The Cash-Landrum UFO Incident (Radiation? Government Experiment? Cover-Up?) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

In 1980, two women and a boy had a frightening encounter with a UFO blazing light and fire. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the event, the health effects it had, the women’s battle with the US gov’t over it, and what could be responsible for it all.

Due to copyright issues on YouTube, we have posted this week’s video on an alternative site. You can watch the video below. Thank you.

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This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Fiorvento Law, PLLC, specializing in adult guardianships and conservatorships, probate and estate planning matters. Accepting clients throughout Michigan. Taking into account your individual, healthcare, financial and religious needs. Visit

Deliver Contacts, offering honest pricing and reliable service for all your contact lens needs. See the difference at

Tim Shevlin’s Personal Fitness training for Catholics. Providing spiritual and physical wellness through personalized nutrition, workout, and prayer programs and daily accountability check-ins. Learn more by visiting

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Stage Fright (Big Finish) – The Secrets of Doctor Who

For the third installment in the 6th Doctor’s audio-only regeneration story, Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the return of several characters from the 4th Doctor’s time, the new Companion Flip, and a man fighting against his dark side in Victorian London.

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The Weekly Francis – 11 April 2023

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week, from 5 April 2023 to 11 April 2023.

General Audiences



Regina Caeli

Papal Tweets

  • “During these holy days, let’s draw near the Crucified One. Let’s place ourselves before him, stripped, to take an honest look at ourselves, removing whatever is superfluous. Let’s look at him, wounded, and place our wounds in his. Let’s let Jesus regenerate hope in us. #HolyWeek” @Pontifex, 5 April 2023
  • “Without the Lord’s Spirit, there can be no Christian life. Without his anointing, there can be no holiness. It is fitting that today, on the birthday of the priesthood, we acknowledge that He is at the origin of the ministry, the life and vitality of every Pastor. #HolyThursday” @Pontifex, 6 April 2023
  • “On the cross, Jesus refused to yield to despair, but he prayed and entrusted Himself to the Father. In His abandonment, he continued to love and forgive His crucifiers. Jesus, in His abandonment, asks us to see and have a heart for the many ”abandoned Christs“.” @Pontifex, 7 April 2023
  • “#ViaCrucis #GoodFriday U Image@Pontifex, 7 April 2023
  • “Today the power of Easter calls you to roll away every stone of disappointment and mistrust. The Lord is an expert in rolling back the stones of sin and fear. He wants to illuminate your sacred memory, your most beautiful memory, to make you relive your first encounter with him.” @Pontifex, 8 April 2023
  • “Let us revive the beauty of that moment when we realized that he is alive and we made him the Lord of our lives. Let us return to Galilee. Let each of us return to his or her own Galilee, to the place where we first encountered him. Let us rise to new life!” @Pontifex, 8 April 2023
  • “Let us make haste to surmount our conflicts and divisions, and to open our hearts to those in greatest need. Let us hasten to pursue paths of peace and fraternity.” @Pontifex, 9 April 2023
  • “To rise again, to start anew, to take up the journey, we always need to return to Galilee, that is, to go back to the living, concrete and palpable memory of our first encounter with him.” @Pontifex, 9 April 2023
  • “#Easter yeultk Image@Pontifex, 9 April 2023
  • “Jesus, the Living One, is with us, forever. Let the Church and the world rejoice, for today our hopes no longer come up against the wall of death, for the Lord has built us a bridge to life.” @Pontifex, 9 April 2023
  • “May we allow ourselves to experience amazement at the joyful proclamation of Easter, at the light that illumines the darkness and the gloom in which, all too often, our world finds itself enveloped.” @Pontifex, 9 April 2023
  • “The #GospelOfToday lets us relive the women’s encounter with the Risen Jesus on Easter morning. Jesus meets them while they are going to announce him. This is beautiful: when we proclaim the Lord, the Lord comes to us. #Easter” @Pontifex, 10 April 2023
  • “When hope is spent and we feel loneliness in our hearts, inner weariness, the torment of sin, the fear of failure, let us return to Jesus. For He is the only one who always defeats death and always renews our life. #Easter” @Pontifex, 11 April 2023

Papal Instagram

Last Christmas – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The 12th Doctor meets Santa at the North Pole! Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this Christmas special that reunites Clara and the Doctor in a dreamy, facehugger alien story that is by turns funny, endearing, and creepy.

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Surrender (PIC) – The Secrets of Star Trek

What is necessary in healing from grief? Dom Bettinellli and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the latest Picard episode, including grief and healing; how love is at the core of identity; and the everchanging theories for what’s really going on. Plus what’s next for Star Trek?

