The Weekly Francis – 21 March 2018


This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 3 October 2017 to 21 March 2018.


Papal Tweets

  • “In order to prepare a truly human future, it is not enough to reject evil. We must build the common good together.” @Pontifex 15 March 2018
  • “Lent is the road that leads from slavery to freedom, from suffering to joy, from death to life.” @Pontifex 16 March 2018
  • “Jesus made Himself like the grain of wheat that falls to the ground and dies to give life. Our hope springs from that love-filled life.” @Pontifex 17 March 2018
  • “As we listen to the aspirations of young people, may we catch a glimpse of the world that lies ahead, and of the roads the Church is called to travel. #Synod2018” @Pontifex 18 March 2018
  • “Dear fathers, happy Feast of St. Joseph! Follow his example when caring for your children as they grow up in wisdom and grace.” @Pontifex 19 March 2018
  • “Nobody can be discarded, because we are all vulnerable. Each one of us is a treasure whom God allows to grow in his or her own way. #Downsyndrome, #WDSD18” @Pontifex 21 March 2018

Papal Instagram

Author: jeffmiller

Jeff Miller is a former atheist who after spending forty years in the wilderness finds himself with both astonishment and joy a member of the Catholic Church.