The Weekly Francis – 14 June 2022

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 4 June 2022 to 14 June 2022.


General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “Those who pass through the period of old age can discover a new mission in the light of the Gospel: to be signs and instruments of God’s love that indicate what the definitive goal is to which we are called, eternal life with God. #BlessingofTime” @Pontifex, 8 June 2022
  • “The Holy Spirit enables us to discern God’s presence and activity not in great things, not in outward appearances or shows of force, but in littleness and vulnerability.” @Pontifex, 9 June 2022
  • “May the #LongNightoftheChurches, taking place in many churches in several European countries, be a moment of encounter. And may it light many lights of hope in the darkness of the night.” @Pontifex, 10 June 2022
  • “I add my voice to that of the Pan-American and Pan-African Committees of Judges for Social Rights in calling on the @WTO to adopt measures to ensure access to Covid–19 vaccines for all, especially the peoples of Africa. #MC12” @Pontifex, 10 June 2022
  • “Equitable access to safe and effective vaccines is fundamental to saving lives and livelihoods. Africa must not be left behind. No one is safe until everyone is safe. @WTO #MC12” @Pontifex, 10 June 2022
  • “If we can truly invoke God, calling him “Abba — Dad”, it is because the Holy Spirit dwells in us; he is the One who transforms us deep within and makes us experience the soul-stirring joy of being loved by God as his true children.” @Pontifex, 11 June 2022
  • “У моєму серці не згасає думка про населення України, що страждає від війни. Нехай же час, який минає, не охолодить наш біль та наше занепокоєння цими багатостраждальними людьми. Будь ласка, не звикаймо до цієї трагічної дійсності! #МолімосяРазом” @Pontifex, 12 June 2022
  • “The thought of the people of Ukraine, afflicted by war, remains vivid in my heart. Let the passage of time not temper our grief and concern for that suffering population. Please, let us not grow accustomed to this tragic situation! Let us #PrayTogether” @Pontifex, 12 June 2022
  • “Today is the World Day against Child Labour. Let us all work to eliminate this scourge, so that no child is deprived of his or her fundamental rights and forced or coerced to work. #EndChildLabour” @Pontifex, 12 June 2022
  • “Love not only means that we wish others well or that we are good to others, but first and foremost, at the root, that we welcome others, make room for others, make space for others.” @Pontifex, 12 June 2022
  • “The #MostHolyTrinity teaches us that a person can never be without the other. We are not islands, we are in the world to live in God’s image: open, in need of others and in need of helping others.” @Pontifex, 12 June 2022
  • “Jesus summarized his commandments in a single one: “Love one another as I have loved you” (Jn. 15:12). To love like Christ loves means to put yourself at the service of your brothers and sisters, especially those in greatest need, as we are and with what we have.” @Pontifex, 13 June 2022
  • “What great poverty is produced by the senselessness of war! Wherever we look, we can see how violence strikes those who are defenseless and vulnerable. #WorldDayOfThePoor j Message@Pontifex, 14 June 2022

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Author: jeffmiller

Jeff Miller is a former atheist who after spending forty years in the wilderness finds himself with both astonishment and joy a member of the Catholic Church.