The Weekly Francis – 03 October 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 22 September 2019 to 3 October 2019.


General Audiences


Motu Proprio


Papal Tweets

  • “When we become ”spiritually lukewarm“, we become half-Christians, without substance. Instead, the Lord wants conversion, today. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 26 September 2019
  • “The true face of love is mercy. Practicing it, we become a disciple of Jesus and the heart of the Father shows itself.” @Pontifex 27 September 2019
  • “We need others in order to live and to share the love and trust that the Lord gives us.” @Pontifex 28 September 2019
  • “It’s not just about migrants, it’s about all of us, about the human family, called to build together a world more in accord with God’s plan. #NotJustAboutMigrants–2019.html” @Pontifex 29 September 2019
  • “The elderly and the young, together. This is the sign that a people cherishes life, that there is a culture of hope: the care of the young and the elderly. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 30 September 2019
  • “The sweetness of God’s word leads us to share it with all those whom we encounter in this life and to proclaim the sure hope that it contains. #AperuitIllis–20190930_aperuit-illis.html” @Pontifex 30 September 2019
  • “May the Sunday of the Word of God help his people to grow in religious and intimate familiarity with the sacred Scriptures. #AperuitIllis–20190930_aperuit-illis.html” @Pontifex 30 September 2019
  • “Video #ExtraordinaryMissionaryMonth #MissionaryOctober” @Pontifex 1 October 2019
  • “May the memorial of our #HolyGuardianAngels strengthen in us the certainty that we are not alone. May it sustain us in proclaiming and living Christ’s Gospel for a world renewed in God’s love.” @Pontifex 2 October 2019
  • “The Word of God fills us with joy and this joy is our strength. We are joyful Christians because we have welcomed the Word of God in our hearts. This is the message for today, for all of us. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 3 October 2019

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Author: jeffmiller

Jeff Miller is a former atheist who after spending forty years in the wilderness finds himself with both astonishment and joy a member of the Catholic Church.