The Weekly Francis – 22 September 2021

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 1 July 2021 to 22 September 2021.


General Audience




  • “#Catechesis is not an abstract communication, the memorization of theoretical knowledge. We must insist on pointing to the heart of catechesis: Jesus Christ, the Risen One, loves you and will never abandon you!” @Pontifex, 17 September 2021
  • “A society is all the more human to the degree that it cares effectively for its most frail and suffering members, in a spirit of fraternal love. Let us strive to achieve this goal, so that no one will feel alone or abandoned. #PatientSafetyDay” @Pontifex, 17 September 2021
  • “I would like to add my own personal thanks to the thousands of catechists throughout the world. I accompany you with my prayer and with my Apostolic Blessing.” @Pontifex, 17 September 2021
  • “From our gift the life and health of others, sick and suffering, may spring forth, helping to reinforce a culture of help, giving, hope and life. Society needs these concrete gestures of solidarity and generous love, to ensure the understanding that life is something sacred.#WMDD” @Pontifex, 18 September 2021
  • “Hope would have us recognize that there is always a way out, that we can always redirect our steps, that we can always do something to solve our problems. #SeasonofCreation #LaudatoSi’” @Pontifex, 18 September 2021
  • “Those to be served above all are: those in need of receiving who can’t give anything back. In welcoming those on the margins, the neglected, we welcome Jesus, for He is there. And in the little one, in the poor person we serve, we too receive God’s tender embrace. #GospelOfTheDay” @Pontifex, 19 September 2021
  • “In the #GospelOfTheDay (Mk 9:20–37), the Lord overturns the criteria about what truly matters: greatness and success in God’s eyes are measured by service. Not on what someone has, but on what someone gives. Do you want to be first? Serve.” @Pontifex, 19 September 2021
  • “Witnesses do not lose themselves in words, but rather they bear fruit. They do not complain about others and the world, but start with themselves. They remind us that God is not to be proven, but shown; not announced with proclamations but witnessed by example.” @Pontifex, 20 September 2021
  • “Saints are witnesses whom we venerate and who in thousands of different ways bring us to Jesus Christ, the only Lord and Mediator between God and humanity. They remind us that holiness can blossom even in our lives, however weak and marked by sin. #SaintMatthew” @Pontifex, 21 September 2021
  • “Any time is fitting for the message of peace; in no situation is God’s grace ever lacking. #PeaceDay” @Pontifex, 21 September 2021
  • “Let us #PrayTogether, asking the Holy Spirit that the seeds sown during the #ApostolicJourney to #Budapest and #Slovakia might bear good fruit in the People of God.” @Pontifex, 22 September 2021

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Author: jeffmiller

Jeff Miller is a former atheist who after spending forty years in the wilderness finds himself with both astonishment and joy a member of the Catholic Church.