The Bible and the Great Flood (Noah’s Ark, Rainbows, Genesis, Faith) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

Genesis records that God sent the Great Flood to wipe out mankind because of sinfulness, but that he preserved Noah, his family, and pairs of every animal in an ark. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at the questions of whether Noah was a real person, was the flood worldwide, and more.

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This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida.

Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Fiorvento Law, PLLC, specializing in adult guardianships and conservatorships, probate and estate planning matters. Accepting clients throughout Michigan. Taking into account your individual, healthcare, financial and religious needs. Visit

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The Weekly Francis – 6 October 2021

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 18 September 2021 to 6 October 2021.


General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “To respond concretely to the serious phenomenon of global warming is a moral imperative. Lack of action will have secondary effects, especially on the poorest, who are also the most vulnerable. #SeasonOfCreation” @Pontifex, 30 September 2021
  • “Let us #PrayTogether that every baptized person may be engaged in evangelization, available to the mission, by being witnesses of a life that has the flavour of the Gospel. #PrayerIntention #Synod” @Pontifex, 30 September 2021
  • “Saint #ThereseOfTheChildJesus is one of the saints who speaks to us the most about God’s grace and how God takes care of us, takes us by the hand and lets us easily climb the mountain of life – if only we abandon ourselves completely to Him.” @Pontifex, 1 October 2021
  • “Life is a gift, and when it is long it is a privilege. The “wealth of many years” is a wealth in terms of the persons themselves, their experience and history. #IDOP2021” @Pontifex, 1 October 2021
  • “#GuardianAngels help us in our lives and show us where we need to go. Our angel is the daily bridge to our encounter with the Father.” @Pontifex, 2 October 2021
  • “To you, young people, I once again entrust the task of placing fraternity at the centre of the economy. Now as never before we feel the need for young people who, through study and practice, know how to demonstrate that a different economy exists. #EoF2021” @Pontifex, 2 October 2021
  • “Let us #PrayTogether for the gift of peace for the beloved land of Myanmar: so that the hands of those who live there no longer need to wipe away tears of pain and death, but instead join together to overcome difficulties and work together to bring peace.” @Pontifex, 3 October 2021
  • “The #GospelOfTheDay (Mk 10:2–16) says that Jesus is very tender with the little ones. The difficulties and situations that reveal our weakness are privileged opportunities to experience His love: in dark or lonely moments, God’s tenderness towards is made even more present.” @Pontifex, 3 October 2021
  • “Being poor in spirit is the way of achieving everything as persons and as a society: it leads toward using our resources, techologies and talents for integral human development, for the common good, social justice and the care of our common home. #Beatitudes” @Pontifex, 3 October 2021
  • “Together with #SaintFrancis we praise You, Father, with all your creatures who have come forth from your powerful hands. They are yours and are filled with your presence and your tenderness. #LaudatoSi’ #SeasonOfCreation” @Pontifex, 4 October 2021
  • “Care for our common home is also a call to respect: respect for creation, respect for our neighbour, respect for ourselves and for the Creator. #SeasonOfCreation” @Pontifex, 4 October 2021
  • “#COP26 in Glasgow is called to provide effective responses to the unprecedented ecological crisis and the crisis of values we are presently experiencing, and in this way to offer concrete hope to future generations. Let us accompany it with our spiritual closeness. #Faiths4COP26” @Pontifex, 4 October 2021
  • “Openness to interdependence and sharing, the dynamism of love and a call to respect: these are three interpretative keys that can shed light on our efforts to care for our common home. #Faiths4COP26 Speech@Pontifex, 4 October 2021
  • “If we desire a more fraternal world, we need to educate the younger generations to acknowledge, appreciate and love each person, regardless of physical proximity, place of birth or where they live. #GlobalCompactOnEducation [Speech@Pontifex, 5 October 2021
  • “Today, on this World #Teachers’ Day, we wish to express our gratitude to every teacher and our concern for education. #GlobalCompactOnEducation” @Pontifex, 5 October 2021
  • “Freedom makes free to the extent to which it transforms a person’s life and directs it toward the good. #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex, 6 October 2021
  • “This coming 9 October, the new synodal way will begin. Let us #PrayTogether so that the reflections and exchanges of this Assembly might help us rediscover the joy of being the People of God who journeys together, listening to everyone. #Synod #ListeningChurch” @Pontifex, 6 October 2021

Papal Instagram

The Enemy of the World – The Secrets of Doctor Who

Patrick Troughton in two roles. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss this 60s supervillain thriller in which the 2nd Doctor also plays the bad guy and shows his acting range. Plus the very cool spy-agent Astrid.