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Vampire Suicide and More Weird Questions – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

It’s time for another set of weird questions posed by Cy Kellet of Catholic Answers to Jimmy Akin, including this time: whether time travel interferes with God’s plans; could an alien 2,000 light years away see Jesus on Earth; the origin of coal and the Great Flood; ghost hunting TV shows; and whether vampires could commit suicide to protect others.

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Questions covered:

  • 02:31 – If a human is a rational animal (that’s to say that it has the natural tendency to grow, eat, feel, see, will, and reason) then would the consecrated Eucharist have these innate tendencies as well? Are there any conditions under which the Eucharist can do even one of those things mentioned, let alone all of them?
  • 05:24 – By time traveling are you interfering with God’s plan? Even if we think we are stopping an evil act, God has his reasons.
  • 07:26 – If you were to save someone in the past would that person in the new timeline have a different soul? They lived a longer lifetime and committed other acts either righteous or sinful. To me that would logically mean it’s not the same soul since we are judged by our one life. One version of the person could have gone to hell and other to heaven.
  • 10:00 – Given the speed of light, is it possible that a person, right now, on a planet 2000 light years away and with a telescope so powerful that he could see onto the surface of the earth in great detail, could watch Jesus walking and teaching.
  • 12:49 – Will every curiosity or question that I have in this life have an answer in heaven, or will the experience of sanctification or purgatory simply remove that curious or questioning spirit from me?
  • 14:48 – What is your take on the floating log mat model for the origin of coal beds and biogeography? As both a coal miner and a Catholic, I am interested in the theory that the great flood caused a mass (or masses) of fallen logs to float about the world, but I have a hard time making the leap that this proves a young earth and our previous theories for the formation of coal seams taken millions of years are no longer valid. On a related note, is the story of the great flood required to be taken literally, or could it have been a regional flood that wiped out the human population but maybe did not cover the entire earth?
  • 18:40 – I became Catholic, I enjoyed those shows on Travel Channel like Ghost Adventures, where these paranormal investigators would lock themselves in a “haunted” place and try to capture evidence of the paranormal through EVP [that is, Electronic Voice Phenomena] sessions and whatnot. I don’t necessarily believe it was all real (or all fake for that matter either) and I’m a fairly educated individual and understand the behavioral psychology of “hearing voices” through EVP and, as such, am highly skeptical. HOWEVER, these shows are very entertaining, and I have to admit, I enjoy them, for entertainment. As a Catholic, is it a sin to watch these shows for entertainment? I would never even think of doing it myself or even put any stock in what they do. I know we are forbidden from attempting to contact the dead, but is watching these shows for entertainment, per se, sinful? I can’t find anything definitive about it.
  • 32:40 – Let’s say, in an alternate timeline, the Left Behind fictional series, centered around the end of the world and the 2nd coming of Christ, was authored by faithful Catholics. In order to keep the series in line with Church teaching, what events would need to be included, what events would need to be omitted, and what events may or may not be included as they are subject to theological speculation?
  • 37:03 – Suppose someone became an undead vampire. Yet, they still have a moral conscience and know right from wrong. The Church also teaches that suicide is a mortal sin. Would it be a sin for such a person to commit suicide in order to protect others from becoming a vampire?
  • 45:48 – How would you reconcile Earth’s liturgical calendar with planets that have longer or shorter solar years? Can you have Easter twice in one year? Could you have a year without Christmas?

This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Fiorvento Law, PLLC, specializing in adult guardianships and conservatorships, probate and estate planning matters. Accepting clients throughout Michigan. Taking into account your individual, healthcare, financial and religious needs. Visit

Deliver Contacts, offering honest pricing and reliable service for all your contact lens needs. See the difference at

Tim Shevlin’s Personal Fitness training for Catholics. Providing spiritual and physical wellness through personalized nutrition, workout, and prayer programs and daily accountability check-ins. Learn more by visiting

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Support StarQuest’s mission to explore the intersection of faith and pop culture by becoming a named sponsor of the show of your choice on the StarQuest network. Click to get started or find out more.

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The Red House (Big Finish) – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The 2nd stop in the 6th Doctor’s last adventure. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the red riding hood connections, the unexpected twists, the Valeyard’s creeping plan, and the difference between Companion Charli with the 6th and 8th Doctors.

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Judas Iscariot: Man of Mystery

Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus is perplexing in several ways, and Christian thinkers have sought to make sense of it.

The largest question is: Why did Judas perform the betrayal? What was his motive?

The Gospels give us some clues. One is that Satan was working on Judas (Luke 22:3, John 13:2, 27). However, this explains the action from a superhuman point of view and does not address why—on a human level—Judas would choose to betray Jesus.

A possible human motive may have been greed. John indicates that Judas was greedy and had previously committed theft to obtain money (John 12:5-6), and Matthew portrays Judas as telling the chief priests, “‘What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?’ And they paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment he sought an opportunity to betray him” (Matt. 26:15-16). Mark and Luke also mention a commitment to pay Judas (Mark 14:11, Luke 22:5).

