • “I am close to the people of New Zealand, struck in recent days by a devastating cyclone. Let’s #PrayTogether” @Pontifex, 19 February 2023
  • “Let us not forget those who are suffering. I think of Syria and Turkey, of the very many victims of the earthquake; of the dear Ukrainian people and the many populations who suffer as a result of war of poverty, lack of freedom, or environmental devastation.” @Pontifex, 19 February 2023
  • “#SocialJustice demands that we fight against the causes of poverty: inequality and the lack of labour, land, and lodging; against those who deny social and labour rights; and against the culture that leads to taking away the dignity of others.” @Pontifex, 20 February 2023
  • “In God, no act of love, no matter how small, and no generous effort will ever be lost.” @Pontifex, 21 February 2023
  • “Dear brothers and sisters, may the Holy Spirit sustain us this #Lent2023 in our ascent with Jesus. May we experience His divine splendour and thus, confirmed in faith, persevere in our journey with Him, the glory of His people and light of the nations.
    VUYft Message@Pontifex, 22 February 2023
  • “The Spirit sheds light on the path of the Church. He is not only the light of hearts, He is the light that orients the Church: He brings clarity, helps to distinguish, to discern. This is why it is necessary to invoke Him often; let us also do so today, at the beginning of #Lent” @Pontifex, 22 February 2023
  • “Let us not neglect the grace of this holy season, responding generously to the powerful promptings of #Lent. At the end of the journey, we will encounter with greater joy the Lord of life, who alone can raise us up from our ashes.” @Pontifex, 22 February 2023
  • “Almsgiving, charity, will be a sign of our compassion toward those in need, and help us to return to others. Prayer will give voice to our profound desire to encounter the Father, and will bring us back to him.” @Pontifex, 22 February 2023
  • “Fasting will be the spiritual training ground where we joyfully renounce the superfluous things that weigh us down, grow in interior freedom and return to the truth about ourselves.” @Pontifex, 22 February 2023

Papal Instagram

The Deadly Assassin – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The Doctor for Lord President! Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this 4th Doctor story of Time Lord politics, assassination, the Matrix, and the “decayed” Master.

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Mysterious Feedback (231-234, Lonnie Zamora UFO, Spiral Staircase, Oswald’s 1st Assassination) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

Mysterious feedback! Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli answer your mysterious feedback on recent episodes, including the Lonnie Zamora UFO incident, the spiral staircase of Loreto; Lee Harvey Oswald’s 1st assassination attempt, and more.

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The Next Generation (PIC) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Season 3 of Picard is here and Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss what’s good and maybe not as good, including what makes this season different from the first two so far and what they expect from the rest of the season.

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Can a Catholic Reject Transubstantiation?

recent article by Thomas Reese, S.J. for National Catholic Reporter has attracted attention. There’s a lot to respond to in Fr. Reese’s article, but I have a word limit, so I’ll keep it short.

Under the deliberately provocative title “The Eucharist is about more than the real presence,” Reese discusses what he thinks is wrong in the contemporary Church concerning the Eucharist. And about halfway through, he states:

Since my critics often accuse me of heresy, before I go further, let me affirm that I believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. I just don’t believe in transubstantiation because I don’t believe in prime matter, substantial forms and accidents that are part of Aristotelian metaphysics.

Thomas Aquinas used Aristotelianism, the avant-garde philosophy of his time, to explain the Eucharist to his generation. What worked in the 13th century will not work today. If he were alive today, he would not use Aristotelianism because nobody grasps it in the 21st century.

So, first, forget transubstantiation. Better to admit that Christ’s presence in the Eucharist is an unexplainable mystery that our little minds cannot comprehend.

Reese is correct that Aristotelianism was an avant-garde philosophy in the time of Aquinas. Except for Aristotle’s work on logic, the rest of his philosophy had been unavailable in the Latin-speaking West for centuries, and it was just before and during Aquinas’s time that translations of most of Aristotle’s works were becoming available.

The major figure in synthesizing Aristotelian and Christian thought was Aquinas’s mentor, Albert the Great (c. 1200-1280), and the new ideas were considered quite daring. In 1210, 1270, and 1277, ecclesiastical authorities in Paris prohibited the teaching of various ideas connected with Aristotle’s thought, and Albert himself found it expedient to state, “I expound, I do not endorse, Aristotle.”

Aquinas’s own synthesis of Christian and Aristotelian thought was viewed with considerable suspicion, and some of the Condemnations of 1277 were directed at Aquinas’s ideas. Particularly suspect were Aristotle’s physics and metaphysics.

But what does any of this have to do with transubstantiation?

From what Reese says, you might suspect that Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) came up with transubstantiation, that the concept is inextricably bound up with Aristotle’s thought, and that it’s purely optional for Catholics. However, none of these things is true.

