The Curse of the Black Spot – The Secrets of Doctor Who

Ahoy! Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the 11th Doctor’s pirate adventure that allows for a lot of pirate jokes, but lets in a lot of plot holes and loose ends as well. But there’s also self-sacrifice and trust and parental and spousal relationship.

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Heroes & Demons (VOY) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Beowulf in space! Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the Voyager story that takes the Doctor onto the holodeck to become a Viking hero of the sagas and how this episode was the first to expand the character from a blank slate to a person with possibilities.

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Sword of Orion – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The Eighth Doctor and Charley encounter the Cybermen in this audio story. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the origin in fan-made stories from the 80s, the fast pacing of the story, and the Doctor’s handling of moral dilemmas he encounters between humans, Cybermen, and someone else.

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That Hope Is You, Part 2 (DIS) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Discovery’s 3rd season comes to an end and Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory dig into the wrap up of the plot, that the season’s quality went up as it ended, and look at where the show is going in seasons 4 and beyond.

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Revolution of the Daleks – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The 13th Doctor is back along with Graham, Ryan, Yaz, and Capt. Jack. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory agree that it was a very good episode and discuss the return of Jack Robertson, then talk about the news of next season, a new companion, and rumors of a new Doctor.

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There Is A Tide… (DIS) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Discovery’s 3rd season reaches a dramatic climax in what Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory agree is the best episode of the season. With lots of action tempered by character development moments and a tense negotiation and turn by the antagonist, the stage is set for the finale.

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The Feast of Steven – The Secrets of Doctor Who

In what could be called the first Doctor Who Christmas special, the 1st Doctor has a brief madcap adventure on the day itself. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the fun, little adventure and then wish all of our listeners a Merry Christmas!

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Su’Kal (DIS) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Discovery gets close to the origin of The Burn. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss how much this season and this episode depend on discussion of emotion and how the whole season arc may boil down to someone’s fear causing tragedy.

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Terra Firma, Part II (DIS) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Mirror, mirror! Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the 2nd part of the two-parter, which asks whether it’s possible to be a kinder, gentler tyrant and if it’s more important to change oneself or to change the world. Plus the big reveal of a Trek favorite.

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