The Weekly Francis – 14 July 2014

PopeFrancis-fingerThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 23 June to 12 July 2014.




Motu Proprio


Daily Homilies (fervorinos)

Papal Tweets

  • “With God, nothing is lost; but without him, everything is lost.” @pontifex, 8 April 2014
  • “Do not be afraid to cast yourselves into the arms of God; whatever he asks of you, he will repay a hundredfold.” @pontifex, 10 April 2014
  • “The World Cup allowed people from different countries and religions to come together. May sport always promote the culture of encounter.” @pontifex, 12 April 2014

The Weekly Francis – 7 July 2014

Pope Francis waves to crowds as he arrives to his inauguration mass on 19 March 2013.This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 19 June to 3 July 2014.


General Audiences




+ 17 June 2014 – To members of the “Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura”

+ 20 June 2014 – To participants in the Conference on International Religious Freedom and the Global Clash of Values

+ 21 June 2014 – Visit to the Penitentiary of Castrovillari (Cosenza)

+ 21 June 2014 – Meeting with diocesan priests in the Cathedral (Cassano all’Jonio)

+ 28 June 2014 – Greeting to a group of young people from the Diocese of Rome who are involved in vocational discernment

Daily Homilies (fervorinos)

Papal Tweets

  • “Jesus, help us to love God as Father and our neighbour as ourselve” @pontifex, 30 June 2014
  • “To live as true children of God means to love our neighbour and to be close to those who are lonely and in difficulty.” @pontifex, 1 July 2014
  • “Dear young people, do not give up your dreams of a more just world!” @pontifex, 3 July 2014


The Weekly Francis – 29 June 2014

PopeFrancis-fingerThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 7 to 29 June 2014.


Daily Homilies (fervorinos)

Papal Tweets

  • “Let us pray for the Christian communities in the Middle East, that they may continue to live in the land where Christianity was born.” @pontifex, 23 June 2014
  • “How I wish everyone had decent work! It is essential for human dignity.” @pontifex, 24 June 2014
  • “The family is essential to sustaining human and social development.” @pontifex, 26 June 2014
  • “In the face of life’s difficulties, let us ask the Lord for the strength to remain joyful witnesses to our faith.”@pontifex, 27 June 2014
  • “To be friends with God means to pray with simplicity, like children talking to their parents.” @pontifex, 28 June 2014
  • “May Saints Peter and Paul bless the city of Rome and the entire pilgrim Church throughout the world.” @pontifex, 29 June 2014

Roman Curia

This document is also available in multiple e-book formats for Kindle, Nook, iOS, along with PDF. Download via Brandon Vogt’s site. The Vatican has given permission to Bishop’s conferences to make this available with permission and specifically the U.S.C.C.B. has given permission to Brandon Vogt in this case.

The Weekly Francis – 22 June 2014

popefrancisThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 30 May to 20 June 2014.


General Audiences




Daily Homilies (fervorinos)

Papal Tweets

  • “May the Lord bless the family and strengthen it in this moment of crisis.” @pontifex, 16 June 2014
  • “Sometimes we cast the elderly aside, but they are a precious treasure: to cast them aside is an injustice and an irreparable loss.” @pontifex, 17 June 2014
  • “There is never a reason to lose hope. Jesus says: “I am with you until the end of the world”.” @pontifex, 19 June 2014
  • “There is so much indifference in the face of suffering. May we overcome indifference with concrete acts of charity.” @pontifex, 20 June 2014

The Weekly Francis – 16 June 2014

Pope Francis waves to crowds as he arrives to his inauguration mass on 19 March 2013.This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 8 to 14 June 2014.

Regina Caeli

General Audiences




Daily Homilies (fervorinos)

Papal Tweets

  • “I ask all people of good will to join us today in praying for peace in the Middle East. #weprayforpeace” @pontifex, 8 April 2014
  • “May we never talk about others behind their backs, but speak to them openly about what we think.” @pontifex, 9 April 2014
  • “Let us pray for all victims of sexual violence in conflict, and those working to end this crime. #TimeToAct” @pontifex, 10 April 2014
  • “I wish everyone a wonderful World Cup, played in a spirit of true fraternity.” @pontifex, 12 April 2014
  • “May we not resist the Holy Spirit but allow him to work in our lives, so that he can renew us, the Church and the world.” @pontifex, 13 April 2014
  • “We run the risk of forgetting the suffering which doesn’t affect us personally. May we respond to it, and may we pray for peace in Syria.” @pontifex, 14 April 2014

Pope Francis Announces He May Renounce the Papacy One Day: 6 Things to Know and Share

Pope Francis waves to crowds as he arrives to his inauguration mass on 19 March 2013.Pope Benedict shocked the world in 2013 by announcing his plans to renounce the papacy, becoming the first pope in centuries to do so.

I predicted at the time that it would not be centuries before another pope resigned, and that Benedict may have started a trend.

That prediction is now being borne out. Pope Francis has announced his plans to one day renounce the papacy also.

Here are 6 things to know and share . . .


1) Where did Pope Francis make his remarks?

