Terrifying Albino Vampires Lurk in Forrest!

Did You Know? IT’S TRUE!!! Albino redwood trees lack chlorophyll and thus are unable to perform photosynthesis. To survive, they must suck nutrients from the roots of other redwood trees. Only about 25 such vampire trees are known to exist, but . . . they’re here in California! Aaaaagh! LEARN MORE.

4 thoughts on “Terrifying Albino Vampires Lurk in Forrest!”

  1. I’m picturing a villain, such as David Robert Jones in Fringe, gazing at his prized tree and asking his prisoner “Would you like to know how the albino vampire redwood tree survives? By slowly sucking the energy out of its victim.” Then to his tree, “Are you hungry Sarlacc?”

  2. Very interesting. I wonder if some modern parasitic plants originated in a similar way.

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