I Guess We Know the Last Part of His History

Did You Know? Joseph Smith is reported to have said “No man knows my history,” but we do know some of it. On June 27, 1844 he died in a gunbattle after shooting and wounding three members of a lynch mob while incarcerated in the Carthage, Illinois jail. He was in jail because he had previously ordered the destruction of a newspaper in Nauvoo, Illinois after its first (and only) edition was critical of him. Despite the circumstances of his death, he is often portrayed as a martyr by Mormons. LEARN MORE.

3 thoughts on “I Guess We Know the Last Part of His History”

  1. Lord help us and Gov. Romney. The cracked-pots are out in force and I hope none of them read this. It seems that anything or northing may set them off.  We do NOT want or need a present day Latter Saint martyr. Since Gov. Romney and the present day Church of Latter Day Saints do not practice polygamy or advocate the destruction of a free press and Gov. Romney does not have a “messiah” complex a Joseph Smith did and Pres. Obama does, I pray that he will be safe.
    I do not believe that ignorance is bliss but am concerned about the possible effects of certain information and the negative influence on “at-risk” human beings of violence in history, home, media, schools, Chicago, and the video games we play.
    Let us all say the Serenity Prayer and beg for prudence in all things

    1.  @BillyHW Billy,
      Agreed that J. Smith did shameful, disgusting things.  He was a fraud, a philanderer, and a megalomaniac, as best I can tell.  However, I stop short of calling him shameful and disgusting.  I’m not sure whether he was evil or insane (though I think he must have been one or the other, or some mix of both).  If the latter, can he really have been culpable?

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