The Battle (TNG) – The Secrets of Star Trek

The Ferengi are back! Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this story that establishes Capt. Picard’s backstory involving the Stargazer; claims headaches don’t exist in the future; and sets up the Picard Manuever as the indefensible stratagem.

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Snakedance – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The return of the Mara. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss this 5th Doctor story that was partially inspired by tales of Christian snake handlers, but also uses concepts out of Asian religions and philosophies.

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Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (Part II) – The Secrets of Star Trek

In the second part of their discussion of this movie, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli continue to talk about the Cold War themes, the responsibility of a starship captain, and putting aside personal grudges and loyalties for the sake of duty and doing what’s right.

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Asylum of the Daleks – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The Doctor, Amy, and Rory are on a mission from the Daleks to stop even worse Daleks. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the turn in the relationship between Amy and Rory and the first appearance of the “Impossible Girl”.

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Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country – The Secrets of Star Trek

Is Star Trek VI the best Star Trek movie? In Part I of their discussion, Dom Bettinelli and Jimmy Akin discuss whether the last of the films featuring the whole Original Series cast is the best one of all; its end of the Cold War glasnost vibe; and how it almost didn’t get made.

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The Brain of Morbius – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The 4th Doctor fights a mad scientist and his horrific creation. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the classic story and its implication that the Doctor had many more than the traditional 13 (or 14) incarnations, and how that relates to the Timeless Child.

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The Menagerie, Parts 1 and 2 (TOS) – The Secrets of Star Trek

The Menagerie was the only two-parter in TOS. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the frame narrative of Spock’s betrayal of Kirk out of loyalty to Pike that surrounds the original pilot The Cage (which they discussed way back in episode 20).

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The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The Doctor riffs on Narnia, but misses just a bit. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss this Christmas special in which pretty much nothing the Doctor does makes any difference to the main action of the plot, but at least there’s sentient trees and a happy reunion.

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What’s Past is Prologue (DIS) – The Secrets of Star Trek

The drama of Discovery’s first season reaches its penultimate moment. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the attempt to show the Federation’s goodness in contrast to the Empire’s evil as well as the first hints that Emperor Georgiou is more than just an evil warlord.

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The Daemons – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The 3rd Doctor deals with the Master who poses as village vicar summoning demons. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory talk about how the BBC ordered no mention of God; the science vs. occult theme; and the occurrence of horned beings through mythology. Plus Morris dancing! We also remember in prayer Damaris Hayman, who played Miss Olive Hawthorne in this episode and just died on June 8, 2021.

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