This suggests at least that Judas wanted to be compensated for the deed, but that doesn’t mean it was his primary motive. Why would someone who had followed Jesus for three years suddenly decide to betray his master? Is the opportunity for some quick cash really a sufficient motive?

Many have thought that it is not, and they have proposed additional reasons. One is the idea that Judas was actually trying to help Jesus fulfill his messianic destiny by bringing him into contact with the Jewish authorities. This view would tend to rehabilitate Judas, as he thought he was doing a good thing.

In favor of such a view, Judas could be seen as not aware of the fact he’s betraying Jesus, for when Jesus predicts at the Last Supper that one of the Twelve will betray him, Judas—along with the others—asks, “Is it I, Master?” (Matt. 26:25; cf. 26:22). Also, “when Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he changed his mind and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying, ‘I have sinned by betraying innocent blood’” (Matt. 27:3-4). So maybe Judas just meant to put Jesus in contact with the chief priests and didn’t realize they would condemn him.

Against this view is the fact that Judas “had given them a sign, saying, ‘The one I shall kiss is the man; seize him and lead him away safely’” (Mark 14:44). The use of a covert sign—as opposed to making a simple introduction—and the instruction to seize Jesus indicates consciousness of betrayal.

However, another messianic motive is possible. No doubt, Judas—like the other disciples—expected Jesus to be a political Messiah who would kick out the Romans and restore national sovereignty to Israel (cf. John 6:15, 11:48-50; Acts 1:6). However, Jesus did not intend to be this type of Messiah. Perhaps Judas disagreed, and by forcing him into a confrontation with the chief priests, Judas was hoping to force him back onto what he regarded as the proper path for the Messiah—only to see Jesus condemned instead.

Another possible motive is anger and resentment. It is clear from various passages in the New Testament that some disciples (Peter, James, John, and Andrew) were closer to Jesus than others, and Judas is always listed last among the Twelve (Matt. 10:1-4, Mark 3:13-19, Luke 6:12-16). Perhaps Judas’s lower status had come to grate on him after three years, and—under the influence of Satanically inspired envy and resentment—he decided to prove that he was a person of importance after all.

What we can say with confidence is that on the superhuman level Satan was involved and on the human level greed was involved, but beyond that, all we can do is speculate.

Whatever Judas’s exact motive, a careful reading of the Gospels reveals that the betrayal involved an intricate, time-sensitive plan.

“It was now two days before the Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread. And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how to arrest him by stealth, and kill him; for they said, ‘Not during the feast, lest there be a tumult of the people’” (Mark 14:1-2).

Given the Jewish way of reckoning time, and the fact Passover began at sundown on Thursday, “two days before the Passover” points to sometime during the daytime on Wednesday.

The Jewish authorities thus had a window of opportunity to arrest Jesus between Wednesday and Thursday. Beginning Friday morning, the feast of Unleavened Bread would be in full swing, and Jesus could be expected to be with the crowds during the daytime in the week-long festival.

It apparently was on this Wednesday that Judas went to the chief priests and agreed to betray him, so he “sought an opportunity to betray him to them in the absence of the multitude” (Luke 22:6). Since Judas was now serving as their spy, the Wednesday of Holy Week is often called Spy Wednesday.

Jesus being away from the crowds was important. Jesus noted that they could have arrested him any day they wanted as he taught in the temple (Matt. 26:55, Mark 14:49, Luke 22:53). By waiting until he was in a private setting, they could avoid the people rioting.

Judas did not find an opportunity to betray Jesus Wednesday night or Thursday during the daytime when Jesus was with the crowds. The next opportunity would be when he was alone with the disciples on Thursday night at the Passover meal, which would be in private.

However, there was a new complication. Jesus kept the location of the Passover meal secret until the last moment, forcing the disciples to ask, “Where will you have us go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?” (Mark 14:16).

Instead of simply telling them the location, Jesus sent two of the disciples (Luke reveals it was Peter and John; Luke 22:8) to look for a man unusually carrying a water jar, which was normally women’s work. They were then to follow this man back to a house, and there the householder would have a room prepared for them to eat the Passover meal (Mark 14:13-15).

The apparent purpose of this subterfuge was to keep the Twelve—including Judas—from knowing the location of the meal until the last moment. That way, Judas could not bring the authorities there to arrest Jesus, for he greatly desired to eat this Passover with his disciples (Luke 22:15).

At the Last Supper, Jesus announced that one of the Twelve would betray him, prompting the disciples to ask who it would be.

Jesus indicated it would be someone who dipped food in the same dish as him, which would make it obvious to anyone who was in-the-know that Judas would be the betrayer. But John’s Gospel indicates that this was a rather restricted audience. It may have only been Peter and the beloved disciple who knew.

