Secrets of Doctor Who – The Empress of Mars


Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the ninth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Empress of Mars.”

It’s a rip-roaring adventure on Mars straight out of Edgar Rice Burroughs and featuring the classic Doctor Who villains, the Ice Warriors.

Our panel examines the episode within the context of the season, but also in the context of their classic appearances on the show. What did you think of this episode?

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Secrets of Doctor Who – The Lie of the Land


Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the eighth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Lie of the Land”.

The final episode of the “monk trilogy” begins with the monks in control of the world and, apparently of the Doctor.

Our panel looks at the episode in itself, in context of the previous two, and of the whole season–spoilers–find it coming up short.

Listen to find out why. What do you think? Do you agree?

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Secrets of Doctor Who – The Pyramid at the End of the World


Fr. Cory Sticha, Dom Bettinelli, and Jimmy Akin discuss and analyze the seventh episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Pyramid at the End of the World”. The corpse-like monks are real this time as is the threat they pose to earth. Can the Doctor figure out the real threat to earth in time to save it?
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Secrets of Doctor Who – Extremis


Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Dom Bettinelli discuss and analyze the sixth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “Extremis”.

Zombie monks, the Pope, Missy, and a deadly book all bring the blinded Doctor, Nardole, and Bill together to begin their battle against a new foe.

And with major Catholic elements in this episode, you know that this Doctor Who podcast with a panel of professional Catholics at the helm would have all the hot takes, secrets, and insights into this one.

Let us know what you think by leaving feedback below.

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Secrets of Doctor Who – Oxygen


Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the fifth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “Oxygen”. As the 70s ban Sweet sang, “Your love is like oxygen.”

We discuss space zombies, a nagging Nardole, Bill’s first true jeopardy, and a call back by the Doctor all the way to the very First Doctor’s time. Also, we look ahead to the Pope, Missy, and the reveal of what’s in the vault.

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Secrets of Doctor – Knock, Knock


Fr. Cory Sticha, Dom Bettinelli, and Jimmy Akin discuss and analyze the fourth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “Knock, Knock”. Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Yes, he is. Our panel discusses this haunted house story and come up with insights and little-known facts that not only bear on this episode, but start to put together the broader picture of the rest of the season.

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Secrets of Doctor Who–Thin Ice


Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Dom Bettinelli discuss and analyze the third episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “Thin Ice”. Regency England, giant man-eating sea creatures, and a mustache-twirling villain–not to mention antics on the ice–leave the discussion skating on “thin ice”. We’ve also got some great tidbits from the history of Doctor Who that relate to this episode and some speculation on “who’s” behind the locked vault.

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Secrets of Doctor Who – Smile


Fr. Cory Sticha, Dom Bettinelli, and Jimmy Akin discuss and analyze the second episode of the 10 Season of Doctor Who entitled “Smile”. Emojibots, Scots in space, and callbacks to old Doctor Who episodes are all part of the discussion.

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Secrets of Doctor Who – The Pilot


Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Dom Bettinelli discuss and analyze the first episode of the 10th season of Doctor Who entitled “The Pilot”. They also talk about the new companion, Bill Potts; the imminent departure of showrunner Steven Moffatt and the 10th Doctor, Peter Capaldi; the incoming showrunner Chris Chibnall; and the upcoming season.

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An Old Time (Radio) Christmas


Lum and Abner was an Old Time Radio show that was kind of like a radio predecessor of The Andy Griffith Show.

It was about two homespun characters–Lum and Abner–who ran a general store in the town of Pine Ridge, Arkansas.

They had a series of comedic adventures with their fellow townspeople, as well as city slickers passing through Pine Ridge.

The series was very popular and ran from the 1930s to the 1950s. They made around 5,000 episodes, but only about a third of them survive.

One that does survive is the 1938 Christmas episode. It aired on December 23, 1938, and it’s an amazing 15 minutes of radio.

Taking a break from their usual comedy adventures, Lum and Abner do a heartfelt Christmas episode of a kind that would never be made for radio or television today. In fact, it’s guaranteed to be unlike any other Christmas episode you’ve ever heard.

One of the fascinating things about it is that the producers refuse to tell you exactly what is happening in this episode. They let you decide for yourself whether it’s all just a big coincidence, whether it’s incredibly timey-wimey, or whether it’s something even stranger.

So take a listen, and decide for yourself.

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