How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Semi-Automatic Bomb

Did You Know? The Soviets appear to have actually built an automatic, post-nuclear attack retaliation system–just like in Dr. Strangelove! Well, not quite. This one–known as Perimeter or “Dead Hand”–was only partially automatic, not fully automatic like the one in the movie.

Oddly, they never told us about it at the time, and as someone very wise once said, “Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost if you *keep it a secret*! Why didn’t you tell the world, EH?”

Guess what! They may still have it. LEARN MORE.

Best Excuse for Computer Game Addicts Ever

Did You Know? People who spend too much time playing computer games are in constant need of excuses for not getting a life, right? Try this excuse on for size: “But, Mom, I’m helping *Science*!” A new generation of data-based games allow gamers to accomplish scientifically useful tasks like folding proteins for biomedical research and identifying new planets in space. LEARN MORE.