Thursday Photo Caption

Cardinal SOURCE.

(Nod to Rocco Palmo, writer, Vatican analyst, and blogger at Whispers in the Loggia, who uses this image as an avatar.)

Starting captions:

  • Heading home after a long day spent electing a Pope.
  • Leaving the conclave a cardinal.
  • The Archdiocese of St. Louis today unveiled its proposal for a new uniform for the local baseball team.
  • 20 thoughts on “Thursday Photo Caption”

    1. Thanks for picking up on my “avatar”… It’s my favorite Vatican shot of all time — una porpora (who shall remain nameless) walking back to his Roman dwelling after receiving his ring from John Paul II at the 2003 consistory.
      The caption I’ve always used for this one is simple: “Return of the King.”

    2. “Those Papal vestments wouldn’t have looked good on me, anyway…”
      “I’ll have better luck next Conclave.”
      Very nice picture, BTW.

    3. “Hmmm, let’s see if I have this straight. They told me to run into the next room and declare “nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition”. Wonder what this is all about?”

    4. Uhhmmm… I think I turn left at the end of this hallway… wait, no… this looks like a dead end. I will surely ask Georg to give me a GPS this Christmas!

    5. LOL, Rosemarie!
      And I have no caption for this one. I really dig the picture, thouogh! It’s really pretty.

    6. Okay, let’s see…Urbi first, then Orbi. No… wait, it’s Orbi first, then Urbi. Oh my, I gotta this straight!….They’re waiting for me at the balcony!

    7. When they made me papal chamberlain, who knew that every night I’d have to check to make sure the doors are all locked and the lights are out?

    8. As a birthday stunt, Italian Cardinals hide the civilian clothes of a American colleague.

    9. After losing the vote for Pope; in an Arnold Swartzenagger (how do you spell this?) accent.
      “I’ll be back”

    10. You could eat your dinner off this floor. (A classic Northern, Lancashire saying about clean polished floors)

    11. After a hard days exorcism Cardinal O’Malley looked forward to some down time in the Papal Hall of Solitude.

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