This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 3 April 2020 to 13 May 2020.
Daily Homilies (fervorinos)
General Audiences
Regina Caeli
Papal Tweets
- “I would like to ask the Lord to bless artists, who make us understand what beauty is. The Gospel cannot be understood without beauty. Let us #PrayTogether once more for artists.” @Pontifex 7 May 2020
- “To be Christian is to belong to a people freely chosen by God, and to remember those who have preceded us on the journey to salvation. Let us ask the Lord for the awareness of belonging to the people of God which, in its totality, has the sense of the faith. #HomilySantaMarta” @Pontifex 7 May 2020
- “In the midst of isolation when we are suffering from a lack of tenderness and chances to meet up, and we experience the loss of so many things, let us once again listen to the proclamation that saves us: Christ is risen and is living by our side.” @Pontifex 7 May 2020
- “Today is World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. Let us #PrayTogether for those people who work in these noteworthy institutions. May the Lord bless their work which does so much good.” @Pontifex 8 May 2020
- “How does the Lord console? By drawing near, while speaking little. Through truth: He neither speaks formalities nor deceives. Through hope: ”Do not let your hearts be troubled“. The Lord’s consolation is near, true, and opens to us the doors of hope. #HomilySantaMarta” @Pontifex 8 May 2020
- “Today at the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompei, the faithful lift up an intense prayer of Supplication to #OurLadyOfTheRosary. Let us #PrayTogether so that, through the intercession of the Holy Virgin, the Lord might grant mercy and peace on the Church and the entire world.” @Pontifex 8 May 2020
- “Today is the commemoration of Saint Luisa de Marillac. Let us #PrayTogether for the Vincentian sisters who have worked here at Santa Marta for nearly 100 years, while running the clinic.” @Pontifex 9 May 2020
- “The Church strives forward between the consolation of God and the persecution of the world. The Holy Spirit creates harmony within the Church. The evil spirit destroys. Let us place our trust not in temporal power, but in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. #HomilySantaMarta” @Pontifex 9 May 2020
- “On the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, I hope that it will continue to inspire those with responsibilities in the European Union. They are called to face the social and economic consequences of the pandemic in a spirit of harmony and cooperation. #EuropeDay2020” @Pontifex 9 May 2020
- “It takes courage to pray. To pray is to go with Jesus to the Father who will give us everything. The Church progresses with this courageous prayer, because the Holy Spirit teaches us that we do very little, but it is God who ”does things“ in the Church. #HomilySantaMarta” @Pontifex 10 May 2020
- “In the #GospelOfTheDay (John 14:1–12), Jesus indicates two remedies for being troubled in heart. First: to not depend on ourselves but to have faith in Him. Second: to remember that here we are passing through and that Jesus has reserved us a place in Heaven. #ReginaCaeli” @Pontifex 10 May 2020
- “Today, many countries are celebrating #MothersDay. I wish to remember all mothers with gratitude and affection, entrusting them to the protection of Mary, our heavenly Mother. Let us also remember those mothers who accompany us from Heaven.” @Pontifex 10 May 2020
- “Many people have recently lost their jobs. Let us #PrayTogether for our brothers and sisters who are suffering for lack of employment.” @Pontifex 11 May 2020
- “What does the Holy Spirit do in us? He reminds us of everything Jesus said. He teaches us to understand it better,to grow in our understanding of the faith. He accompanies and supports us in discernment. He enlightens us in life’s decisions,both great and small. #HomilySantaMarta” @Pontifex 11 May 2020
- “I would like to remind you that on 14 May, believers of every religion are invited to unite themselves spiritually in a day of prayer, fasting and works of charity, to implore God to help humanity overcome the coronavirus #pandemic. #HumanFraternity #PrayTogether” @Pontifex 11 May 2020
- “The peace the world gives isolates us from others. It lulls us to sleep, and is temporary and sterile. The peace the Lord gives is lasting, fruitful, contagious. It makes us go out to create community. It is filled with hope because it looks toward Heaven. #HomilySantaMarta” @Pontifex 12 May 2020
- “Today is International Nurses Day. Nursing is more than a profession – it’s a vocation, a dedication. During this pandemic, they have given an example of heroism. Some have even given their lives. Let us #PrayTogether for nurses. Message” @Pontifex 12 May 2020
- ““Remain in me and I in you” (Jn 15:4). This “remaining” is not passive but active. It is a mutual remaining. “I am the vine, you are the branches” (Jn 15:5). We branches need the lymph, and the vine needs the fruit of our witness. #HomilySantaMarta” @Pontifex 13 May 2020
- “Mother of the Lord, Virgin Mary, Queen of the Rosary, show us the power of your protective mantle. From your arms come the hope and peace of which we are sorely in need. #OurLadyOfFatima” @Pontifex 13 May 2020
- “Prayer belongs to everyone: to men and women of every religion, and probably even to those who profess no religion. Prayer is born within the secrecy of our being, in that interior place that spiritual writers often call the “heart”. #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex 13 May 2020
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