Wanted: Dead And Alive

I don’t know what upsets me the most about WorldNetDaily‘s recent article on a pregnant woman who tried to abort her son and then tried to save him when he was born alive but was ignored by the abortion clinic’s staff. Was it the fact that the mother sought a "painless," "humane" murder of her son? Yes, but on the positive side, she appears to have been truly distraught over the entire episode and sincerely repentant once she held her squirming son but was unable to get anyone to help her save his life.

"[The baby’s] right leg moved. He curled up a bit like he was cold; I screamed for Violene [a staff member]! No one came. I managed to get to the doorway, pants down, blood everywhere and yelled again. I went back to my baby. I heard her say she’d be right there.

"I showed her Rowan [the child], told her he was alive and moving and to call 911! She took a quick look, said he’s not moving now and she’d be back to take care of things while walking out. I called her again. I was touching Rowan softly and he moved again. I called her back. Rowan jumped, I think startled by the loud sound of my calling for help. I showed her that he was moving and alive. I begged her to hurry and call 911, now!"

I guess what it must have been the clinic’s entirely unresponsive reaction to the whole situation. The mother reports being ignored, then being told to hand over her child, then being handed a "bag of medicine" before being shown the door. This, I guess, is the scary part. There’s almost a numbness, a deadness, in the various reactions of the staff.

But then I guess, logically speaking, such reactions on the staff’s part makes the most sense of all; however hideous such reactions also are.


(Nod to Some Have Hats for the link.  WARNING: Graphic pictures.  Apologies for failing to note this earlier.)

9 thoughts on “Wanted: Dead And Alive”

  1. Out of the depths I call to you, LORD;
    Lord, hear my cry! May your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.
    If you, LORD, mark our sins, Lord, who can stand?
    But with you is forgiveness and so you are revered.
    I wait with longing for the LORD, my soul waits for his word.
    My soul looks for the Lord more than sentinels for daybreak. More than sentinels for daybreak,
    let Israel look for the LORD, For with the LORD is kindness, with him is full redemption,
    And God will redeem Israel from all their sins.

  2. I have to say, if the baby was born alive and the staff killed the child (actively, by preventing the mother from helping, or by neglect), then under our law system they committed murder.

  3. Jimmy,
    You could have warned us about the pictures.
    Im going to quit wasting my time on the computer and go home and tell my little son how much I love him.

  4. Sebastian, I apologize for the oversight. A warning has been added to the post. Thanks!

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