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I, Excretus (LD) – The Secrets of Star Trek

The Lower Deckers get put through the ringer in simulations of classic missions. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss all the classic stories that get referenced and then talk about the jokes that are built on more prurient matters.

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The Greenbrier Ghost! (Ghost Trial, Zona Heaster Shue, Edward Shue) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

In 1897, a West Virginia woman was murdered, but then her ghost revealed to her mother from beyond the grave what really happened. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss how her murderer was put on trial and convicted on the testimony of a ghost! What really happened? Were they really guilty?

Help us continue to offer Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World. Won’t you make a pledge at today?

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This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida.

Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Fiorvento Law, PLLC, specializing in adult guardanships and conservatorships, probate and estate planning matters. Accepting clients throughout Michigan, taking into account your individual, healthcare, financial and religious needs. Visit

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The Weekly Francis – 29 September 2021

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 14 September 2021 to 29 September 2021.


General Audience






  • “Let us help today’s Europe, faint with weariness, to rediscover the ever youthful face of Jesus! Homily@Pontifex, 23 September 2021
  • “Do not look the other way at the suffering of your brothers and sisters deprived of freedom and dignity, victims of contemporary slavery. Let us ask #OurLadyOfRansom to help us work together to break their chains and give them back a dignified life.” @Pontifex, 24 September 2021
  • “All of us are brothers and sisters! Let us pray to the Most High that, after this time of trial, there may no longer be “others”, but rather, a great “we”, rich in diversity.” @Pontifex, 25 September 2021
  • “In the #GospelOfTheDay Jesus exhorts us: instead of judging everything and everyone, let us be careful of ourselves! Indeed, the risk is that of being inflexible towards others and indulgent towards ourselves.” @Pontifex, 26 September 2021
  • “Today the Church is called to go out to the streets of the existential peripheries to heal the wounded and seek the lost, without prejudices or fear, without proselytism, but ready to expand her tent to welcome everyone in an ever larger WE. #WDMR2021” @Pontifex, 26 September 2021
  • “I appeal to all men and women to journey together towards an ever broader “we”, to renew the human family, to build together a future of justice and peace, and to ensure that no one is left out. #WDMR2021” @Pontifex, 26 September 2021
  • “The arms race, including nuclear weapons, continues to squander precious resources that could better be used to benefit the integral development of peoples and protect the natural environment. #NuclearDisarmament” @Pontifex, 26 September 2021
  • “The example of #SaintVincentDePaul encourages us to make time and space for the poor, and to make their worries and troubles our own, because a Christianity without contact with those who suffer becomes disembodied, incapable of touching the flesh of Christ.” @Pontifex, 27 September 2021
  • “Dear young people, once again I would like to take you by the hand and walk with you on the spiritual pilgrim)age that leads to the 2023 World Youth Day in Lisbon. #WYD2023 Message @Pontifex, 27 September 2021
  • “During this time of crisis – health, social, environmental – let us reflect on how the use of material goods can be harmful for the earth. Let us choose to change and to move toward a simpler and more respectful style of life regarding creation. #SeasonOfCreation” @Pontifex, 28 September 2021
  • “Christian spirituality proposes moderation and simplicity that allows us to stop and appreciate the small things, to be grateful for the opportunities life affords us, to be spiritually detached from what we possess, and not succumb to sadness for what we lack. #SeasonOfCreation” @Pontifex, 28 September 2021
  • “Today, the Church remembers the #ArchangelSaints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, messengers of God’s grace. Let us entrust ourselves to them so that our good works might make God’s love visible in the world.” @Pontifex, 29 September 2021
  • “The response of faith demands that we be active in our love for God and in our love of neighbour. #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex, 29 September 2021
  • “Fighting against the terrible scourge of hunger means also fighting waste. To throw food away means to throw people away. It is scandalous today not to notice how precious food is as a good, and how so much good ends up so badly. #FLWDay” @Pontifex, 29 September 2021
  • “Dear young people, I would like to thank you for your dreams and good projects, and for the fact that you are as concerned about human relations as you are about caring for the environment. Thank you. It is a concern that is good for everyone. #Youth4Climate” @Pontifex, 29 September 2021

