The Weekly Francis – 10 April 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 3 April 2019 to 10 April 2019.

General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “#Lent invites us to look upward with prayer, which frees us from a horizontal, flat life, where we find time only for our ego, but forget God.” @Pontifex 7 April 2019
  • “During this time of #Lent we are invited to look to others too with charity, which frees us from the vanity of possessing, from thinking that things are good if they are good for me.” @Pontifex 7 April 2019
  • “Lenten fasting frees us from our attachment to things, from the worldliness that anaesthetizes the heart. #Lent” @Pontifex 8 April 2019
  • “May the Lord always give us hope for the future and the strength to keep going. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 9 April 2019
  • “Almsgiving helps us emerge from the foolishness of living to accumulate everything for ourselves, under the illusion of securing a future that is not ours. #Lent” @Pontifex 10 April 2019

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Family of Blood – The Secrets of Doctor Who

Family of Blood

In this 2nd of 2 parts, the Doctor in 1913 still thinks he’s human and is dealing with alien predators hunting him. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the Doctor’s temptation and his punishment of the Family of Blood.

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Through the Valley of Shadows – The Secrets of Star Trek #43

Through the Valley of Shadows

On the latest Star Trek Discovery, Pike must be willing to pay a price for a time crystal and Spock and Burnham confront a ghost ship. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the biblical reference in the episode title and how it could apply to the themes of the show.

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The Weekly Francis – 05 April 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 19 March 2019 to 5 April 2019.


Post-Syndoal Exhortation

General Audiences


Motu Proprio


Papal Tweets

  • “Brothers and sisters, God calls us once again to conversion: let us pray to obtain the grace of a new life in Christ the Lord. #24hoursfortheLord” @Pontifex 29 March 2019
  • “Dear Moroccan friends, I am coming as a pilgrim of peace and fraternity. We Christians and Muslims believe in God, the Creator and the Merciful, who created people to live like brothers and sisters, respecting each other in their diversity, and helping one another in their needs.” @Pontifex 29 March 2019
  • “The courage to encounter one another and extend a hand of friendship is a pathway of peace and harmony for humanity. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex 30 March 2019
  • “Every human being has the right to life, to dream and to find his or her rightful place in our “common home”! Every person has a right to the future. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex 30 March 2019
  • “Charity, especially towards the vulnerable, is the best opportunity we have to keep working to build up a culture of encounter. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex 31 March 2019
  • “Jesus invites us to contemplate the heart of our Father. Only from that perspective can we acknowledge once more that we are brothers and sisters. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex 31 March 2019
  • “I thank all the Moroccan people for your warm welcome. May the Almighty, Gracious and Merciful, protect you and bless Morocco! #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex 31 March 2019
  • “Let us not pass this favourable time of #Lent in vain! Let us ask God to assist us on a journey of true conversion.” @Pontifex 1 April 2019
  • “Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world. #ChristusVivit …” @Pontifex 2 April 2019
  • “The Church is young when she receives ever anew the strength born of God’s Word, the Eucharist, and the daily presence of Christ and the power of His Spirit in our lives. The Church is young when she shows herself capable of constantly returning to her source. #ChristusVivit” @Pontifex 2 April 2019
  • “If you are young in years, but feel weak, weary or disillusioned, ask Jesus to renew you. With him, hope never fails. #ChristusVivit …” @Pontifex 2 April 2019
  • “Through prayer we learn to renounce the idolatry and self-sufficiency of our ego, and to admit we need the Lord and His mercy. #Lent” @Pontifex 3 April 2019
  • “When we pray, let us recall that we do so with Jesus. Jesus is our courage. Jesus is our security, who in this moment intercedes for us. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 4 April 2019
  • “Video” @Pontifex 4 April 2019
  • “Fasting from sin gives hope to creation too, which will be “set free from slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God” (Rom 8:21). #Lent” @Pontifex 5 April 2019

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The Dead Sea Scrolls Treasure Map (The Copper Scroll) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

The Dead Sea Scrolls Treasure Map

Of all the Dead Sea Scrolls, one stands out because it’s made of copper and contains directions for finding a huge secret cache of treasure. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli talk about the origins of the scroll, what it says, and Jimmy’s own unique theory for why it exists.

Links for this episode:

Mysterious Headlines

Direct Link to the Episode.

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Human Nature – The Secrets of Doctor Who

Human Nature

In the first part of this two-part story, the Doctor’s memory has been wiped to hide him from a family of hunters in an English military school in 1913. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the Doctor as an ordinary man and the inhumanity we sometimes show each other.

Direct Link to the Episode.

Perpetual Infinity – The Secrets of Star Trek

Perpetual Infinity
The Discovery crew confronts the Red Angel and what her identity means for them even as the evil AI ramps up its efforts to evolve. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the changes to Star Trek time travel and whether the holes in the plot are really misdirections.

Direct Link to the Episode.

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Secret Space Program Alternative 003 -Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

Special April 1 edition

In 1977, a British science program provided claims of shocking government conspiracies, a secret space program, a hidden colony on Mars. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss this decades-old mystery and its astonishing revelations.

Links for this episode:

Mysterious Headlines

Direct Link to the Episode.

Weird Questions, Volume 1 – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

Weird Questions, Volume 1

We do four episodes of Mysterious World per month, but when there’s a fifth Friday, with the permission of Catholic Answers, we’ll bring you “Weird Questions” editions of Catholic Answers Live where Jimmy Akin gives shorter answers to all kinds of questions. This is Volume 1.

Direct Link to the Episode.

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The Weekly Francis – 28 March 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 17 March 2019 to 28 March 2019.


General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “I express my sorrow and closeness to the dear people of Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Malawi, affected by Cyclone Idai. I entrust the many victims and their families to the mercy of God. #PrayForAfrica #cycloneIdai” @Pontifex 20 March 2019
  • “If we abandon the law of love, the law of the strongest over the weakest will be asserted.” @Pontifex 21 March 2019
  • “Today we think of people with #DownSyndrome. May they be welcomed, appreciated, and never discarded, right from their mother’s womb.” @Pontifex 21 March 2019
  • “Let us thank God for ”sister water“, such a simple and precious element, and let us strive to make it accessible to all. #WorldWaterDay” @Pontifex 22 March 2019
  • “Outward appearance, money, career, hobbies: these are sirens that enchant us and then set us adrift. #Lent is a time of grace to free our hearts from vanities.” @Pontifex 23 March 2019
  • “May the Blessed Virgin help everyone, especially young people, to follow the path of peace and fraternity, based on welcome and forgiveness, on respect for others, and on the love that is the gift of self.” @Pontifex 25 March 2019
  • “Today we remember in prayer the victims of modern forms of #slavery. Their suffering impels us to fight against these inhuman scourges. #RememberSlavery” @Pontifex 25 March 2019
  • “It is worthwhile to welcome every life because every man and woman is worth the blood of Christ himself. We cannot have contempt for what God has loved so much! #DayoftheUnbornChild” @Pontifex 25 March 2019
  • “The culture of appearance, which leads us to live for passing things, is a great deception. Because it is like a flaring blaze: once it is over, only ashes remain.” @Pontifex 26 March 2019
  • “Where should we fix our gaze along the journey of #Lent? On the Crucifix. Jesus on the Cross is the compass of life that points us to Heaven.” @Pontifex 27 March 2019
  • “If we do not listen to the voice of the Lord, our hearts become like soil without water. That is why the Lord says: ”Harden not your hearts“. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 28 March 2019

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