The Weekly Francis – 07 August 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 21 July 2019 to 7 August 2019.



Papal Tweets

  • “Jesus looks for witnesses who say to Him every day: ”Lord, you are my life“.” @Pontifex 25 July 2019
  • “In today’s Gospel, Jesus invites us to experience prayer, putting us in direct communication with the Father. This is the novelty of Christian prayer! It is a dialogue between people who love one another, a dialogue based on trust.” @Pontifex 28 July 2019
  • “The Lord gives each of us a vocation, a challenge to discover the talents and abilities we possess and to put them at the service of others.” @Pontifex 29 July 2019
  • “Let us pray that the Lord will free the victims of human trafficking and help us to respond actively to the cry for help of so many of our brothers and sisters who are deprived of their dignity and freedom. #EndHumanTrafficking” @Pontifex 30 July 2019
  • “As a young soldier, St Ignatius of Loyola, whom we remember today, thought of his own glory. But then he was attracted by the glory of God, which gave meaning to his life.” @Pontifex 31 July 2019
  • “Video” @Pontifex 1 August 2019
  • “The Lord does not perform wonders with those who believe themselves to be just, but with those who know they are in need and are willing to open their hearts to Him.” @Pontifex 2 August 2019
  • “Holy Spirit, give us the joy of the resurrection, the perennial youth of the heart!” @Pontifex 3 August 2019
  • “On the feast of the saintly Curé d’Ars, I write to all of you who, carrying out your mission in service to God and His people, write the most beautiful pages of priestly life. #ToMyBrotherPriests
    (link)  @Pontifex 4 August 2019
  • “Thank you for the joy with which you have offered your lives. Thank you for all the times you welcomed those who have fallen, caring for their wounds and showing tenderness and compassion. #ToMyBrotherPriests” @Pontifex 4 August 2019
  • “The Lord invites all of us to conquer resentment with love and forgiveness, and to live the Christian faith with consistency and courage.” @Pontifex 5 August 2019
  • “In the Transfiguration, Jesus shows us the glory of the Resurrection: a glimpse of heaven on earth.” @Pontifex 6 August 2019
  • “The way of Jesus, which leads to peace, passes through forgiveness, for one evil never corrects another evil and no resentment is ever good for the heart.” @Pontifex 7 August 2019

Papal Instagram

Author: jeffmiller

Jeff Miller is a former atheist who after spending forty years in the wilderness finds himself with both astonishment and joy a member of the Catholic Church.