The Weekly Francis – 26 January 2022

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 20 January 2022 to 26 January 2022.


General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “The unity for which Jesus prayed, which certainly demands mature freedom born of firm decisions, endurance and sacrifice, is the reason for the world to believe. #Prayer #ChristianUnity” @Pontifex, 21 January 2022
  • “The Word brings us close to God. Let us carry it with us always, in a place where we can remember to open it daily, so that amid all those words that ring in our ears, there may also be a few verses of the #WordOfGod that can touch our hearts.” @Pontifex, 21 January 2022
  • “#ChristianUnity is not attained so much by agreement about some shared value, but by doing something concrete together for those who bring us closest to the Lord: the poor, for in them Jesus is present (Mt 25:40). Sharing in works of charity helps us make greater progress.” @Pontifex, 22 January 2022
  • “Let us ask the Lord for the strength to turn off the television and open the Bible, to turn off our cell phone and open the Gospel. It will make us feel God’s closeness to us and fill us with courage as we make our way through life. #WordOfGod” @Pontifex, 22 January 2022
  • “I am following with concern the increase of tensions that threaten to inflict a new blow to peace in Ukraine and call into question the security of the European Continent. Therefore, I propose that next Wednesday, 26 January be a day of prayer for peace.” @Pontifex, 23 January 2022
  • “The Word of God is the beacon that guides the synodal journey that has begun throughout the Church. As we strive to listen to each other, with attention and discernment, let us listen together to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. #Synod” @Pontifex, 23 January 2022
  • “By the power of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God has come to dwell among us and it desires to continue to dwell in our midst, in order to fulfil our expectations and to heal our wounds. #SundayoftheWord Homily@Pontifex, 23 January 2022
  • “The word of God nurtures and renews faith: let us put it back at the centre of our prayer and our spiritual life! #SundayoftheWord” @Pontifex, 23 January 2022
  • “At the heart of the life of God’s holy people and our journey of faith are not ourselves and our own words. At its heart is God and his word. #SundayoftheWord” @Pontifex, 23 January 2022
  • “It is only by paying attention to whom we listen, to what we listen, and to how we listen that we can grow in the art of communicating, the heart of which is not a theory or a technique, but the openness of heart that makes closeness posible. #WCD Message@Pontifex, 24 January 2022
  • “We have set out on a journey led by God’s kindly light that dissipates the darkness of division and directs our journey towards unity. The world needs God’s light, and that light shines only in love, in communion and in fraternity.” @Pontifex, 24 January 2022
  • “Let us progress together in seeking God boldly and in concrete ways. Let us keep our gaze ever fixed on Christ (Heb 12.2) and remain close to one another in #prayer. #ChristianUnity” @Pontifex, 25 January 2022
  • “Like Saul before his encounter with Christ, we need to change course, to invert the route of our habits and our ways, in order to find the path that the Lord points out to us: the path of humility, fraternity and adoration. #ChristianUnity” @Pontifex, 25 January 2022
  • “O Lord, grant us the courage to change course, to be converted, to follow your will and not our own; to go forward together, towards you, who by your Spirit wish to make us one. #ChristianUnity Homily@Pontifex, 25 January 2022
  • “Today I ask you to pray for peace in #Ukraine: Let us ask the Lord to grant that the country may grow in the spirit of brotherhood, and that divisions will be overcome. May the prayers that today rise up to heaven touch the minds and hearts of world leaders.” @Pontifex, 26 January 2022

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Author: jeffmiller

Jeff Miller is a former atheist who after spending forty years in the wilderness finds himself with both astonishment and joy a member of the Catholic Church.