In the first place, the term transubstantiation had been around for quite some time before Aquinas. Its first recorded use was by Hildebert of Tours, who used it around 1079—two centuries before Aquinas. The term was regarded as an apt one for expressing what people believed, and it quickly spread among theologians.

It appears—and is endorsed—in a letter of Pope Innocent III from 1202 (DH 784), and in 1215, the ecumenical council of Lateran IV taught that Christ’s “body and blood are truly contained in the sacrament of the altar under the appearances of bread and wine, the bread being transubstantiated into the body by the divine power and the wine into the blood” (DH 802).

So transubstantiation was not the brainchild of Thomas Aquinas. What about it being inextricably linked to Aristotle’s thought?

That the term was proposed before the major translation of Aristotle’s writings into Latin and the integration of Aristotelian and Christian thought should be a big clue that there’s no essential connection between the two.

So is the fact that the term had been widely adopted—including by a pope and an ecumenical council!—during the period when Aristotelianism, and especially its physics and metaphysics, were viewed with suspicion.

The term transubstantiation itself is not Aristotelian, and Aristotle did not use it. The word is Latin rather than Greek, and it comes from perfectly common Latin roots: trans, which means across or beyond, and substantia, which means substance. Any Latin speaker of the day would naturally understand it to mean a change of one substance or reality into another, as you can tell from the context in which Lateran IV used it.

Neither do we find distinctly Aristotelian terms like prime mattersubstantial form, or even accidents in the Church’s articulation of transubstantiation. When the Council of Trent met, it issued the following definition:

If anyone says that in the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist the substance of bread and wine remains together with the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and denies that wonderful and unique change of the whole substance of the bread into his body and of the whole substance of the wine into his blood while only the species of bread and wine remain, a change which the Catholic Church very fittingly calls transubstantiation, let him be anathema (Decree on the Sacrament of the Eucharist, can. 2; DH 1652).

There’s nothing distinctly Aristotelian in that. The Council even avoids the Aristotelian term accidents and uses the term species—which means appearances—instead. The council thus articulated the faith of the Church without endorsing any particular philosophical school of thought.

I don’t know how much catechesis Reese has done in his career, but you don’t have to sit down and give a person a mini-course in Aristotelianism—or any philosophical system—to explain transubstantiation. It’s not a familiar term outside Catholic circles, but all you have to say is, “The bread and wine become Jesus. After the consecration, bread and wine aren’t there anymore. Jesus is present under the appearances of bread and wine.”

This understanding was present in the Church’s faith before the term transubstantiation was coined. Indeed, it’s why the term was coined.

Reese’s comments about transubstantiation, Aquinas, and Aristotle are thus misinformed and misdirected, but he raises the question of whether he can be accused of heresy and professes his faith in the real presence as proof that he is not a heretic. It’s good that he believes in the real presence, but is this sufficient to avoid heresy?

The charge of heresy is a very serious one and should be made only in the gravest circumstances. It is defined as follows:

Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith (CIC 751).

A “truth which is to be believed with divine and Catholic faith” is another way of saying a dogma—that is, a truth that has been infallibly defined by the Magisterium to be divinely revealed. Dogmas are a subset of other infallible teachings, which may or may not be divinely revealed.

It is commonly held that Trent’s canon (above) contains two infallible definitions: first, that the whole substance of bread and wine is changed into Christ’s body and blood so that bread and wine do not remain and, second, that this change is fittingly called transubstantiation.

The term transubstantiation was coined in the 1000s, so it is not part of the deposit of faith and not divinely revealed. Reese would not be a heretic for denying this term.

But in rejecting transubstantiation, Reese said that “Christ’s presence in the Eucharist is an unexplainable mystery.” On its face, that appears to be a doubt of (a refusal to believe) the explanation provided by Trent—that the whole substance of bread and wine are changed into the whole substance of Christ’s body and blood.

Reese thus should clarify whether he actually accepts this change, which is divinely revealed and was made a dogma by Trent.

Doubting this dogma obstinately would make Reese guilty of heresy—and that’s for the competent ecclesial authorities to judge, not me. I thus am not in a position to accuse him of heresy, but based on what he has said, he is dancing on the edge of it.

Dowsing (Divining Rods, Pendulums, Radiesthesia, Rhabdomancy, Water Witching) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

The practice of dowsing has been used for hundreds of years, at least, to find water, gold, oil, and more. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli talk to an expert on dowsing to ask what it is, what we know about it, and how it works.

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This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida.

Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Fiorvento Law, PLLC, specializing in adult guardianships and conservatorships, probate and estate planning matters. Accepting clients throughout Michigan. Taking into account your individual, healthcare, financial and religious needs. Visit

Deliver Contacts, offering honest pricing and reliable service for all your contact lens needs. See the difference at

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