The Weekly Francis – 9 June 2013

Pope Francis is having his "Inaugural Mass"? What's happens in this Mass, and why is it important?This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 23 May 2013 – 9 June 2013 (subscribe hereget as an eBook version for your Kindle, iPod, iPad, Nook, or other eBook reader):


General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “Sometimes we know what we have to do, but we lack the courage to do it. Let us learn from Mary how to make decisions, trusting in the Lord.” @pontifex, 3 June 2013
  • “Christ leads us to go out from ourselves more and more, to give ourselves and to serve others.”@pontifex, 4 June 2013
  • “Care of creation is not just something God spoke of at the dawn of history: he entrusts it to each of us as part of his plan.” @pontifex, 5 June 2013
  • “Consumerism has accustomed us to waste. But throwing food away is like stealing it from the poor and hungry.” @pontifex, 7 June 2013
  • “With the “culture of waste”, human life is no longer considered the primary value to be respected and protected.” @pontifex, 9 June 2013

The eBook version of The Weekly Francis

Author: jeffmiller

Jeff Miller is a former atheist who after spending forty years in the wilderness finds himself with both astonishment and joy a member of the Catholic Church.