The Weekly Francis – 31 May 2022

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 20 May 2022 to 31 May 2022.

General Audiences


Regina Caeli


Papal Tweets

  • “Rich in wisdom and humour, #elderly people do so much good for the young! They save young people from the temptation of a knowledge of the world that is sad and devoid of the wisdom of life. #BlessingOfTime @LaityFamilyLife @PontAcadLife” @Pontifex, 25 May 2022
  • “In Christ, true God and true man, our humanity has been brought to God. Christ opened the path for us. He attracts us to himself and leads us to God. If we entrust our lives to him we are certain to be in the hands of our Saviour. #AscensionOfTheLord” @Pontifex, 26 May 2022
  • “Let us #PrayTogether for educational institutions, schools and universities in particular, that they might be transparent, active, welcoming, responsible communities, in a fruitful climate of cooperation, exchange and dialogue, valuing each and every person. #LaudatoSi7” @Pontifex, 26 May 2022
  • “True wealth does not consist simply in multiplying the things we have, but in sharing them fairly with those around us.” @Pontifex, 27 May 2022
  • “Today I invite you to #PrayTogether for our religious communities: may they be prophetic servants in the care of our common home and for the least among us. #LaudatoSi7 #LaudatoSiWeek” @Pontifex, 28 May 2022
  • “Listening is the first indispensable ingredient of dialogue and good #communication. Communication does not take place if listening has not taken place, and there is no good journalism without the ability to listen. #WCD xSdRWgdI Message@Pontifex, 29 May 2022
  • “Ascending to Heaven, instead of remaining beside a few people with his body, Jesus becomes close to all with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit makes Jesus present in us, beyond the barriers of time and space, to make us his witnesses in the world. #AscensionOfTheLord” @Pontifex, 29 May 2022
  • “Religious differences do not justify indifference or enmity. Rather, on the basis of our religious faith we are enabled to become peacemakers, rather than standing passively before the evil of war and hatred. #Peace” @Pontifex, 30 May 2022
  • “Mary’s faith is prophetic. By her very life, Mary is a prophetic sign pointing to God’s presence in human history, his merciful intervention that confounds the logic of the world, lifts up the lowly and casts down the mighty (Lk 1:52). #Visitation” @Pontifex, 31 May 2022
  • “Today at 6 pm, in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, we will pray the Rosary for peace. #LetsPrayTogether to obtain from God, by the intercession of the Queen of Peace, the gift the world awaits. #HolyRosary #Peace WJFa YouTube Image@Pontifex, 31 May 2022
  • “Today we lift our hearts to You, Queen of Peace: intercede for us before Your Son, reconcile hearts filled with violence and vengeance, let your lasting peace reign over all the earth. Amen. #HolyRosary #Peace” @Pontifex, 31 May 2022
  • “Сьогодні підносимо наші серця до Тебе, Царице миру: заступайся за нас перед Своїм Сином, примири серця, переповнені насильством і помстою, нехай же по всій землі тривало запанує Твій мир. Амінь. #СвятийРозарій #Мир” @Pontifex, 31 May 2022
  • “Сегодня мы возносим наши сердца к Тебе, о Царица мира: ходатайствуй за нас перед Сыном Твоим, примири сердца, исполненные насилием и местью, да воцарится на всей земле Твой прочный мир. Аминь. #СвятойРозарий #Мир” @Pontifex, 31 May 2022
  • “We are sure that with the weapons of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, and with the gift of grace, the hearts of people and the fortunes of the entire world can be changed. #HolyRosary #Peace” @Pontifex, 31 May 2022
  • “Ми впевнені, що зброєю молитви, посту, милостині та з даром Твоєї благодаті можливо перемінити серця людей і долю всього світу. #СвятийРозарій #Мир” @Pontifex, 31 May 2022
  • “Мы уверены, что с помощью орудий молитвы, поста, милостыни и дара Твоей благодати можно изменить сердца людей и судьбы всего мира. #СвятойРозарий #Мир” @Pontifex, 31 May 2022

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Author: jeffmiller

Jeff Miller is a former atheist who after spending forty years in the wilderness finds himself with both astonishment and joy a member of the Catholic Church.