Give A Pope A Blog…

… And it might look something like Musum Pontificalis, a parody blog that imagines how Pope Benedict XVI might blog were he a blogger.  (Here is a link to the satirist’s disclaimer.)  Now that the Pope has a blog, so to speak, you might be curious about "his thoughts" on the Harry Potter brouhaha:

"I sure didn’t see this one coming. Sometimes I just want to say, ‘Come on, people; get a life.’

"Obviously, I haven’t reinstated Index Librorum Prohibitorum and placed Harry Potter on it. Believe me, there are any number of Jesuit publications that would make it to the Index before Harry Potter."


(Nod to Whispers in the Loggia for the link.)

4 thoughts on “Give A Pope A Blog…”

  1. “Believe me, there are any number of Jesuit publications that would make it to the Index before Harry Potter.”
    As if it being Friday weren’t enough . . . the laugh I got from this made my day! I nearly snorted in my coffee!
    I gotta bookmark this site! Hi-larry-ous!

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