Dispensation Needed For Papal Cats

In the weeks since Pope Benedict XVI’s election, his love for cats has become well known. But this story, reported by the English-language version of a Russian news agency, makes no sense:

"New Pope of Rome Benedict XYI, who moved into the papal quarters last week, faced an unexpected problem — the Vatican administrative services did not allow him taking two cats to his new home.

"Everyone knows about the Pontiff’s love for cats, a representative of the Rome City Hall said on Tuesday. She said the Pontiff now has to pay frequent visits to his old apartment outside the Vatican and take care of his cats. Everyone hopes that the Vatican will eventually grant the cats an access to the Apostolic Palace, she added."


The Holy Father is the Vatican’s head of state. If he wants to bring his cats to the Apostolic Palace, one would imagine that he could grant himself permission to do so. If anything, one would think that the Vatican’s security specialists would prefer that papal pets live in the papal household rather than having the Holy Father trudge back and forth between the palace and his old apartment to care for his cats.

All in all, the story doesn’t appear to add up; but I could be missing something.

5 thoughts on “Dispensation Needed For Papal Cats”

  1. I’ve heard somewhere before that while he likes cats, he doesn’t currently own any himself, just visits other people’s, or strays, so the whole story sounds fishy to me.

  2. New Pope of Rome Benedict XYI, who moved into the papal quarters last week, faced an unexpected problem — the Vatican administrative services did not allow him taking two cats to his new home.
    Very fishy. If I were the Pope and the “Vatican administrative services” told me I couldn’t bring my cats to the Apostolic Palace, I’d tell them that there are bulls of excommunication with their names on them awaiting signature and then ask them to reconsider. Perhaps it’s a good thing I’m not Pope. 😉

  3. Might it be that he was ASKED not to bring the cats because someone who works there is allergic? Out of charity, he would probably then refrain.
    I adore [in a non-theological sense ] my kitten, but I couldn’t live with him without Claritin.
    Another possiblity of many….

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