The Weekly Francis – 12 June 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 1 June 2019 to 12 June 2019.

General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “Today, with gratitude to God, we remember that our body contains the elements of the planet: its air is that which gives us breath, and its water revives and restores us. #BeatAirPollution #LaudatoSì” @Pontifex 5 June 2019
  • “Pope’s Prayer Intentions Video” @Pontifex 6 June 2019
  • “How do I know the Lord listens to me? We have a certainty: Jesus. He is the great intercessor. He ascended into Heaven, and He stands before the Father to intercede for us. His prayer of intercession is never-ending.” @Pontifex 7 June 2019
  • “Lord, defuse the violence of our tongues and our hands. Renew our hearts and minds, so that the word which always brings us together will be ”brother“, and our way of life will always be: Peace. #OneMinuteForPeace” @Pontifex 8 June 2019
  • “Holy Spirit, breathe into our hearts and let us inhale the tenderness of the Father. Breathe upon the Church, so that she may spread the Gospel with joy. Breathe upon the world the fresh restoration of hope. #Pentecost” @Pontifex 8 June 2019
  • “Lord, defuse the violence of our tongues and our hands. Renew our hearts and minds, so that the word which always brings us together will be ”brother“, and our way of life will always be: Peace. #OneMinuteForPeace” @Pontifex 8 June 2019
  • “To men and women missionaries, and to all those who, by virtue of their baptism, share in any way in the mission of the Church, I send my heartfelt blessing. #MissionaryOctober #Pentecost …” @Pontifex 9 June 2019
  • “Holy #MaryMotherOfTheChurch, help us to entrust ourselves fully to Jesus and to believe in His love, especially in times of trial, beneath the shadow of the Cross, when our faith is called to mature.” @Pontifex 10 June 2019
  • “Give freely that which you have received freely, so that God’s graces may reach the hearts of all. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 11 June 2019
  • “As adults we must not rob children of their capacity to dream. Let us seek to promote an environment of hope, where their dreams may grow and be shared: A shared dream opens the path towards a new way of life. #NOChildLabourDay” @Pontifex 12 June 2019

Papal Instagram

Voyage of the Damned – The Secrets of Doctor Who

It’s Christmas 2007 and the Doctor is on the Titanic. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss Voyage of the Damned, where a newly Companion-less Doctor ends up on the ominously named spaceliner Titanic along with singer Kylie Minogue when things go wrong, as they do.

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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Part 2 – The Secrets of Star Trek

Wrath of Khan is perhaps the most popular Star Trek movie of all time. In the second of a two-part discussion, Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha look at the vice of hubris, the coming of humility, and the themes of sacrifice and resurrection evident throughout the film.

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John Hendrix, The Tennessee Prophet – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

John Hendrix, The Tennessee Prophet

A very religious man in Tennessee named John Hendrix made some remarkable prophecies in 1915 after experiencing tragedy and turning to God. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss Hendrix, his startling prophecies that concerned his hometown, the US, and the whole world, and how they apparently came true in some cases decades later.

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Mysterious Headlines

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The Weekly Francis – 06 June 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 30 April 2019 to 5 June 2019.


Daily Homilies (fervorinos)

General Audiences



Regina Coeli


Papal Tweets

  • “With His ascension the risen Lord draws our gaze to Heaven, to show us that the goal of our journey is the Father.” @Pontifex 30 May 2019
  • “Tomorrow I will go to Romania as a pilgrim, to walk together with our brothers of the Romanian Orthodox Church and with the Catholic faithful. I ask you, please, to pray for me.” @Pontifex 30 May 2019
  • “The Holy Spirit loves to shape unity from the most beautiful and harmonious diversity. #ApostolicJourney #Romania” @Pontifex 31 May 2019
  • “Contemplating Mary allows us to turn our gaze to all those many women, mothers and grandmothers who, by their quiet sacrifices, devotion and self-denial, are shaping the present and preparing the way for tomorrow’s dreams. #ApostolicJourney #Romania” @Pontifex 31 May 2019
  • “Dear parents, help your children discover the love of Jesus! This will make them strong and courageous. #GlobalParentsDay” @Pontifex 1 June 2019
  • “Let us journey together, allowing the Gospel to be the leaven that permeates everything and fills our peoples with the joy of salvation! #ApostolicJourney #Romania” @Pontifex 1 June 2019
  • “God loves with a Father’s love. Every life, and every one of us, belongs to him. #ApostolicJourney #Romania” @Pontifex 1 June 2019
  • “The feast of the Ascension urges us to raise our eyes to Heaven, to fulfil, with the grace of our risen Lord, the mission He has entrusted to us: to announce the Gospel to everyone.” @Pontifex 2 June 2019
  • “As Christians we are called to manifest, even on the internet, the communion that marks our identity as believers, opening the way to dialogue, encounter, and to smiles. #WorldCommunicationsDay” @Pontifex 2 June 2019
  • “May you be witnesses of freedom and mercy, allowing fraternity and dialogue to prevail over divisions. #ApostolicJourney #Romania” @Pontifex 2 June 2019
  • “Let us choose the way of Jesus. It is a way that demands effort, but the way that brings peace. #ApostolicJourney #Romania” @Pontifex 2 June 2019
  • “Fecioara Maria să-și întindă ocrotirea ei de mamă peste toți cetățenii României care, în decursul istoriei, și-au pus întotdeauna încrederea în mijlocirea ei. Fecioarei Maria vă încredințez pe voi toți și mă rog pentru ca ea să vă călăuzească pe calea credinței. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex 2 June 2019
  • “The Ascension of our Lord into Heaven inaugurates a new form of the presence of Jesus amongst us, and asks us to have the eyes and the heart to encounter Him, serve Him, and be His witness to others.” @Pontifex 3 June 2019
  • “Without wonder, faith, like life, becomes grey and routine.” @Pontifex 4 June 2019
  • “Euthanasia and assisted suicide are a defeat for all. We are called never to abandon those who are suffering, never giving up but caring and loving to restore hope.” @Pontifex 5 June 2019
  • “Today, with gratitude to God, we remember that our body contains the elements of the planet: its air is that which gives us breath, and its water revives and restores us. #BeatAirPollution #LaudatoSì” @Pontifex 5 June 2019
  • “Video” @Pontifex 5 June 2019

