The Weekly Francis – 14 June 2017

Pope_Francis_3_on_papal_flight_from_Africa_to_Italy_Nov_30_2015_Credit_Martha_Calderon_CNA_11_30_15This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 30 April 2017 to 14 June 2017.

Daily Homilies (fervorinos)


Regina Cæli


Papal Tweets

  • “Humility and tenderness are not virtues of the weak, but of the strong.” @Pontifex 8 June 2017
  • “Each one of us, as a living member of the Body of Christ, is called to work for unity and peace.” @Pontifex 9 June 2017
  • “Life can survive only because of the generosity of other lives.” @Pontifex 10 June 2017
  • “The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity invites us to be a leaven of communion, consolation and mercy.” @Pontifex 11 June 2017
  • “The Church shines forth when she is missionary, welcoming, free, faithful, poor in means and rich in love.” @Pontifex 12 June 2017
  • “In his passion, Jesus took upon himself all our suffering. He knows the meaning of pain, he understands and comforts us, giving us strength.” @Pontifex 13 June 2017
  • “There is much need of prayer and penitence to implore the grace of conversion and an end to the many wars throughout the world.” @Pontifex 14 June 2017

Papal Instagram

Secrets of Doctor Who – The Empress of Mars


Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the ninth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Empress of Mars.”

It’s a rip-roaring adventure on Mars straight out of Edgar Rice Burroughs and featuring the classic Doctor Who villains, the Ice Warriors.

Our panel examines the episode within the context of the season, but also in the context of their classic appearances on the show. What did you think of this episode?

Click here to get the mp3 directly.

Catechism of the Catholic Church Index

I use the online version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church at the Vatican web site all the time, so I decided to make an upgraded version of their index page (here). The improvements on this version include:

  1. The links now open pages in new tabs.
  2. I’ve added links to the Latin version, to make it easier to check the original.
  3. I’ve added the passage numbers in parentheses after each link, to make it easier to look up passages by their number.

Feel free to bookmark this page. A short link for it is


The Weekly Francis – 07 June 2017

popr-francis-teachingThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 8 May 2017 to 7 June 2017.

Daily Homilies (fervorinos)



Regina Cæli


Papal Tweets

  • “I thank God for parents who strive to live in love and keep moving forward, even if they fall many times along the way.” @Pontifex 1 June 2017
  • “Through the darkness of today’s conflicts, every one of us can become a bright candle, a reminder that light will overcome darkness.” @Pontifex 2 June 2017
  • “Let us promote with courage all necessary means to protect the lives of our children.” @Pontifex 3 June 2017
  • “Let us allow ourselves to be humbly led by the Holy Spirit in order to avoid taking the wrong road and closing our hearts.” @Pontifex 4 June 2017
  • “We must never forget that the natural environment is a collective good, the patrimony of all humanity and the responsibility of everyone.” @Pontifex 5 June 2017
  • “Let’s always remember that our faith is concrete: the Word became flesh, not an idea!” @Pontifex 6 June 2017
  • “The Church needs everyday saints, those of ordinary life carried out with coherence.” @Pontifex 7 June 2017

Papal Instagram

Secrets of Doctor Who – The Lie of the Land


Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the eighth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Lie of the Land”.

The final episode of the “monk trilogy” begins with the monks in control of the world and, apparently of the Doctor.

Our panel looks at the episode in itself, in context of the previous two, and of the whole season–spoilers–find it coming up short.

Listen to find out why. What do you think? Do you agree?

Click here for the mp3 directly.

The Weekly Francis – 31 May 2017


This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 16 April 2017 to 31 May 2017.

