Grrrl Power Pitcher

An 11-year-old girl became the first in her Little League division to pitch a perfect game, proving that "throwing like a girl" can be something to which athletes of both sexes can aspire:

"Katie Brownell is in a Little League all her own. The 11-year-old — the only girl playing in the Oakfield-Alabama Little League program — pitched a perfect game Saturday for her Dodgers. She struck out all 18 batters she faced in the six-inning, 11-0 victory over the Yankees.

"Oakfield-Alabama officials said they can’t remember anybody ever throwing a perfect game in this western New York league between Buffalo and Rochester.

"In two games on the mound, Katie has struck out 32 of 33 batters. And she’s hitting .714 through the team’s first three games."

So, not only can she pitch; but, unlike many pitchers, she can hit too. You go, girl!


6 thoughts on “Grrrl Power Pitcher”

  1. With the MLB crowded with doped-up crybabies (can we have more Japanese players, please? They seem to have dignity!), this is a story that helps this Cubs fan keep hope for the American Pastime.

  2. This is the way feminism ought to work. Give a girl a fair shot and see what she is capable of, you may be surprised! “Lowering the bar” doesn’t help anyone.

  3. Tim, I totally agree with you. What continues to surprise and sadden me is that many traditional Catholics (and traditional Christians) seem to think that feminism is, in and of itself, a Bad Thing. There are plenty of people out there who would decree that Miss Brownell should have been spending her Saturday afternoon cross-stitching a sampler instead of pitching in Little League, and would base that decree on what they believe is Christianity.
    One of these days I’m going to have to do some posts on feminism, Christian and non-Christian. In the meantime, thanks for the feedback, guys! 🙂

  4. A discussion of real feminism (that liberates women, rather than making them slaves to their own passions) would be very welcome. I’m sure you are familiar with Feminists for Life of America, but for those who are not, here is their web address:
    Their spokesperson is Patricia Heaton of “Everybody Loves Raymond” fame. Yes-s-s-s!

  5. Best of all, she beat the Yankees! (I know it’s not those Yankees, but every little bit helps.)

  6. With regards to her hitting, would male pitchers intentionally pulling back be a factor? After all, kids seem to recognize chivalry more than the benighted adults.

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