Papal Instagram

The Reign of Terror – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The Reign of Terror

The First Doctor travels back to France’s Reign of Terror where he encounters the infamous Robespierre. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss once again their love of the pure historical stories, the inventiveness of the episode, and the difference between classic and modern Doctors.

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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Part 1 – The Secrets of Star Trek

Wrath of Khan is perhaps the most popular Star Trek movie of all time. In the first of a two-part discussion, Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha explore what makes this film stand out above all others, including a great villain, a tight story, and of course, the ultimate self-sacrifice.

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UFOs in Medieval Art and Other Weird Questions – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

In months with five Fridays, we bring you a “Weird Questions” edition of Catholic Answers Live where Jimmy Akin gives shorter answers to all kinds of questions, including this time whether the pope can bless an ocean, self-driving cars and the trolley problem, and Medieval UFO art.

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The Weekly Francis – 29 May 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 26 March 2019 to 29 May 2019.

General Audiences



Motu Proprio

Regina Coeli


Papal Tweets

  • ““The word of God is alive” (Hebrews 4:12); it does not die or get old, but remains forever.” @Pontifex 16 May 2019
  • “Let yourself be transformed and renewed by the Holy Spirit, in order to bring Christ into every environment and to give witness to the joy and youthfulness of the Gospel!” @Pontifex 17 May 2019
  • “It is the Spirit who is the protagonist of Christian life, the Holy Spirit, who is with us, accompanies us, transforms us, is victorious with us.” @Pontifex 18 May 2019
  • “Let us remain united to the Lord Jesus through listening to the Word, through the sacraments, a life of fraternity and service to others.” @Pontifex 19 May 2019
  • “We pray for those who live with severe illness. Let us always safeguard life, God’s gift, from its beginning until its natural end. Let us not give in to a throwaway culture.” @Pontifex 20 May 2019
  • “The peace of Jesus is a gift. We cannot obtain it through human means. The peace of Jesus is something else: the peace of Jesus teaches us to endure. To endure is to carry life on our shoulders, our difficulties, our work, everything, and to have the courage to go forward.” @Pontifex 21 May 2019
  • “Every creature has a function, none is superfluous. The whole universe speaks the language of God’s love, of His boundless affection for us: soil, water, mountains, everything is God’s caress. #Biodiversity #LaudatoSì’” @Pontifex 22 May 2019
  • “God does not reside in the greatness of that which we accomplish, but in the littleness of the poor persons that we meet. #Caritas” @Pontifex 23 May 2019
  • “We pray for the Catholics in China. May Our Lady of Sheshan help them witness to the faith, in communion with the universal Church, and to persevere in unity despite the wounds and the trials, trusting in the hope that does not disappoint.” @Pontifex 24 May 2019
  • “Mary is a woman who walks with the grace and the tenderness of a mother; she unties all the knots of the many problems we manage to create, and she teaches us to stand upright in the midst of storms. #MaryHelpOfChristians” @Pontifex 24 May 2019
  • “Mercy shown to those who can only receive, without giving anything in return, is precious in the eyes of God.” @Pontifex 25 May 2019
  • “It is the Spirit who makes us arise from our limitations, from our deaths, because we have so many necroses in our life, in our soul. The message of the Resurrection is this: we must be reborn.” @Pontifex 26 May 2019
  • “Even today so many Christians are killed and persecuted for the love of Christ. They give their lives in silence, because their martyrdom isn’t newsworthy. Yet there are more Christian martyrs today than in the early centuries.” @Pontifex 27 May 2019
  • “In our lives there are crosses, there are difficult moments. But in these difficult moments we feel that the Holy Spirit helps us to go forward and to overcome the difficulties. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 28 May 2019
  • “If you trust in the goodness of the Lord, you will understand the meaning of events and the purpose of your life.” @Pontifex 29 May 2019

Papal Instagram

Horror of Fang Rock – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The 4th Doctor and companion end up at a Victorian-era lighthouse with an odd bunch of characters being menaced by an alien. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha enjoy the gothic horror style and Tom Baker’s near-maniacal glee at unraveling the deadly mystery.

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