General Audiences


Regina Cæli


Papal Tweets

  • “God makes His most beautiful flowers grow among the driest stones.” @Pontifex 18 May 2017
  • “Let us seek to always hold high the “tone” of our life, remembering the goal and glory for which we exist, work, struggle and suffer.” @Pontifex 19 May 2017
  • “Peace must be built on justice, on integral human development, on respect for human rights, on the protection of creation.” @Pontifex 20 May 2017
  • “Mary teaches us to place our hope in God even when all seems without meaning, even when He seems hidden.” @Pontifex 21 May 2017
  • “We are called to live not as one without others, above or against others, but with and for others.” @Pontifex 22 May 2017
  • “Dialogue allows us to plan for a future in common. Through dialogue we build peace, taking care of everyone.” @Pontifex 23 May 2017
  • “讓我們與中國天主教徒一同祈禱,將我們託付於聖母瑪利亞,好使我們有足夠的恩寵藉著耐心和愛去克服一切困難。” @Pontifex 24 May 2017
  • “Let us pray with Catholics in China, entrusting ourselves to Mary, for the grace to endure patiently and overcome challenges with love.” @Pontifex 24 May 2017
  • “With the Ascension of Jesus, we participate in the fullness of life with God. Let us carry this in our hearts in our daily lives.” @Pontifex 25 May 2017
  • “The future of our societies requires concrete action in favor of life on the part of everyone and especially institutions.” @Pontifex 26 May 2017
  • “Let us pray for our Coptic brethren in Egypt who were killed because they did not want to renounce the faith.” @Pontifex 27 May 2017
  • “I encourage everyone to engage in constructive forms of communication that reject prejudice towards others and foster hope and trust today.” @Pontifex 28 May 2017
  • “The motherly presence of Mary reminds us that God never tires of lowering himself in mercy over humanity.” @Pontifex 29 May 2017
  • “Christian joy comes from the Holy Spirit, who gives us true freedom and the gift of bringing Jesus to our brothers and sisters.” @Pontifex 30 May 2017
  • “Let us learn from the strong and helpful faith of our Mother Mary in order to become living signs of God’s mercy.” @Pontifex 31 May 2017

Papal Instagram

Secrets of Doctor Who – The Pyramid at the End of the World


Fr. Cory Sticha, Dom Bettinelli, and Jimmy Akin discuss and analyze the seventh episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Pyramid at the End of the World”. The corpse-like monks are real this time as is the threat they pose to earth. Can the Doctor figure out the real threat to earth in time to save it?
Click this link to get the file directly.

Understanding the Ascension of Jesus

Ascension of Christ. 1510-1520. Oil on panel. Image licenced to Amy Jordan CNN PRODUCTIONS by Amy Jordan Usage : - 3000 X 3000 pixels (Letter Size, A4) © Scala / Art Resource

In this episode of Catholic Answers Live (May 25, 2017, 1st hour), Jimmy answers the following questions:

1:29 Why is Ascension Thursday a holy day of obligation in some places and not others?

5:30 How do we know the Ascension happened on a Thursday?

7:20 When will we get our glorified bodies?

8:10 How does Jesus’ glorified body work?

9:25 Why didn’t the disciples always recognize Jesus immediately?

17:35 Why does the Gospel of Mark end the way it does? Why do Matthew and Luke end differently?

23:45 Where did the Ascension take place?

24:10 Did the disciples go to Galilee (as Matthew and Mark say) to encounter Jesus or did they see him in Jerusalem (as Luke says)?

27:20 Does only Luke mention the Ascension?

28:25 Why does Jesus tell Mary Magdalene not to touch him in relation to the Ascension?

30:30 How are Jesus’ appearances in the 40 days different than his appearances to saints? What about his appearance to St. Paul?

33:05 Why did Jesus ascend? What was the purpose of the Ascension?

36:30 Why did Jesus go *up*? Is heaven *up*? Why is God depicted as being in the sky?

44:35 How do we know Luke didn’t make up the Ascension?

48:38 Who were Luke’s sources? Did they include Peter and Paul themselves?

51:15 When did Christians start proclaiming the Ascension?

51:55 What happened with the two “men in white” at the Ascension? Who were they, and what was their message?

Secrets of Doctor Who – Extremis


Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Dom Bettinelli discuss and analyze the sixth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “Extremis”.

Zombie monks, the Pope, Missy, and a deadly book all bring the blinded Doctor, Nardole, and Bill together to begin their battle against a new foe.

And with major Catholic elements in this episode, you know that this Doctor Who podcast with a panel of professional Catholics at the helm would have all the hot takes, secrets, and insights into this one.

Let us know what you think by leaving feedback below.

Click this link to get the file directly.