The Weekly Francis – 20 April 2022

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 7 April 2022 to 20 April 2022.

General Audiences



Regina Caeli


Papal Tweets

  • “God’s presence is so humble, hidden, so invisible, that it needs an attentive, awake and welcoming heart to be recognized. #Eucharist #HolyThursday” @Pontifex, 14 April 2022
  • “Let us place ourselves before the Crucified One, the wellspring of our peace, and ask him for peace of heart and peace in the world. #GoodFriday” @Pontifex, 15 April 2022
  • “#PrayTogether #GoodFriday #Peace OSRuw Image@Pontifex, 15 April 2022
  • “On this night let us allow the women of the Gospel to lead us by the hand, so that, with them, we may glimpse the first rays of the dawn of God’s life rising in the darkness of our world.” @Pontifex, 16 April 2022
  • “The light of the resurrection generates missionary disciples who return from the tomb in order to bring to all the Gospel of the risen Christ. That is why, after seeing and hearing, the women ran to proclaim to the disciples the joy of the resurrection.” @Pontifex, 16 April 2022
  • “Our hope has a name: the name of Jesus. He entered the tomb of our sin; he descended to those depths where we feel most lost, bore the weight of our burdens and from the dark abyss of death restored us to life and turned our mourning into joy.” @Pontifex, 16 April 2022
  • “Jesus is alive! Today, too, he walks in our midst, changes us and sets us free. Thanks to him, evil has been robbed of its power; failure can no longer hold us back from starting anew; and death has become a passage to the stirrings of new life.” @Pontifex, 16 April 2022
  • “The women proclaimed the joy of the resurrection. Easter did not occur simply to console those who mourned the death of Jesus, but to open hearts to the extraordinary message of God’s triumph over evil and death.” @Pontifex, 16 April 2022
  • “Давайте позволим победить себя миру Христову! Мир – возможен, мир – необходим, мир – это главная ответственность каждого! #Мир wRKgh Image@Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “May there be #peace also for Libya and for Yemen, for Myanmar and for Afghanistan, for the entire African continent – particularly in the Sahel region –, for Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Let’s pray for the people in the eastern part of South Africa too.” @Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “May there be #peace for the Middle East, racked by years of conflict and division. May there be peace and reconciliation for the peoples of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, and in particular for all the Christian communities of the Middle East.” @Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “В моём сердце – все многочисленные жертвы украинского народа: миллионы беженцев и внутренних переселенцев, разделённые семьи, оставшиеся в одиночестве старики, разбитые жизни и стёртые с лица земли города. У меня перед глазами – взгляд осиротевших детей, бежавших от войны.” @Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “Ношу в своєму серці всі численні українські жертви, мільйони біженців і внутрішньо переміщених осіб, розділені сім’ї, похилих віком, які залишилися самотніми, розбиті життя та міста, стерті з лиця землі. Маю перед очима погляд осиротілих дітей, що втікають від війни.” @Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “I hold in my heart all the many Ukrainian victims, the millions of refugees and internally displaced persons, the divided families, the elderly left to themselves, the lives broken and the cities razed to the ground. I see the faces of the orphaned children fleeing from the war.” @Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “Пусть наступит мир для истерзанной Украины, тяжко страдающей от насилия и разрушений жестокой и бессмысленной войны, в которую она была втянута. Пусть над этим страшным мороком страданий и смерти поскорее взойдёт новая заря надежды! Да будет сделан выбор в пользу мира. #Мир” @Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “Нехай настане мир для багатостраждальної України що переживає дуже важке випробування насильством та руйнуваннями жорстокої та безумної війни в яку вона була втягнута. Нехай над цією жахливою ніччю страждання та смерті якнайшвидше зійде новий світанок надії! Нехай буде обрано мир” @Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “May there be peace for war-torn #Ukraine, so sorely tried by the violence and destruction of the cruel and senseless war into which it was dragged. In this terrible night of suffering and death, may a new dawn of hope soon appear! Let there be a decision for #peace.” @Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “Раны на теле воскресшего Иисуса – это знак сражения, которое Он вёл и выиграл за нас оружием любви, дабы мы могли иметь мир, быть в мире, жить в мире. #Мир R Image@Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “Рани на Тілі воскреслого Ісуса є знаком боротьби, якою Він боровся та переміг за нас, зброєю любові, щоби ми могли мати #мир, перебувати в мирі, жити в мирі. jC Image@Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “The wounds on the body of the risen Jesus are the sign of the battle he fought and won for us, won with the weapons of love, so that we might have #peace and remain in peace. Image@Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “The Lord is risen! Let us lift up our gaze, remove the veil of sadness and sorrow from our eyes, and open our hearts to the hope that God brings! Homily@Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “Дозвольмо, щоби Христовий #мир переміг нас! Мир є можливим, мир є обов’язковим, мир є першочерговою відповідальністю всіх! e Image@Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “May the risen Christ accompany and assist the people of Latin America and the journey of reconciliation that the Catholic Church in Canada is making with the indigenous peoples.” @Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “May we be won over by the #peace of Christ! Peace is possible; peace is a duty; peace is everyone’s primary responsibility! qxaoyN Image@Pontifex, 17 April 2022
  • “The Easter joy is not to be kept to oneself. The joy of Christ is strengthened by giving it, it multiplies sharing it. If we open ourselves and carry the Gospel, our hearts will open and overcome fear. #GospelOfTheDay (Mt 28:8–15).” @Pontifex, 18 April 2022
  • “The Lord is risen! Let us not tarry among the tombs, but run to find him, the Living One! Nor may we be afraid to seek him also in the faces of our brothers and sisters, in the stories of those who hope and dream, in the pain of those who we suffer: God is there!” @Pontifex, 19 April 2022
  • ““Honour your father and mother” is a solemn commitment. It is not just about our own father and mother, but about the old age of life… We received the love of our parents, of our grandparents, and now we return this love to them. #BlessingOfTime” @Pontifex, 20 April 2022

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Author: jeffmiller

Jeff Miller is a former atheist who after spending forty years in the wilderness finds himself with both astonishment and joy a member of the Catholic Church.