Explaining Away the Greatest Miracle of Jesus’ Ministry

Was this all there was? Or was there a "miracle of sharing"?

Of all the many miracles Jesus performed during his earthly ministry (that is, before his passion, death, and Resurrection), there is one that stands out: the feeding of the five thousands.

Unlike any other miracle from his ministry, this one is recorded in all four gospels is the feeding of the five thousand.

You would think that people would have a handle on the fact that this was a miracle–an unmistakable supernatural intervention in the order of nature.

Yet every year we are subjected to homilies that try to explain it away as a natural event, suggesting that all Jesus really did was motivate people to share the food that they had with them, so it was really a “miracle of sharing” rather than a miraculous multiplication of loaves.

I’ve written about the subject before, but let’s see what Pope Benedict and Pope John Paul II have to say about the matter . . .


2 thoughts on “Explaining Away the Greatest Miracle of Jesus’ Ministry”

  1. Jimmy,
    I’m glad that JP2 and Benedict believe that Jesus performed miracles.  But why did they/do they permit Walter Kapser to hold high office in the church when he questions whether Jesus performed any miracles?
    -J. Prot.

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