Pope Rapsinger

Just stumbled across this notice by Mark Mossa, S.J., of a hilarious comment over on Amy Welborn‘s blog:

"At my nephew’s school, the children were watching the announcement of the new pope. Upon learning the new pope’s identity, a child excitedly shouted, ‘We have a pope! We have a pope! He’s a rap singer!’"

5 thoughts on “Pope Rapsinger”

  1. Yes! That happened here in Oklahoma. I commented on it here on Jimmy’s site somewhere the day after the Pope was elected!

  2. SIGH. I posted here about a similar encounter I had the day of the conclave’s decision. My daughter thought I had said Cardinal Rap Singer had become the Pope.

  3. My daughter attends an all-girls Catholic high school. The announcement was made of the election of the new Pope during her Scripture class. Sorry
    to say, but it was the Scripture teacher who spelled it on the

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