You’ll notice that in the margin are two new buttons, which look like this:


Support Jimmy’s Internet Efforts!



Click Here to Learn More 


I began blogging in 2004. While there were free blogging options then (as now), I went with a for-pay blogging option because it provided enhanced features that would allow me to provide a better blog experience to readers.

I’ve tried to simply employ my general principle of trying to do the best work I can and leave the money up to God.

To fund the blog I set up an Amazon Associates account and occasionally linked to products that I could recommend. Never made a big deal of it, but I was only trying to cover the expenses of blogging. The income was small–a few dollars to a few dozens of dollars a month–but on average it was enough to cover my expenses.

Not wanting to overcommercialize the blog, I declined many offers over the years from people who wanted to advertise on the blog. Only recently have I had any advertising at all on the blog, and that’s been a small margin ad for a single book of mine.     

I’ve even had peole ask if they could donate to help support the my Internet efforts, but I’ve never been set up for that, and I’ve been happy to provide material just covering my costs via Amazon.

The situation has changed, though, such that I can no longer afford to take my historical approach. Costs have gone up, and I recently committed to a whole new set of behind-the-scenes expenses (e.g., involved in providing podcasts), just before the Amazon income stream was cut out from under me.

The State of California and Amazon got into a tax dispute, and the upshot is that Amazon has cancelled all its contracts with California associates. They’re working to undo the law that occasioned this step, but it’s uncertain if that’s going to happen, and it’s like to be a year or years if it ever does happen.

To meet the shortfall, I’ve created a PayPal account that will allow me to run a Tip Jar, much like other bloggers.

Even if you don’t have a PayPal account, you can still use this feature with a credit card via PayPal’s state-of-the-industry secure payment system. I myself use PayPal regularly, and they are very secure. I trust them, which is why I selected them rather than some other service.

I would therefore ask if you would consider making a donation to help me pay my Internet expenses and keep providing the blog, the podcast, and other fun and informative Internet projects I have planned. 

You can either hit the “Donate” button and make a one-time donation or, if you’d like to provide ongoing support, you can hit the “Subscribe” button and make a monthly donation automatically.


Amount of help I can offer


Oops! Was There a Problem?

Ff If you’ve arrived at this page it’s because your donation was aborted.

This might have been due to a technical problem, or you may have cancelled the transaction.

Either way, the transaction was not completed and you will not be charged for it.

I wanted to offer a word of explanation in case it was a technical problem, in which case I encourage you to try again.

If you cancelled the transaction, I understand. I want to thank you for your consideration, and I hope you may donate in the future.

Your support really helps.

Due to the fight between the State of California and, I no longer have a way to pay the fees associated with providing information online for free. Your donations make that possible.

Thanks again, and God bless you!

Your friend,

–Jimmy Akin

Thank You For Your Donation!

Smiley-face-thumb-450x450-152676 I just wanted to say a word of thanks for your donation. It will help me pay the bills and keep providing fun, informative, and faith-building information.

The costs of providing information on the web via blog, podcast, and other means are real, and your assistance makes it possible for me to provide quality information in a variety of convenient ways.

Thank you very much, and God bless you!

Your friend,

–Jimmy Akin

PODCAST EPISODE 006 Is God a Monster (Predestination)? Is Faith Reasonable (Science)? Can We Experience God Through Nature?

Click Play to listen . . .

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JIMMY AKIN PODCAST 006 (7/30/11)
* Philip from Fullerton, CA asks about Calvin and Double Predestination (Calvin's Institutes) (Sproul's article)

* Steve from Dayville, CT asks about the reasonableness of faith

  * Faith and Evidence

  * Evidence for the Unseen

  * The Role of Experiments

* Josh asks about feeling God's presence in nature

Psalm 19

[1] The heavens are telling the glory of God;and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.[2] Day to day pours forth speech,and night to night declares knowledge.[3] There is no speech, nor are there words;their voice is not heard;[4] yet their voice goes out through all the earth,and their words to the end of the world.In them he has set a tent for the sun,[5] which comes forth like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,and like a strong man runs its course with joy.[6] Its rising is from the end of the heavens,and its circuit to the end of them;and there is nothing hid from its heat.

Romans 1

[19] For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. [20] Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse; [21] for although they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking and their senseless minds were darkened. [22] Claiming to be wise, they became fools, [23] and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man or birds or animals or reptiles.


Call me at 512-222-3389!



Fallacies Of Economic Equality That Promote Poverty

From Peter Ferrara:

“The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal.  They weren’t only equal before God and the law.  They were equal every which way.  Nobody was smarter than anybody else.  Nobody was better looking than anybody else.  Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else.  All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.”

So began Kurt Vonnegut’s 1961 short story “Harrison Bergeron,” published in the volume Welcome to the Monkey House.  In that brave, new world, the government forced each individual to wear “handicaps” to offset any advantage they had, so that everyone could be truly and fully equal.  Beautiful people had to wear ugly masks to hide their good looks.  The strong had to wear compensating weights to slow them down.  Graceful dancers were burdened with bags of birdshot.  Those with above average intelligence had to wear government transmitters in their ears that would emit sharp noises every 20 seconds, shattering their thoughts “to keep them… from taking unfair advantage of their brains.”