This Week's Second Q & A Show




  • DA RULZ!
  • Update from yesterday’s show about child being taught to make the sign of the cross.
  • Co-Redemptrix: Doctrine or Dogma?
  • Has Russia been consecrated to Mary?
  • Why do Jews need to become Christian?
  • Woman prayed the Rosary for a long time without realizing mysteries are attached to the decades. What effects does this have?
  • A Jewish caller asks why the Sadducees aren’t more prominent in the Gospels?
  • Is Jesus the head of "the Protestant church as a whole"?
  • Gen. 3:15: "He will crush" or "she will crush"–What’s the deal?
  • Who are "the pre-Vatican II Christians"? (The ones who allegedly live today, that is.)
  • Can laity give the homily?
  • Which is more important: Liturgy of the Hours or the Rosary?
  • How do we know who St. Anne and Salome were?
  • A Protestant caller wants to know why Hail Marys are used as penances and who decides how many to do.
  • What are Jimmy’s views on James White’s arguments?

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

3 thoughts on “This Week's Second Q & A Show”

  1. Hey Jimmy,

    Are you sure that Russia has been consecrated?

    I mean, tell me for real, are you really sure?

    Super duper ultra especially sure?

    I’d appreciate any feedback on this matter about Russia’s having or having not been consecrated. Because, you know, I’d really like to know if Russia really has been without a doubt consecrated. The Russian people, and even the whole world, deserve to know the truth about the country’s consecration status. Whether positive or negative.

    Give it to me straight up, I can take the truth.

    Is it really most sincerely consecrated?

    (Would it hurt to consecrate it again, just one more time, to be absolutely certain, instead of just morally certain?)

    Is there any place in the Bible where I can find the passage that will prove to me that Russia has been consecrated? Which translation would be the best to look that up in? Should I learn Greek and Hebrew? Would that help me to be more certain that Russia has been consecrated?

    Was the consecration and ex cathedra type act, or was it worthless from an infallibility standpoint?

    Anyways, a heads up about this Fatima/Russia/Consecration/Pope(?) business would be great.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. The consecration is not only really done, it’s really most sincerely done.

    Regarding your other (clearly facetious 😉 questions:

    Would it hurt to consecrate it again, just one more time, to be absolutely certain, instead of just morally certain?

    Yes, because it would (a) feed the scrupulosity of individuals (scrupulosity must be resisted where it occurs or it gets worse) and (b) it would encourage the kind of pastorally irresponsible individuals who have been telling people that the consecration has not happened.

    Is there any place in the Bible where I can find the passage that will prove to me that Russia has been consecrated?


    Which translation would be the best to look that up in?


    Should I learn Greek and Hebrew?


    Would that help me to be more certain that Russia has been consecrated?

    Since a recent study indicated that learning other languages stimulates the brain in a way that strengthens intelligence, I would have to say yes.

    Was the consecration and ex cathedra type act, or was it worthless from an infallibility standpoint?

    Since infallibility applies to the pope’s teaching and consecrations are not teachings, the two would seem to be unrelated.

    However, the pope possible could (but certainly won’t) infallibly define the dogmatic fact that the consecration has been done.

  3. Did any one else see Fr. Gruner’s “Heaven’s Key to Peace”, that was broadcast on the feast of the Immaculate Conception? (I imagine it may be what sparked the caller’s question)

    It struck me as a whole lot of conspiracy theories, as pious as they may have sounded, that neglected some pretty key facts, (I don’t think they even discussed the 1984 consecration and Sr.Lucia’s confrimation of its validity).

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