Papal Instagram

The Bells of St. John – The Secrets of Doctor Who

Clara Oswald’s first adventure with the Doctor sees the return of an old, but recent foe. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the beginning of a new era for the Doctor with the Impossible Girl and how the episode is more important for setting the stage than for its own plot.

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Where Pleasant Fountains Lie (LD) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Evil AI and Ren faire planets! Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the Lwaxana Troi analog, Jeffrey Combs as AGIMUS, the fun concept of a Ren faire-based culture, and the curious continued inclusion of less-than-family friendly bits.

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Jimmy & Dom Test Their Psychic Powers? – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

For thousands of years, people have claimed supernatural or natural psychic powers. But do they really exist? What happens when parapsychologists test them? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli take tests that could reveal their own psychic functioning.

Help us continue to offer Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World. Won’t you make a pledge at today?

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Mysterious Headlines

This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida.

Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Single Player Mode: A Personalized Gaming Experience, the newest book from Truest Dunkworth intended for middle and high schoolers.  It is a book as intriguing as it is mysterious. Now available on Amazon.

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Support StarQuest’s mission to explore the intersection of faith and pop culture by becoming a named sponsor of the show of your choice on the StarQuest network. Click to get started or find out more.

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The Weekly Francis – 22 September 2021

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 1 July 2021 to 22 September 2021.


General Audience




  • “#Catechesis is not an abstract communication, the memorization of theoretical knowledge. We must insist on pointing to the heart of catechesis: Jesus Christ, the Risen One, loves you and will never abandon you!” @Pontifex, 17 September 2021
  • “A society is all the more human to the degree that it cares effectively for its most frail and suffering members, in a spirit of fraternal love. Let us strive to achieve this goal, so that no one will feel alone or abandoned. #PatientSafetyDay” @Pontifex, 17 September 2021
  • “I would like to add my own personal thanks to the thousands of catechists throughout the world. I accompany you with my prayer and with my Apostolic Blessing.” @Pontifex, 17 September 2021
  • “From our gift the life and health of others, sick and suffering, may spring forth, helping to reinforce a culture of help, giving, hope and life. Society needs these concrete gestures of solidarity and generous love, to ensure the understanding that life is something sacred.#WMDD” @Pontifex, 18 September 2021
  • “Hope would have us recognize that there is always a way out, that we can always redirect our steps, that we can always do something to solve our problems. #SeasonofCreation #LaudatoSi’” @Pontifex, 18 September 2021
  • “Those to be served above all are: those in need of receiving who can’t give anything back. In welcoming those on the margins, the neglected, we welcome Jesus, for He is there. And in the little one, in the poor person we serve, we too receive God’s tender embrace. #GospelOfTheDay” @Pontifex, 19 September 2021
  • “In the #GospelOfTheDay (Mk 9:20–37), the Lord overturns the criteria about what truly matters: greatness and success in God’s eyes are measured by service. Not on what someone has, but on what someone gives. Do you want to be first? Serve.” @Pontifex, 19 September 2021
  • “Witnesses do not lose themselves in words, but rather they bear fruit. They do not complain about others and the world, but start with themselves. They remind us that God is not to be proven, but shown; not announced with proclamations but witnessed by example.” @Pontifex, 20 September 2021
  • “Saints are witnesses whom we venerate and who in thousands of different ways bring us to Jesus Christ, the only Lord and Mediator between God and humanity. They remind us that holiness can blossom even in our lives, however weak and marked by sin. #SaintMatthew” @Pontifex, 21 September 2021
  • “Any time is fitting for the message of peace; in no situation is God’s grace ever lacking. #PeaceDay” @Pontifex, 21 September 2021
  • “Let us #PrayTogether, asking the Holy Spirit that the seeds sown during the #ApostolicJourney to #Budapest and #Slovakia might bear good fruit in the People of God.” @Pontifex, 22 September 2021

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