The Weekly Francis – 02 September 2020

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 20 August 2020 to 27 September 2020.


General Audiences


Papal Tweets

  • “May the Holy Spirit make us grow constantly in knowledge of God so that we might spread His love and His truth in the world.” @Pontifex 20 August 2020
  • “Amid so many passing things, the Lord wants to remind us of what will remain forever: love, because “God is love”.” @Pontifex 21 August 2020
  • “God has no need to be defended by anyone and does not want His name to be used to terrorize people. We call upon everyone to stop using religions to incite hatred, violence, extremism and blind fanaticism. #HumanFraternity” @Pontifex 22 August 2020
  • “God does not love you because you behave well. He loves you, plain and simple. His love is unconditional; it does not depend on you.” @Pontifex 22 August 2020
  • “In the #GospelOfTheDay, we hear Jesus’s question directed to each one of us: “And you, who do you say I am?”. It is a question of giving not a theoretical answer, but one that involves faith, that is, life, because faith is life!” @Pontifex 23 August 2020
  • “Let’s not forget the victims of the coronavirus. So much suffering, so many people who lost their lives; and so many volunteers, doctors, nurses, sisters, priests, who also lost their lives. Let us remember the families who have suffered because of this.” @Pontifex 23 August 2020
  • “To pray is to allow yourself to be looked at by God without illusions, excuses, or justifications. Because from the devil come darkness and lies, from God come light and truth.” @Pontifex 24 August 2020
  • “Today is the tenth anniversary of the massacre of 72 migrants in Mexico. I express my solidarity with the families of the victims who today are still asking for truth and justice. The Lord will hold us to account for all of the migrants who have fallen on their journey of Hope.” @Pontifex 24 August 2020
  • “To pray is to allow yourself to be looked at by God without illusions, excuses, or justifications. Because from the devil come darkness and lies, from God come light and truth.” @Pontifex 24 August 2020
  • “The root of every spiritual error is believing ourselves to be righteous. To consider ourselves righteous is to leave God, the only righteous one, out in the cold.” @Pontifex 25 August 2020
  • “After the crisis, will we continue with this economic system of social injustice and depreciating care for the environment, of creation, of our common home? Let’s think about this. #GeneralAudience General Audience @Pontifex 26 August 2020
  • “If we take care of the goods that the Creator gives us, if we put what we possess in common in such a way that no one would be lacking, then we would truly inspire hope to regenerate a more healthy and equal world. #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex 26 August 2020
  • “Trust in the Lord and make an effort to enter into his plans, accepting that His salvation can reach us in ways that may be different from what we expect.” @Pontifex 28 August 2020
  • “Putting the paschal mystery at the center of our lives means feeling compassion towards the wounds of the crucified Christ present in the many innocent victims of wars and violence, in attacks on life, in environmental disasters, and in poverty.” @Pontifex 29 August 2020
  • “For Peter and the other disciples – but for us too! – the cross is a ‘hindrance’, whereas Jesus considers the ‘hindrance’ escaping the cross, which would mean avoiding the Father’s will, the mission that the Father has entrusted to Him for our salvation. #GospelOfTheDay” @Pontifex 30 August 2020
  • “I follow with concern the tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean area and I appeal for constructive dialogue and respect for international law to resolve the conflicts that threaten the peace of the peoples of that region.” @Pontifex 31 August 2020
  • “#SeasonOfCreation Video” @Pontifex 31 August 2020
  • “Today marks the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. From now until October 4th we will celebrate the #JubileeForTheEarth with our Christian brothers and sisters of various Churches and traditions. #SeasonOfCreation” @Pontifex 1 September 2020
  • “The #JubileeForTheEarth calls us to think once again of our fellow human beings, especially the poor and the most vulnerable. We are asked to re-appropriate God’s original and loving plan of creation as a common heritage. Message@Pontifex 1 September 2020
  • “A #JubileeForTheEarth is a good time to remember creation’s original vocation to exist as a community of love. We exist only in relationships: with God the Creator, with our brothers and sisters, and with all of God’s creatures within our common home.” @Pontifex 1 September 2020
  • “A #JubileeForTheEarth is a time to return to God, our loving Creator. We cannot live in harmony with creation if we are not at peace with the Creator who is the source and origin of all things.” @Pontifex 1 September 2020
  • “A #JubileeForTheEarth is a time to restore the original harmony of creation and to heal strained human relationships. #SeasonOfCreation Message@Pontifex 1 September 2020
  • “The current pandemic has highlighted our interdependence: we are all linked to each other, for better or for worse. Therefore, to come out of this crisis better than before, we have to do so together, all of us, in solidarity. #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex 2 September 2020
  • “As a human family we have our common origin in God. We dwell in a common home, the garden-planet where God placed us. But when we forget all this, our social fabric is weakened and the environment deteriorates. #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex 2 September 2020
  • “I invite everyone to join in a universal day of prayer and fasting for Lebanon, on 4 September. I also invite our brothers and sisters of other religious confessions to join in this initiative in whatever way they deem best. General Audience@Pontifex 2 September 2020
  • “We must always have this “holy restlessness” in our hearts, in the search for the true good who is God. Let us help others feel the thirst for God. He gives peace and happiness to our hearts.” @Pontifex 27 September 2020

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Author: jeffmiller

Jeff Miller is a former atheist who after spending forty years in the wilderness finds himself with both astonishment and joy a member of the Catholic Church.