The Weekly Francis – 11 October 2022

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week, from 5 October 2022 to 11 October 2022.


General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “It is important to know the passwords of our heart, what we are most sensitive to, to protect ourselves from those who present themselves with persuasive words to manipulate us, but also to recognize what is truly important for us. #Discernment #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex, 5 October 2022
  • “Today we remember #StFaustinaKowalska. Through her, God taught the world to seek salvation in his mercy. Let us remember this especially when thinking of the war in #Ukraine. Let us trust in God’s mercy which can change hearts. #Peace” @Pontifex, 5 October 2022
  • “#Prayer and self-knowledge enable us to grow in freedom.” @Pontifex, 6 October 2022
  • “In the school of the Virgin Mary, let us treasure in our hearts the joyful, luminous, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of the Lord Jesus so as to become faithful disciples like her.” @Pontifex, 7 October 2022
  • “During this month of #prayer for the missions, let us learn to cultivate moments of silence and of contact with the Lord so that he might inspire us with the ways and means to be always faithful to our vocation as missionary disciples. #OctoberMissionary” @Pontifex, 8 October 2022
  • “Bishop Scalabrini, #FatherOfMigrants, looked forward, looked torward a world and a Church without barriers, without strangers, convinced that in sharing the journey of emigrants, it is not only problems that need to be seen, but also a providential plan.” @Pontifex, 9 October 2022
  • “Always include: in the Church as well as in society, still marked by such inequality and marginilization. Include everyone. Today, on the day on which Scalabrini becomes a saint, I think of migrants. Their exclusion is scandalous, it is sinful and criminal.” @Pontifex, 9 October 2022
  • “Right now, there is a migration in Europe that is making many people suffer and moves us to open our hearts: the migration of the Ukrainians fleeing from the war. Let us not forget war-torn Ukraine today.” @Pontifex, 9 October 2022
  • “Facing the danger of nuclear war, let us learn from history. Even 60 years ago there were huge tensions, but the way of peace was chosen. As the Bible says: “Ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it” (Jer 6:16).” @Pontifex, 9 October 2022
  • “The Salesian Brother Artemide Zatti, filled with gratitude for all he had received, wanted to say his own “thank you” by taking upon himself the wounds of others. Cured of tuberculosis, he devoted his entire life to caring for the sick with tender love.” @Pontifex, 9 October 2022
  • “The Christian faith always asks us to walk together with others, to move beyond ourselves toward God and toward our brothers and sisters, and to know how to be grateful, overcoming the dissatisfaction and indifference that disfigure our hearts. #GospelOfTheDay (Lk 17:11–19)” @Pontifex, 9 October 2022
  • “I assure my prayers for the victims of the mad act of violence that took place three days ago in #Thailand. With deep emotion, I entrust their lives to the Father, especially the little children and their families.” @Pontifex, 9 October 2022
  • “Let us #PrayTogether that the Lord might shake us from an individualism that excludes others, to awaken deaf hearts to the needs of their neighbour. Let us overcome the fear, the indifference that kills, the cynical disregard that condemns to death those on the fringes!” @Pontifex, 10 October 2022
  • “I call on all people of goodwill to mobilize for the abolition of the death penalty throughout the world. Society can effectively repress crime without definitively depriving the offenders of the possibility of redeeming themselves. #EndDeathPenalty” @Pontifex, 10 October 2022
  • “Immersed in the mystery of the Church, Mother and Bride, let us also say with Saint John XXIII: Gaudet Mater Ecclesia! May the Church be overcome with joy. If she does not rejoice, she would deny her very self, for she would forget the love that begot her. #VaticanCouncilII” @Pontifex, 11 October 2022

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Author: jeffmiller

Jeff Miller is a former atheist who after spending forty years in the wilderness finds himself with both astonishment and joy a member of the Catholic Church.