Wednesday Photo Caption

Celebritymonkey SOURCE.

Starting captions:

  • Found: The Missing Link
  • They told me that they wouldn’t serve me unless I wore a shirt, but they didn’t say I had to button it….
  • News was released today of the identity of the actor to play the part of Bubbles in a new docudrama on the Michael Jackson saga.
  • 33 thoughts on “Wednesday Photo Caption”

    1. Aw Tony, you stole my thunder! After yesterday’s photo fiasco I was going to say “Now THAT’S a picture of Clinton I can get behind!” but you’ve already brought the Clinton’s into it, so I’m just a hack!

    2. yup… I knew there would be some Clinton bashing today and you didn’t let me down.
      some sense of humour, indeed.

    3. I hope this shirt counts for Hawaiian Shirt day. It’s the only clean one I have.

    4. “….and contrary to common belief, the fact that 50% of American males who are obese do not necessarily die young.”

    5. Oops!
      Having just read the source of the article, I got both the Country and the sex wrong.
      Silly me.

    6. When the senate broke for lunch, Ted Kennedy had a bit too much to drink and began “taking it all off” for “the ladies.” The ladies in question being Barbara Boxer and Howard Dean.

    7. All right — I’ve tried it. I still need someone to explain this “clothing” thing to me.

    8. Scared of growing old and single, Harriett desperately tries flashing…
      (Argh. Sorry.)

    9. Bubbles was secretly known as “Jabba the ‘tang” to other denizens of the zoo.

    10. I am so sick and tired of the Democratic bashing on this website. Why do you have to come down so hard on those that you don’t politically agree with?
      if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

    11. I suggest you preach to the Democratic Underground first. I have yet to see anybody here calling Clinton or Dean a Nazi.

    12. While healing a new face with his very young “ward”, Bishop Thomas Dupre is dressing free and breezy for his extended stay on Fire Island.

    13. Steven Greydanus:
      That was fun. But rats, now how do I turn off this melody in my head?

    14. Steven Greydanus:
      That was fun. But rats, now how do I turn off this melody in my head?

      Easy! Get another song into yer head instead!
      Ev’ryBOdy… Ev’ryBOdy… Ev’ryBOdy wants to be a cat! Yeah….

    15. “Ev’ryBOdy… Ev’ryBOdy… Ev’ryBOdy wants to be a cat! Yeah….”
      Heh . . . I wasn’t aware that that one really had a MELODY . . . . 😉

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