- Why did Jesus tell the guy not to bury his father and the other guy not to say goodbye to his parents?
- Roman Catholics & Evangelicals: Agreements & Differences by Geisler & Mackenzie: Friend or foe?
- Is there a conspiracy to silence Sr. Lucia?
- To what extent is Catholic social teaching on economics binding on our conscience?
- Why don’t Catholics talk about the Rapture?
- Praying to the saints.
- Did the Spanish bishops approve condoms for preventing AIDS and could a conference of bishops do that?
- Are popes prevented from ever contradicting prior popes on any points, no matter how small? Any examples of popes correcting prior popes?
- How do dinosaurs fit in to Genesis?
- Is it possible for a person without mortal sin to still go to hell? What does Jesus mean when he talks about spitting out the lukewarm?
- What is fornication?
- What does Paul mean when he tells Timothy not to lay hands too hastily on somebody?
- Do ghosts exist?
- Any extra-biblical evidence for the Temple veil splitting?
- What are prayer intentions?
As usual, I enjoyed the show and learned a lot.
I would disagree with your answer about fornication, though. You said “Fornication involves the commission of the marital act between two people who are not married to each other. Consequently, if one of them is married to someone else it still counts as fornication.”
These are the definitions given in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
Thanks for the correction!
I was thinking of a definition I read in an English dictionary almost twenty years ago and blanked on the Catechism’s definition.
I’ll correct it on next week’s show.
I’m sooooo sorry that you have to answer the Sr. Lucia question so often. It frustrates me to no end to hear that question come up week after week.