It’s common for Catholics to say that a newly elected pope is “God’s choice” or that, the Holy Spirit chooses the new pope.
There’s a sense in which this is true.
But does that mean that we can just sit back and assume the ideal candidate will be elected?
If so, why do we need to pray for the election of the new pope?
And what has Pope Benedict XVI had to say about the matter?
The Mystery of Providence
Since God is omnipotent, he could stop any particular thing in the universe from happening. Therefore, if something does happen, it is only because God allowed it to happen.
If God chose to allow it, anything that does happen could–in this broadest sense–be described as God’s choice.
But that does not mean it is what God prefers.
There are a lot of things in history that God allowed but that would not have been his “first choice.”
Take the fall of man and our redemption by Christ. In one sense, that’s clearly God’s choice. But we cannot ascribe Adam’s sin to God as his ideal choice.
How man’s free will relates to God’s providence is complex, and we should be careful of simplistic solutions.
We will get the Pope we deserve just like we get the luciferian leaders we deserve.
Of course if we all work together and pray and repent from all our sins of halfheartedness and lack of love for God and for each other then there would be a change. That old guy from 2000 years ago has written exactly what is going to happen. Our world is going to hell for a short time but the GOOD NEWS IS THAT THE GOOD GUYS DO WIN IN THE END.
What can we do in the mean time???? We can pray and repent and warn others that the Titanic is going down and everyone needs to get in the life boats while there is still time. Did you know that so many people were killed because they refused to believe that the ship was going down? It is the same today. So it is our job to warn people and get ready for hell on earth. Get right with God and work for Him by telling others about Him at every opportunity
I forgot to tell you who that guy was from 2000 years ago. It was aman of about 80 who would not boil when they threw him in a huge pot of oil and so they sent him to the prison island of Patmos off the coast of Turkey. Here he heard from God and gave an exact account of what is already happening. Focu though on the good news. The good guys do win in the end.