This Week's Show (Dec. 2, 2004)

It has come to my attention that not everyone reading the blog is necessarily familiar with my other apologetics work (to which the blog is really just a sidelight).

I’d like them to be.

To that end, I’ve decided to start cross-linking things I’ve done recently (or even longer ago) as they become available on the Catholic Answers web site.

Let’s start with yesterday’s edition of Catholic Answers Live, on which I was a guest. It’s in RealAudio format (which you may be able to listen to with Windows Media Player).




  • "Novus Ordo Saeculorum" vs. "Novus Ordo Mundi."
  • Can an Anglican be music director/cantor at Mass?
  • What does "sin unto death" mean?
  • Modes of expression in Job.
  • Can a non-Catholic be elected pope?
  • If angels in heaven fell, will we be able to fall from heaven?
  • Did Jesus have a human soul?
  • Will God compensate the innocent who suffer?
  • The New World Translation.
  • How can non-Catholics be saved without confession?
  • Peter & the Rock at Caesaria Philippi.

This Week’s Show (Dec. 2, 2004)

It has come to my attention that not everyone reading the blog is necessarily familiar with my other apologetics work (to which the blog is really just a sidelight).

I’d like them to be.

To that end, I’ve decided to start cross-linking things I’ve done recently (or even longer ago) as they become available on the Catholic Answers web site.

Let’s start with yesterday’s edition of Catholic Answers Live, on which I was a guest. It’s in RealAudio format (which you may be able to listen to with Windows Media Player).




  • "Novus Ordo Saeculorum" vs. "Novus Ordo Mundi."
  • Can an Anglican be music director/cantor at Mass?
  • What does "sin unto death" mean?
  • Modes of expression in Job.
  • Can a non-Catholic be elected pope?
  • If angels in heaven fell, will we be able to fall from heaven?
  • Did Jesus have a human soul?
  • Will God compensate the innocent who suffer?
  • The New World Translation.
  • How can non-Catholics be saved without confession?
  • Peter & the Rock at Caesaria Philippi.