“One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining at table at Jesus’ side, so Simon Peter motioned to him to ask Jesus of whom he was speaking. So that disciple, leaning back against Jesus, said to him, ‘Lord, who is it?’ Jesus answered, ‘It is he to whom I will give this morsel of bread when I have dipped it.’ So when he had dipped the morsel, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. Then after he had taken the morsel, Satan entered into him. Jesus said to him, ‘What you are going to do, do quickly.’ Now no one at the table knew why he said this to him. Some thought that, because Judas had the moneybag, Jesus was telling him, ‘Buy what we need for the feast,’ or that he should give something to the poor” (John 13:23-29) since giving to the poor was a custom on the first night of Passover.

By this point, Judas had learned what he needed to know to betray Jesus, for he had learned their plans for the remainder of the evening.

Jesus “went out with his disciples across the brook Kidron, where there was a garden, which he and his disciples entered. Now Judas, who betrayed him, also knew the place, for Jesus often met there with his disciples” (John 18:1-2).

Judas thus brought a band of soldiers and officers from the Jewish authorities to arrest him.

It was at this point that Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Even though Jesus was a public figure, the guards might not know him by sight.

Also, it was dark, and they would be viewing the scene in the garden by torchlight. Even Judas himself might not recognize Jesus until getting up close to him.

By arranging the kiss, Judas apparently wanted a degree of protection. If he suddenly yelled, “This is Jesus! Grab him!” that would make it obvious to everyone that Judas had betrayed him. A melee might ensue, and Judas might be injured or killed by one of the other disciples.

But by coming up and giving the ordinary greeting gesture of a kiss, it would make the act of betrayal non-obvious. From Judas’s perspective, he might get away scot-free, with nobody realizing what he had done.

However, Jesus knew what Judas was up to. “Jesus said to him, “Judas, would you betray the Son of man with a kiss?” (Luke 22:48).

From Jesus’ perspective—as tragic as it was—everything was proceeding according to plan.

The Weekly Francis – 4 April 2023

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week, from 30 March 2023 to 4 April 2023.


Apostolic Letter



Papal Tweets

  • “Let us #PrayTogether for a more widespread culture of non-violence, that will progress when countries and citizens alike resort less and less to the use of arms. #PrayerIntention #ClickToPray Video@Pontifex, 30 March 2023
  • “I am touched by the many messages received in these hours and I express my gratitude for the closeness and prayer.” @Pontifex, 30 March 2023
  • “When experienced with faith, the trials and difficulties of life serve to purify our hearts, making them humbler and thus more and more open to God. #Lent” @Pontifex, 31 March 2023
  • “Living #HolyWeek means entering ever more deeply into God’s logic, into the logic of the Cross, which is not primarily that of suffering and death, but rather that of love and of the gift of self that brings life.” @Pontifex, 1 April 2023
  • “I thank everyone for their closeness and prayer. I entrust the sick to Mary, especially the youngest, like those I met in the oncology ward at Gemelli. Let us pray for those who suffer the loss of dear ones and for those who work in hospitals. It takes courage. I admire them. Image@Pontifex, 1 April 2023
  • “On the cross, Christ put Himself in solidarity with us so that each of us can say: In my failures, in my desolation, when I feel betrayed and abandoned, You are there, Jesus. When I feel I can’t take it anymore, you are with me. In all my unanswered “why’s”, you are with me.” @Pontifex, 2 April 2023
  • ““My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mt 27:46). These are the words that bring us to the very heart of Christ’s passion, the culmination of the sufferings He bore to save us. #PalmSunday” @Pontifex, 2 April 2023
  • “Abandoned, Christ stirs us to seek and love Him in the abandoned. For they are not only people in need, but He is there – Jesus abandoned – the One who saved us by descending to the depths of our human condition. #PalmSunday” @Pontifex, 2 April 2023
  • “God chose to enter into our human history the most difficult way possible: the cross. This way, no one could ever be so desperate and not to be able to find Him, even in the midst of anguish and abandonment. God arrived in the very place we didn’t think He could be.” @Pontifex, 3 April 2023
  • “During these days of Holy Week, let us #PrayTogether more intensely for the war-torn people of Ukrainia, and for all peoples experiencing war, that with God’s help, paths of peace might be opened.” @Pontifex, 3 April 2023
  • “From the Cross forgiveness poured forth and fraternal love was reborn: the Cross makes us brothers and sisters. #HolyWeek” @Pontifex, 4 April 2023

Papal Instagram

Dominion (PIC) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Big revelations and cameos! Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss what more we’ve learned about the story so far, including morally questionable and objectionable actions, plus another high-profile cameo in this week’s Picard.

Direct Link to the Episode.

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