In an interview with the Spanish-language newspaper La Vanguardia.

You can read the Spanish original here.

And you can read an English translation here.


2) How did the subject come up?

The reporter asked Pope Francis about what he thought of Pope Benedict’s resignation, as follows:

What do you think of the renunciation of Benedict XVI?

Pope Benedict has made a very significant act. He has opened the door, has created an institution, that of the eventual popes emeritus. 70 years ago, there were no emeritus bishops. Today how many are there? Well, as we live longer, we arrive to an age where we cannot go on with things.

Pope Francis thus sees Benedict XVI’s act as setting a precedent for future popes that mirrors the way in which bishops have similarly begun to have retirements in recent decades. Note that Francis refers to Benedict having “created an institution.”

Francis’s use of the plural (“eventual popes emeritus”) may even envision the idea of more than one former pope being alive at the same time. Indeed, in light of what he says next, he may be thinking of himself and Benedict XVI sharing this status at some point.


3) What does he say next?


The Weekly Francis – 8 June 2014

pope-francis2This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 19 May to 7 June 2014.

Regina Caeli

General Audiences



Daily Homilies (fervorinos)

Papal Tweets

  • “At times we can be self-absorbed. Lord, help us to open our hearts to others and to serve those who are most vulnerable.” @pontifex, 2 June 2014
  • “Thank you to all teachers: educating is an important mission, which draws young people to what is good, beautiful and true.” @pontifex, 3 June 2014
  • “Like the Good Samaritan, may we not be ashamed of touching the wounds of those who suffer, but try to heal them with concrete acts of love.” @pontifex, 5 June 2014
  • “Peace is a gift of God, but requires our efforts. Let us be people of peace in prayer and deed. #weprayforpeace” @pontifex, 6 June 2014
  • “Prayer is all-powerful. Let us use it to bring peace to the Middle East and peace to the world. #weprayforpeace” @pontifex, 7 June 2014

The Weekly Francis – 1 June 2014

Pope Francis is having his "Inaugural Mass"? What's happens in this Mass, and why is it important?This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 19 to 31 May 2014.




Papal Tweets

  • “May we enter into true friendship with Jesus, so that following him closely, we may live with and for him.” @pontifex, 29 May 2014
  • “Every Christian can witness to God in the workplace, not only with words, but above all with an honest life.” @pontifex, 30 May 2014
  • “In the difficult moments of life, Christians can turn to the Mother of God and find protection and care.” @pontifex, 31 May 2014

The Weekly Francis – 25 May 2014

pope-francisThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 11 to 25 May 2014.

Regina Caeli

General Audiences



Daily Homilies (fervorinos)

Papal Tweets

  • “The one who listens attentively to the Word of God and truly prays, always asks the Lord: what is your will for me?” @pontifex, 19 May 2014
  • “Come, Holy Spirit! Help us to overcome our selfishness.” @pontifex, 20 May 2014
  • “I ask all of you to pray for the victims of the floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Serbia and in other countries in the region.” @pontifex, 21 May 2014
  • “We will never be disillusioned or lose our way if we are guided by God.” @pontifex, 22 May 2014
  • “To live by faith means to put our lives in the hands of God, especially in our most difficult moments.” @pontifex, 23 May 2014
  • “Dear friends, please pray for me during my pilgrimage to the Holy Land.” @pontifex, 24 May 2014

The Weekly Francis – 19 May 2014

pope-francis2This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 24 April 2014 to 17 May 2014.

Regina Caeli

General Audiences




Daily Homilies (fervorinos)

Papal Tweets

  • “What does “evangelise” mean? To give witness with joy and simplicity to what we are and what we believe in.” @pontifex, 5 May 2014
  • “A society which abandons children and the elderly severs its roots and darkens its future.” @pontifex, 8 May 2014
  • “In our families we learn to love and to recognise the dignity of all, especially of the elderly.” @pontifex, 6 May 2014
  • “Holiness means giving ourselves in sacrifice every day. And so married life is a tremendous path to sanctity!” @pontifex, 9 May 2014
  • “A family enlightened by the Gospel provides a school for Christian living! There one learns faithfulness, patience and sacrifice.” @pontifex, 10 May 2014
  • “Let us all join in prayer for the immediate release of the schoolgirls kidnapped in Nigeria. #BringBackOurGirls” @pontifex, 10 May 2014
  • “Our life has been saved by the blood of Christ. Let us always be renewed by this love.” @pontifex, 12 May 2014
  • “Let us read the Gospel, a small section each day. This way we will learn what is most essential in our lives: love and mercy.” @pontifex, 13 May 2014
  • “Let us pray for the miners who died in Turkey and for the latest victims of shipwreck in the Mediterranean.” @pontifex, 14 May 2014
  • “Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the grace to live daily according to the mind of Jesus and his Gospel.” @pontifex, 15 May 2014
  • “Our mission as Christians is to conform ourselves evermore to Jesus as the model of our lives.” @pontifex, 16 May 2014
  • “The month of May, dedicated to Mary, is a fitting time to begin to recite the rosary daily.” @pontifex, 17 May 2014